Truly an amazing list


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
How to raise $150 million after losing an election.

That interview with the Maria Bartiromo has added even more to the growing list of how Trump had the election stolen from him. Massive conspiracy. It involves:

The Georgia Sec of State,

Ga Governor,

Arizona Governor,

the voting machines changing votes,

his DOJ,

his FBI,

his DHS cyber security head,

Trump ballots “found under rocks”,

huge pallets of Trump ballots not counted,

truck loads of huge “dumps” all over the place,

all mail-in votes in Pa are fraudulent ( but none in Florida or Texas where he won),

more votes than registered voters in many counties he lost,

surges of ballots arriving in the middle of the night all voting for Biden,

voting machines are owned by Democrats,

thousands of dead people voting (so cliche),
dead people applying for mail in ballots,

they threw out poll watchers in Philly (escorted out by thugs),

ballots with only Bidens name on them,

late arriving ballots counted,

crooked judges,

George Soros,

poll workers changing votes,

ballots counted in foreign countries,

thousands of ballots thrown out,

mail men selling ballots,

they stuffed the ballot boxes,
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I can always count on Duck to start my day with a chuckle.

The legal vote issue is dead. The media has stopped reporting on it. Con Man is just showing who he really is and doing what he has done all his life - selling his con.
I can always count on Duck to start my day with a chuckle.

The legal vote issue is dead. The media has stopped reporting on it. Con Man is just showing who he really is and doing what he has done all his life - selling his con.

I literally heard him say this weekend that Trump votes were found “under rocks” and “ballots were counted in foreign countries” Bahahahahaha
Being a history major when I study world history it always amazes me how so many people supported so many corrupt leaders and blindly followed thier lies until the end even to thier own detriment. However when I listen to Trump and many of his supporters I am seeing it with my own eyes today. Although I would have liked to have seen Trump win, I think Biden has won fairly. And Biden will soon be the next president... baring a Supreme Court subversion. I guess what makes most people fear Trump is he could be in a position to actually undermine our election if he can get the election in front of the high court and they topple our election process....and I guess that has many scared in his own party to really call him out...I think once he is out of power many will question him, but as I watch this play out I still wonder if Trump will find a way to hold on to the presidency. If that were to happen many of his supporters if not all would cheer that process even if no fraud was found and the election was actually proved to be fair without unreasonable doubt....which to me is a bit scary.
Being a history major when I study world history it always amazes me how so many people supported so many corrupt leaders and blindly followed thier lies until the end even to thier own detriment. However when I listen to Trump and many of his supporters I am seeing it with my own eyes today. Although I would have liked to have seen Trump win, I think Biden has won fairly. And Biden will soon be the next president... baring a Supreme Court subversion. I guess what makes most people fear Trump is he could be in a position to actually undermine our election if he can get the election in front of the high court and they topple our election process....and I guess that has many scared in his own party to really call him out...I think once he is out of power many will question him, but as I watch this play out I still wonder if Trump will find a way to hold on to the presidency. If that were to happen many of his supporters if not all would cheer that process even if no fraud was found and the election was actually proved to be fair without unreasonable doubt....which to me is a bit scary.

I can only imagine the protests, rioting, and burning of cities.
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Being a history major when I study world history it always amazes me how so many people supported so many corrupt leaders and blindly followed thier lies until the end even to thier own detriment. However when I listen to Trump and many of his supporters I am seeing it with my own eyes today. Although I would have liked to have seen Trump win, I think Biden has won fairly. And Biden will soon be the next president... baring a Supreme Court subversion. I guess what makes most people fear Trump is he could be in a position to actually undermine our election if he can get the election in front of the high court and they topple our election process....and I guess that has many scared in his own party to really call him out...I think once he is out of power many will question him, but as I watch this play out I still wonder if Trump will find a way to hold on to the presidency. If that were to happen many of his supporters if not all would cheer that process even if no fraud was found and the election was actually proved to be fair without unreasonable doubt....which to me is a bit scary.
It's a cult that preys on the under educated
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Yet not as much as a campfire when Biden is winning. Really let that sink in.
Maybe because he has a lot more votes.POpular AND EC votes. NO reason for anybody to nt accept this outcome as legit. If Trump somehow got it overturned there would be good reason for all heel to break loose! They keep saying on TV they have mountains of evidence of fraud yet when they go to court they have repeatedly been kicked out because they present NO evidence to the judge!
I think you worry way too much. I know a lot of people hoping the election gets "corrected" in the courts but I don't see what you describe. Are you really saying Trump is a CORRUPT leader? I expect that from Duckling but thought you were better than that.
If the SC or any other court makes a correction in the election it will be because of insurmountable evidence. The courts aren't lining up to weigh in on this. If, somehow, the courts rule in favor of Trump because of evidence presented to them, why would it be subversion?
The courts WILL NOT give the election to Trump if fraud or cheating of massive proportions is not shown.

My question is what if they overturn it and there is no proof? Trump has yet to offer any proof on his claims of massive fraud yet you and many others believe him yet Trump has offered no proof. I am from Missouri you have to show me, or that is how this state use to work....
That's like saying white supremacy is a trademark of the right. A few radicals on the fringe do not define the majority.

In all honesty I think most business owners were just taking precautions I would have. There are fringe elements on both sides. Right after the election some people on social media were posting looking for people to join their militia to rightfully restore the stolen election. There certainly are radicals on both sides.
The Senate Republicans had an opportunity to remove Trump via impeachment. With Pence in charge instead of babysitting Trump, I would imagine our national response would have been significantly better to covid-19.

He could have earned some respect and empathy in a difficult situation like a lot of other leaders did around the world.

Pence would not have inflamed the racial strife like Trump did. No one would have.

No matter who won in November, we would not have the harm to our election system Trump is causing with his lies. Yes they are lies according to William Barr.

The repubs in the senate blew it. If you remember Schiff’s closing statement in the impeachment trial he told everyone that this president would not change his behavior and it would only get worse. He was right.
A good question to ask is why is the media not going bonkers over this "win" by Joe Biden? Are they happier that Trump lost than Biden winning? Joe Biden received 80 million votes by winning fewer counties than Hillary did and underperforming BHO and Hillary in all of the major metropolitan areas as well as minority voters and still got more votes than anybody in the history of our country. It is a modern miracle and the media is saying NOTHING about it. I think that speaks volumes....

A modern miracle? You are as bat sh crazy as the lot of them. William Barr says there is no significant voter fraud. Repubs in Arizona and Georgia found nothing. Paper ballots matched the results. Recounts and audits are clean. 40+ cases have been brought and thrown out. The country voted. Trump lost. You have to be better than this.
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A good question to ask is why is the media not going bonkers over this "win" by Joe Biden? Are they happier that Trump lost than Biden winning? Joe Biden received 80 million votes by winning fewer counties than Hillary did and underperforming BHO and Hillary in all of the major metropolitan areas as well as minority voters and still got more votes than anybody in the history of our country. It is a modern miracle and the media is saying NOTHING about it. I think that speaks volumes....
More people voted phish.
Trump got a beat down.
Let’s face it, the numbers were huge for Biden because Trump handled covid horribly, showed little empathy for Americans affected by the virus and in general he is a horses rear end.

People came out of the woodwork to vote against a bad president, not because they were all excited about an old man who has been in government for decades.

If he had mishandled covid but was a nice person and cared about others he might have still won the election. But he got smashed. For an incumbent to lose this bad it is obvious.
But YOU were talking about "what would happen if". If a "few" are gonna burn the country to the ground, when Trumpers have done NOTHING, there is a real problem with it being my way or else on your side. What have these white supremists done since the election?
Anybody that had anything to do with running the election, and their families, in Georgia are being threatened daily because Trump keeps lying to his people. he may cost the pubs the control of the senate because his voters down there think it's rigged and their vote for the pub senators won't count anyway so they may stay home.
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That's like saying white supremacy is a trademark of the right. A few radicals on the fringe do not define the majority.

Less than 10,000 white supremacist according to the FBI....Millions looted and rioted over the last 6 months. That is not a fringe few. Gee Whiz you guys have legit Communist like Bernie in the Party as well as the Squad.
Also, Trump's followers (victims) haven't even had their real reaction to the election because they don't think it's over yet! Wait until December 14 or January 20! To your credit, you seem to be one of the more rational thinking Trumpers (might also just be age). Most Trumpers aren't rational and are currently being even more radicalized by all of this fake voter fraud crap.

I don't think you really understand do you...Most of those Trumpers know Biden won the election. But for to long the Conservative side has basically stood by done nothing and watched the Nation become more Socialist, more authoritarian, less constitutional based, as The Dem's and the Left has chipped away at individual freedoms afforded by the Republic.

Trump Voters are rational they just have different ideological view point than the left. They don't want the State telling them what guns and what type of guns they can own. They don't want the state controlling what they wear. They don't want the state telling them their Business have to shut down and that their customers have to stay away. All the while big Corporations, the entertainment industry etc. are deemed essential and have Made Billions, while Dem politicians flaunt the Rules they so hypocritically claim to support. They don't want the Police Defunded or publicly disparaged over some statistical zero happening that is uncontrollable. They despise public rioting and looting for a bogus cause to further a anti-American Agenda and organization. They don't want Big Tech and the MSM being the Fox guarding the Hen house as they Decide what is the TRUTH irregardless of the facts and data. And they detest the one way censorship...They also despise the continued attacks of racism, xenophobia, bigotry and such on others for having a different view point.

But what you are seeing and possibly fearing is that 70+ million Americans are at odds with your View point and belief system. And that a small Spark could blow up into a full on dissolution of the Union, because in general conservatives are not protestors or rioters but once awakened they tend to be rather forceful. They tend not to talk in terms of rioting and looting but in terms of revolutions against a oppressive unamerican force.

It's not a good time for this country. At this point it might be best for the Blues to head to the Coast and the Reds say in the South, Midwest and upper Mountain Regions and Just call the Whole 50 states things Quits.
Where do you get the idea they would overturn with no proof? That is not going to happen! If you aren't "shown", it won't happen.

Where have I said I believe it happened? I do care that there is integrity beyond doubt. I do have questions because of some of the math required.

The ideas are already being floated around, I really believe many all out Trump supporters have not accepted that he has lost. Once we get to that point that they have to drag Trump out of the white house that is when things could heat up...or not. I have seen some poster on social media mention that. And again your talking to somebody who at one time preferred Trump over Biden. However right now I don't like how Trump is acting...he basically is gaslighting himself. I knew he would have issues getting reelected because he took a hands off approach on Covid which flipped a few voters and drove a few more out to vote. Honestly I don't think Biden won by a landslide I think Trump just lost a few key votes. He could have helped himself more had he just been more engaged with Covid..but that is just my personal opinion.

I have to ask can you admit Biden won yet? or are you still holding out help that massive fraud will be found and the election was rigged? Just curious.
I’m no Biden guy, but for the love of god at least we won’t have to put up with crap like this

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I agree with you that a majority of the 80 million voted against Trump and not for Biden. That is my point. You would think the media would be doing backflips about this historic accomplishment. I guess the question to ask now is where do we go from here. Do we really think that Biden has the political chops to lead this country?
Good question! I think he will be great getting us through covid, but in a year or two, it could be a different ball game.
Say what you want about Biden, he is empathetic and does a good job of connecting with people, and that is what we need now.
Cmon. The vaccine will get us through Covid and Biden will have nothing to do with that unless he screws up distribution.
He is going to bring the temperature down a little, he is going to be able to talk to everyone with a bit of authority that we haven't been able to see before.
He is going to bring the temperature down a little, he is going to be able to talk to everyone with a bit of authority that we haven't been able to see before.
Talk with a bit of Authority!! Laughable 74 million look at Joe as puppet of China and the leftist corporate cronies who are all in on the Greatest transfer of wealth in the U.S. history as Big Business have made bank and small business has lost 200 billion.

The hate for Biden and what he represents will be Strong with nearly half the U.S. population as strong as the TDS that the other had the last four years.

That you assume that Biden will be accepted and followed is a bit of a stretch. His talking points will be resisted and ignored.
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Talk with a bit of Authority!! Laughable 74 million look at Joe as puppet of China and the leftist corporate cronies who are all in on the Greatest transfer of wealth in the U.S. history as Big Business have made bank and small business has lost 200 billion.

The hate for Biden and what he represents will be Strong with nearly half the U.S. population as strong as the TDS that the other had the last four years.

That you assume that Biden will be accepted and followed is a bit of a stretch. His talking points will be resisted and ignored.
There are more rational people in this country like bullit and 3R than extremists like you and Chris. There will be those that hate him, but when he starts to talk about what we need to do, there will be more people who follow, because he will not just spout conspiracies but talk about why it is important. Sure you two will ignore it, but a lot won't.
There are more rational people in this country like bullit and 3R than extremists like you and Chris. There will be those that hate him, but when he starts to talk about what we need to do, there will be more people who follow, because he will not just spout conspiracies but talk about why it is important. Sure you two will ignore it, but a lot won't.
Again your go to schtick is to pigeon hole everyone. Which is par for the course.
I’m just trying to point out that the other side is no different than the side you are on. I’m in the Middle I freely admitted that Trump was a arrogant arse hole who was self serving. But he had some policies I agreed with. And I never said I supported a Civil War or secession I’m just pointing out that the signs have been pointing to that for decades. This is basically rural versus a Urban divide with the Urbanites wanting to dictate a blanket ideology

Your side had a irrational fear of a hyperbolic attention hound stoked to the boiling point by the biased Media. Believing Trump was a Fascist with ties to Russia who was in office to become a dictator.

For Four years the left was in a state of emotional turmoil at the very fact that everyone didn’t have the same mindset as them and elected Trump.

Why would you expect any difference from the other side toward Biden.

And Lets not forget it’s the Dems who are fretting about needing re-education camps to reprogram 74 million Trump voters.
Do we really think that Biden has the political chops to lead this country?

Yes, he has old connections with the Senate, worked on foreign relations committee, and will assemble a cabinet to rely on instead of pretending to be the expert on every issue.
Trump got 10 million more votes the 2nd time than the 1st time. You have to go back to Grover Cleveland to find a POTUS who got more votes and "lost".
As I said before, we now know how many people stayed home rather than vote for Clinton. This time they weren't going to make that mistake again and showed up in droves along with many center right folks that couldn't vote for Trump again. Trump's following turned out strong too, therefore the vote totals went way up on both sides. Trump LOST get over it!
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Cmon. The vaccine will get us through Covid and Biden will have nothing to do with that unless he screws up distribution.
What state has not sealed the deal on their votes? If the EC doesn't go for Biden then we have problem.
Again your go to schtick is to pigeon hole everyone. Which is par for the course.
I’m just trying to point out that the other side is no different than the side you are on. I’m in the Middle I freely admitted that Trump was a arrogant arse hole who was self serving. But he had some policies I agreed with. And I never said I supported a Civil War or secession I’m just pointing out that the signs have been pointing to that for decades. This is basically rural versus a Urban divide with the Urbanites wanting to dictate a blanket ideology

Your side had a irrational fear of a hyperbolic attention hound stoked to the boiling point by the biased Media. Believing Trump was a Fascist with ties to Russia who was in office to become a dictator.

For Four years the left was in a state of emotional turmoil at the very fact that everyone didn’t have the same mindset as them and elected Trump.

Why would you expect any difference from the other side toward Biden.

And Lets not forget it’s the Dems who are fretting about needing re-education camps to reprogram 74 million Trump voters.
You complain about me pigeonholing everyone and turn around and say "Your side".
How can you possibly look at everything he has tried to pull to stay in office, and not think he wants to be a dictator and is using his office to enrich himself?
The Dems who are fretting about needing re-education camps are just being hyperbolic, or you can just quit defending Trump as being hyperbolic.
As for the emotional turmoil that they didn't have the same mindset. They didn't like it, but they would not have been as put off if the Republicans had not nominated a lying misogynist who won't tell Americans the truth, and when he does, you don't know when to believe him. If we had Jeb or Rubio, it would not be as heated as it is.
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You complain about me pigeonholing everyone and turn around and say "Your side".
How can you possibly look at everything he has tried to pull to stay in office, and not think he wants to be a dictator and is using his office to enrich himself?
The Dems who are fretting about needing re-education camps are just being hyperbolic, or you can just quit defending Trump as being hyperbolic.
As for the emotional turmoil that they didn't have the same mindset. They didn't like it, but they would not have been as put off if the Republicans had not nominated a lying misogynist who won't tell Americans the truth, and when he does, you don't know when to believe him. If we had Jeb or Rubio, it would not be as heated as it is.
Very well stated..!
You complain about me pigeonholing everyone and turn around and say "Your side".
How can you possibly look at everything he has tried to pull to stay in office, and not think he wants to be a dictator and is using his office to enrich himself?
The Dems who are fretting about needing re-education camps are just being hyperbolic, or you can just quit defending Trump as being hyperbolic.
As for the emotional turmoil that they didn't have the same mindset. They didn't like it, but they would not have been as put off if the Republicans had not nominated a lying misogynist who won't tell Americans the truth, and when he does, you don't know when to believe him. If we had Jeb or Rubio, it would not be as heated as it is.

Trump is a hyperbolic, arrogant, bragger... nobody can deny that...The Dem re-education camp nut jobs are serious as can be.

And Yeah you do have a side on the Left. I am a centrist...I like a lot of progressive things, Gay Marriage, I truly believe you have a right to Be Transgender, Abortion is fine if you can live with yourself. I like basic Safety net Social Programs for catastrophic things.

And I have some conservative likes...I want a fair controlled immigration program that benefits everyone not a open border free for all. I like a Strong Military/Police Force, I like the 2nd amendment and want minimal restrictions, I don't want legislation from the bench and strict adherence to the constitution. I don't believe one law fits all either...what goes in NYC isn't necessary applicable to Rural Midwest.

I know that Trump has poor character, I know he had major faults that he didn't even try to hide. But his policy's and Pro's out weighed the con's.
The courts are where we are fighting! You guy fight in the streets. Who are the rule of law ones?

Dude, you need to give it up. "You guy fight in the streets"?? Didn't "you guy" fight in Charlottesville? The fringe radicals on both sides represent a minuscule percent of the general population. You stereotype half the country into your tiny pigeonhole. DHS said radical right wing white supremacy groups are the biggest threat to our national security. Can I assume you are a member since you are right wing??

It's time to put the tribalism to rest. That's what's wrong with our country.
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