Cooter vs Principia


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Apparently Cooter made a couple FT's that the score keeper didn't give them. There is video of it. They played the rest of the game under protest. Instead of winning by 2 they lost in OT. Of course MSHSAA will do nothing, but this is just unacceptable.
Apparently Cooter made a couple FT's that the score keeper didn't give them. There is video of it. They played the rest of the game under protest. Instead of winning by 2 they lost in OT. Of course MSHSAA will do nothing, but this is just unacceptable.
Were the points on the board, but not the book?
Were the points on the board, but not the book?
Not sure I wasn't at the game. The radio station doing the live stream posted about it. KTMO 106.5

There was question regarding the score during the Cooter vs Principia game from Farmington. Cooter fans felt like they were not given two points that were scored. Our broadcast has a video of the official clock in the arena and scoreboard which shows the event that is in question. We are not sure what can be done at this point. Coach David Mathis said that they played the remainder of the game under protest after this event occurred. Here is the video of the event in question.
Not sure I wasn't at the game. The radio station doing the live stream posted about it. KTMO 106.5

There was question regarding the score during the Cooter vs Principia game from Farmington. Cooter fans felt like they were not given two points that were scored. Our broadcast has a video of the official clock in the arena and scoreboard which shows the event that is in question. We are not sure what can be done at this point. Coach David Mathis said that they played the remainder of the game under protest after this event occurred. Here is the video of the event in question.
I made a quick call to a guy I know..

Kid made 2 FTs. Points were put on the board. Made it 18-8. About 2 minutes of game time went by, and board was adjusted down to 18-6. Seems the scorer did not mark them in book, so board was changed to reflect the official score. Appeal was made immediately. Won’t matter MSHSAA can’t change the outcome. I wonder if they’ll have them play again.
I made a quick call to a guy I know..

Kid made 2 FTs. Points were put on the board. Made it 18-8. About 2 minutes of game time went by, and board was adjusted down to 18-6. Seems the scorer did not mark them in book, so board was changed to reflect the official score. Appeal was made immediately. Won’t matter MSHSAA can’t change the outcome. I wonder if they’ll have them play again.
MSHSAA will do absolutely nothing. They won't even acknowledge it happened.
Apparently Cooter made a couple FT's that the score keeper didn't give them. There is video of it. They played the rest of the game under protest. Instead of winning by 2 they lost in OT. Of course MSHSAA will do nothing, but this is just unacceptable.
Did Cooter have a scorebook?
That is crazy. How can the person doing the score book miss 2 FTs? That is absolutely unacceptable.
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Just read the statement released by MSHSAA and it pretty much read as this “a mistake was made and they feel terrible, but it is what it is”
I did clock today in a youth game, there are a lot of moving parts that people don't think about (and distractions happen), bet those people feel terrible, but its worse on the players that lost
The clock can be difficult with a lot of distractions. But the scorebook is an official deal and has to be done right. There is no excuse to miss 2 FTs when you are doing the book. There is nothing else for you to be doing or focused on.
The clock can be difficult with a lot of distractions. But the scorebook is an official deal and has to be done right. There is no excuse to miss 2 FTs when you are doing the book. There is nothing else for you to be doing or focused on.
Agreed. Coming from a former sportswriter who covered football, baseball, and boys and girls basketball, this is unacceptable.

I kept my own stats which I would match up with the official book at the end of the game.

While FTs are being shot, the only person on the floor doing anything of statistical value is the FT shooter. So you really have to not be paying attention to miss something like that.
I would have more grace for the person to miss a regular FG in action than a FT. There is nothing else to be doing than focused on the FT shooter. This just blows my mind.
I don't know if this had anything to do with it, but I have thought that people at the scoring table should not be allowed to have their phones. I have seen several times people distracted by them. And this very year I walked behind a scoring table to see a lady doing the book with her phone propped up and watching something while a varsity game was being played. No way people should be doing stuff like that.
The clock can be difficult with a lot of distractions. But the scorebook is an official deal and has to be done right. There is no excuse to miss 2 FTs when you are doing the book. There is nothing else for you to be doing or focused on.
agree with that, book messed up
I don't know if this had anything to do with it, but I have thought that people at the scoring table should not be allowed to have their phones. I have seen several times people distracted by them. And this very year I walked behind a scoring table to see a lady doing the book with her phone propped up and watching something while a varsity game was being played. No way people should be doing stuff like that.
agree, no phones at the table should be a mshsaa requirement, i have seen it many times too
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I've done the book and the clock before, and won't do it again. It's easy to get caught up in the action.
Yes, but again it is a FT that is in question. There is literally no action going on but the FT attempt.
I can't imagine why they didn't look at the score books for both teams and over rule the scorers table. People do make mistakes but that was fixable and I'd bet both teams had those free throws in their book.
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I can't imagine why they didn't look at the score books for both teams and over rule the scorers table. People do make mistakes but that was fixable and I'd bet both teams had those free throws in their book.
Agreed, but I think the problem lies in the fact that the only book that matters is the official one. Cooters book is really meaningless in this discussion.
Agreed, but I think the problem lies in the fact that the only book that matters is the official one. Cooters book is really meaningless in this discussion.
WHY? If both teams AND the score keeper on the board saw it and had it their book and on the board you know the "official scorer" messed up. Best to get it right.
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WHY? If both teams AND the score keeper on the board saw it and had it their book and on the board you know the "official scorer" messed up. Best to get it right.
Again I agree with you everything should be done to get it right. But the officials only recognize the scorebook at the table. Right or wrong that is how they do it.

I would even think in a situation like this with it being a playoff game that the state should go back and score the game from the video. But they just are not going to reverse things done in the moment.
Ir happened early in the game. The protocol stated that the officials were involved in the discussion to clarify. How did the refs not remember a kid making 2 FTs a couple minutes earlier?
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I can't imagine why they didn't look at the score books for both teams and over rule the scorers table. People do make mistakes but that was fixable and I'd bet both teams had those free throws in their book.

I have noticed in recent years that more and more often the visiting team does not have a scorekeeper and following the game, the coach just takes a photo of the pages from the official book. I don't know if that was the case here, but as someone who has scored (officially and unofficially) hundreds of times, that concerns me.
MSHSAA's statement said that once the officials leave the floor at the end of the game, the score is final. So what the hell is the purpose of the rules about playing under protest?? SMH on that one!!
Just out of curiosity since the game was immediately notified as being played under protest, MSHSAA admitted the error, and still claimed that nothing can be done once the game is concluded, is there ANY form of recourse?

If you know you’re 100% right, can you continue to hold up the game until the issue is corrected to satisfaction? .. I wouldn’t recommend it for any ole regular season game but in the state tournament idk how you take anything like this laying down knowing there’s absolutely no change coming if you agree to let it play out.
Do the right thing MSHSAA!!! The evidence is 100% indisputable. Cooter should be declared the winner in regulation time.

Cooter admin should seek a court injunction.
Just out of curiosity since the game was immediately notified as being played under protest, MSHSAA admitted the error, and still claimed that nothing can be done once the game is concluded, is there ANY form of recourse?

If you know you’re 100% right, can you continue to hold up the game until the issue is corrected to satisfaction? .. I wouldn’t recommend it for any ole regular season game but in the state tournament idk how you take anything like this laying down knowing there’s absolutely no change coming if you agree to let it play out.
I think this is the lesson from this situation. As you said you can't really do this in a regular season game, but in the state tournament you have to demand this be rectified and refuse to carry on with the game.
I think this is the lesson from this situation. As you said you can't really do this in a regular season game, but in the state tournament you have to demand this be rectified and refuse to carry on with the game.
Once the referees made the decision that the official book was the score even though it was the wrong score, I would think you cannot refuse to continue playing withput the referees declaring a forfeit.

Also, I wonder if the scorekeeper had marked down 2 circles in the book representing 2 upcoming free throw attempts, as is the customary way to do it. Then an X is made in the circle to indicate each made FT. Or were there no indication in the book that the FTs were attempted.

I find it inconceivable that between the official scorekeeper, the person on the clock. and 3 game referees - 5 people total - and no one could remember 2 free throws being made just a couple minutes previously. It doesn't sound like play was stopped 10-15 minutes after the fact..
Do the right thing MSHSAA!!! The evidence is 100% indisputable. Cooter should be declared the winner in regulation time.

Cooter admin should seek a court injunction.
Do the right thing principia.
A big part of being responsible adults is modeling behavior for young people.

You have a chance here to do the right thing.
Apparently Cooter made a couple FT's that the score keeper didn't give them. There is video of it. They played the rest of the game under protest. Instead of winning by 2 they lost in OT. Of course MSHSAA will do nothing, but this is just unacceptable.
The Cooter coach stopped the game and stated that the score was wrong, and the officials overruled the coach and stated the score was correct??? Then the coach declared a protest? But the statement by MSHSAA says the procedure to correct wasn't done before the officials left the court. So the score stands. WHAT!!! what the hell else could they do aside from protest.
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