Today's repubs have to be the most gullible group of people to ever exist. See The Big Lie, voter fraud, Jan 6 was a peaceful protest, covid is fake, the vaccine doesn't work, global warming doesn't exist, on and on and on.............. if Fox and/or Trump said it, so it's a fact!! SMH I could have never imagined 10 years ago that a large segment of our population could be gullible enough to buy such a sack of BS that the Trump movement has sold them.
Your perception is the issue and how you present it. Most Rep. don't believe the Big lie from Trump but he was the guy so you back him and his idiotic statements because he is better than Biden.
And when the MSM aka Times Mag. actually admits that a Elitist group of Leftists did a shadow campaign and did some shifty stuff to hamper his re-election. Well Some people are going to perceive that fraud was involved... especially after the Bogus Steel Dossier and two weak sauce impeachments. That is understandable..that people would see the Dem's as 100% corrupt
For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions
And clearly you don't get the point of what Conservatives think of the Jan. 6th protest, most of it was peaceful and some of it was a riot with some knuckle heads who need punished, but that it wasn't a insurrection designed to overthrow the govt and it wasn't any worse than the summer of the BLM. IT was just pay back.
As far as the Vax goes people on both sides of the isle didn't take the vax for various reasons. A lot of conservatives refused out of pure Principle based on the Abortion cry my body my choice. They took a stand using that idea and belief, good for them. If they didn't want the vax they shouldn't have to get it. The more the radical left tried to force it the more resistance they got.
The climate change issue is very polarizing. There are a lot of moving parts, how much of climate change is man made? Some? All? None? Can anything be done about it without totally upending modern civilization? Do we have the ability to Power society with Green Energy? Why are we walking away from the one true Green Energy Nuclear?
Conservatives are about taking the slow approach and that Climate Change is happening some is man made, some natural and the answer is adaption. And that time and the advancement of technology in the future will eventually solve the problem but in the here and now drastic changes are not warranted.
Leftist are running around like chicken little, banning Plastic Straws, allowing children to sue the govt about Climate change, and believing the big lie that Solar and Wind can meet our energy needs. Or that Electric Cars are the Savior of the environment LOL. As they protest and close the one True Clean Energy Nuclear.....