Truly an amazing list

Dude, you need to give it up. "You guy fight in the streets"?? Didn't "you guy" fight in Charlottesville? The fringe radicals on both sides represent a minuscule percent of the general population. You stereotype half the country into your tiny pigeonhole. DHS said radical right wing white supremacy groups are the biggest threat to our national security. Can I assume you are a member since you are right wing??

It's time to put the tribalism to rest. That's what's wrong with our country.
It's called "grasping at straws." It's what he does when he has nothing else to offer.
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I have never said YOU are doing any of those things! I have said your side is and it is. You are saying I am a white supremist when I and Trump have both said they are disgusting. Just a slight difference when YOUR politicians (I assume Kammy is one of yours since you voted for her) have praised, encouraged, and supported those actions. With the white supremists, they are NOT destroying anyones property but are exercising their right to voice disgusting opinions (opinions that have been soundly rejected on my side.
You got a video of Trump saying white supremisists are disgusting? I must have missed that one.
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I'm struggling to see how his pros outweigh the cons if you consider yourself a centrist, especially when you've been lambasting the polarization of our times. Our polarization is mostly because of him (and the cable media clusterf*** that followed).

EDIT: I now see that you said policy pros and cons, which.... sure, I guess.

The MSM caused the divide and polarization....they attacked him from day one and he responded in kind because the die was cast they had a plan and it did not matter what he did. The Elites on Both sides where never going to accept him.
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Dude, you need to give it up. "You guy fight in the streets"?? Didn't "you guy" fight in Charlottesville? The fringe radicals on both sides represent a minuscule percent of the general population. You stereotype half the country into your tiny pigeonhole. DHS said radical right wing white supremacy groups are the biggest threat to our national security. Can I assume you are a member since you are right wing??

It's time to put the tribalism to rest. That's what's wrong with our country.

For 4 years the left/MSM/Hollywood elites have Put forth the Narrative that all Trump supporters where racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic and Nazi's. Maybe not you or your circle of friends. But in the Media and on Social Media that has been the Narrative. Even now Elected Democratic officials want re-education of Trump supporters....

Now it's so Ironic that after Biden get's elected that those same people and you are Saying it's time to put Tribalism to rest and to all come together. That's not usually how that works.
You can't verbally demean and degrade a large group of people for a long period of time and then when things go the way that you want now decide that the other side should make considerable effort to now get along with the very side that put forth no such effort and in fact went out of their way to be caustic to every one from the opposition.

People very much wanted the Left to join in and focus on China as a threat, fix Immigration and to get on board with the economic polices that worked, and back troop withdraw from regions we don't need to be in. But instead we got Racist, xenophobe, Russian Hoax, Bogus Impeachment and and all the other BS. Because Trump is Trump.

So now the conservative side is suppose to forget all that, turn their cheeks and play nice? I doubt that ever happens again.
the Boomers and the rural folk that are insecure about their standing in America.

so exactly what do you mean by typing this? talk about it sounds like you are trying to be imperius. You talk about Trump was it not Obama who talked down to us rural folk...and here you go again.
For 4 years the left/MSM/Hollywood elites have Put forth the Narrative that all Trump supporters where racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic and Nazi's. Maybe not you or your circle of friends. But in the Media and on Social Media that has been the Narrative. Even now Elected Democratic officials want re-education of Trump supporters....

Now it's so Ironic that after Biden get's elected that those same people and you are Saying it's time to put Tribalism to rest and to all come together. That's not usually how that works.
You can't verbally demean and degrade a large group of people for a long period of time and then when things go the way that you want now decide that the other side should make considerable effort to now get along with the very side that put forth no such effort and in fact went out of their way to be caustic to every one from the opposition.

People very much wanted the Left to join in and focus on China as a threat, fix Immigration and to get on board with the economic polices that worked, and back troop withdraw from regions we don't need to be in. But instead we got Racist, xenophobe, Russian Hoax, Bogus Impeachment and and all the other BS. Because Trump is Trump.

So now the conservative side is suppose to forget all that, turn their cheeks and play nice? I doubt that ever happens again.

You're right, MG, I don't label all repubs together and spew hate to all repubs. Maybe I'm not 100% innocent on here but pretty damn close. I do make it clear I hate Trump, and just because I hate him personally as a human being. My vote was for whoever ran against him. I agreed with Trump on some things like immigration and China in principle, not on the specifics.

This current climate in politics didn't just start 4 yrs ago. It escalated under Trump. I have never heard a president besides Trump say things like "Democrats are evil people". That is not a political statement, that is spewing hatred. You buy into it, I don't.
You know what I mean by typing it. I'll admit my intentions were shamefully cruel, so I will apologize for that.

My point stands, though! I'm sorry for being a jerk about it, but know that what I said is exactly Trump's strategy and has been for years. He knows he's lost the election, yet he's still tweeting every morning that the election was rigged. This is driving the average conservative insane (I lived in very rural areas for three decades... I see what it's doing to people) and damaging their mental health. It's sick and they're doing it on purpose.

Was the 1960 Presidential Election Stolen? The Case of Illinois on JSTOR

LOL clearly you don't give Rural People credit for making their own decisions and forming their own opinions. I mean everyone has suspected Demo fraud in elections from major metro area's for decades.
You're right, MG, I don't label all repubs together and spew hate to all repubs. Maybe I'm not 100% innocent on here but pretty damn close. I do make it clear I hate Trump, and just because I hate him personally as a human being. My vote was for whoever ran against him. I agreed with Trump on some things like immigration and China in principle, not on the specifics.

This current climate in politics didn't just start 4 yrs ago. It escalated under Trump. I have never heard a president besides Trump say things like "Democrats are evil people". That is not a political statement, that is spewing hatred. You buy into it, I don't.

The hate started under Obama and Trump 100% capitalized on it and used it to his advantage to get elected with independent voters and blue dog dem's who felt betrayed by Obama and his policies.

My point is and always has been that if the Dem's would of not attacked Trump and HIS SUPPORTERS with such hate and cruel labels then Trumps behavior would of destroyed his base and support. The institutionalized hate from the Left for four years has now made this rift permanent.
The hate started under Obama and Trump 100% capitalized on it and used it to his advantage to get elected with independent voters and blue dog dem's who felt betrayed by Obama and his policies.

Repubs went after Bill Clinton for 8 years and Obama for 8 years.
The MSM caused the divide and polarization....they attacked him from day one and he responded in kind because the die was cast they had a plan and it did not matter what he did. The Elites on Both sides where never going to accept him.
Did you happen to forget about the pubs and Fox News going batshit crazy when Obama got elected? Our great Leader McConnell said their number one goal was to see that he was a one term president and wouldn't even give his SC nominee a hearing MONTHS before the election. How did they handle that when Trump nominated someone just weeks before the election and and e damn sure she got her hearing and vote as soon as they could get it done. To bad his SC picks didn't help throw out the vote in Pa. :rolleyes:
Suspected? Show me the proof. Surely if it's been going on for so long someone could have found PROOF by now. Trumps own people in high places say it just didn't happen, get over it!!!

I didn't say there was proof, some evidence, my point was that Trump isn't ginning up anything that Most people don't already suspect. It's not like his tweets and hyperbole don't already reflect the general belief in what the Democratic party does and represents.
Did you happen to forget about the pubs and Fox News going batshit crazy when Obama got elected? Our great Leader McConnell said their number one goal was to see that he was a one term president and wouldn't even give his SC nominee a hearing MONTHS before the election. How did they handle that when Trump nominated someone just weeks before the election and and e damn sure she got her hearing and vote as soon as they could get it done. To bad his SC picks didn't help throw out the vote in Pa. :rolleyes:

Again what you are describing is normal political tactics.....Geez the other party always wants to make sure that the other guy is a one term President. Fox news didn't have a epic meltdown with people crying on Air and such. Sure Fox didn't like the results but it was nothing compared to the MSM going insane on election Night 2016.

I happen to think the SC did the right thing, and on the flip side I don't blame the opposition for filing the law suit either. In this case the system is working.
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Talk with a bit of Authority!! Laughable 74 million look at Joe as puppet of China and the leftist corporate cronies who are all in on the Greatest transfer of wealth in the U.S. history as Big Business have made bank and small business has lost 200 billion.

The hate for Biden and what he represents will be Strong with nearly half the U.S. population as strong as the TDS that the other had the last four years.

That you assume that Biden will be accepted and followed is a bit of a stretch. His talking points will be resisted and ignored.

So, basically, what you are saying is that 74 million non-sheep look at the president-elect in all the same way? Sounds super ruggedly individualistic. 81 million people (that’s 7 million more people than 74 million) might disagree, but I wouldn’t want to speak for them because I assume they have their own opinions.
Where do you get the idea they would overturn with no proof? That is not going to happen! If you aren't "shown", it won't happen.

Where have I said I believe it happened? I do care that there is integrity beyond doubt. I do have questions because of some of the math required.

Hey Chris, so what do you think about this honestly. You said with no proof that they would not over turn the election. Well that is now exactly what Trump is asking the Supreme court to do.

Trump, whose lawyers have unsuccessfully filed dozens of lawsuits in the lower courts alleging fraud and irregularities, told the justices that he does not need to show that fraud has occurred to prevail. All that he has to demonstrate, he contended, is that elections in the four states at issue “materially deviated from the ‘manner’ of choosing electors established by their respective state Legislatures.”
I wonder how much money we are wasting on this voting fraud nonsense. The vote wasn't close. Just a bunch of sore losers. Biden won, get over it.

Well exactly however when Hillary lost the Dems did the same thing to massage her ego and the Russians never changed one vote either. There comes a time when the parties are going to have to tell thier candidate you lost get over yourself and let's move on.
I didn't say there was proof, some evidence, my point was that Trump isn't ginning up anything that Most people don't already suspect. It's not like his tweets and hyperbole don't already reflect the general belief in what the Democratic party does and represents.

There is no evidence in Trumps brief to the SCOTUS his team has basically said there is no fraud, they have now moved on to the way the vote in each state was conducted. This is really scary stuff, just think if the SCOTUS throws out those states based on the fact that a candidate doesn't like how a state conducts it free election so the want it thrown out you will now set a dangerous precedent going forward. Remember what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

Trump, whose lawyers have unsuccessfully filed dozens of lawsuits in the lower courts alleging fraud and irregularities, told the justices that he does not need to show that fraud has occurred to prevail. All that he has to demonstrate, he contended, is that elections in the four states at issue “materially deviated from the ‘manner’ of choosing electors established by their respective state Legislatures.”
Well exactly however when Hillary lost the Dems did the same thing to massage her ego and the Russians never changed one vote either. There comes a time when the parties are going to have to tell thier candidate you lost get over yourself and let's move on.
I don't know what you are talking about. If you are saying the dems stroked Hillary's ego then yes they did. If you are saying the dems did multiple recounts like now. That just isn't true. I didn't remember any recounts from dems, I did remember what I thought was one state because of Stein, so I looked it up, and actually, there were several performed in 2016, but they were either requested by Stein, the Reform part candidate, Da le something (I dunno and not going back to look it up) and some crackpots out of Florida on their own. After Stein requested them the legit and serious dems were put in a bind, and felt they had to make a showing to make Clinton supporters happy, but they would much rather it not have occurred and the dems didn't request it.
It is much different than the number of recounts being performed. Is it 3 in GA now?
They never would have indulged the crazy that is going on now, like trying to change electors, and the other ridiculous lawsuits going on.
Hillary was threatening politicians to overturn the election and claiming daily that millions of votes were fraudulent 37 DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION?

I don't remember that.

Bullit loves to “both sides it”.
Which in this case, and many others, is just BS.
I don't know what you are talking about. If you are saying the dems stroked Hillary's ego then yes they did. If you are saying the dems did multiple recounts like now. That just isn't true. I didn't remember any recounts from dems, I did remember what I thought was one state because of Stein, so I looked it up, and actually, there were several performed in 2016, but they were either requested by Stein, the Reform part candidate, Da le something (I dunno and not going back to look it up) and some crackpots out of Florida on their own. After Stein requested them the legit and serious dems were put in a bind, and felt they had to make a showing to make Clinton supporters happy, but they would much rather it not have occurred and the dems didn't request it.
It is much different than the number of recounts being performed. Is it 3 in GA now?
They never would have indulged the crazy that is going on now, like trying to change electors, and the other ridiculous lawsuits going on.

No I am not saying that, but she clearly went on tour crying about how she had been robbed. Read below.
Were are the dems saying sit down and shut up B>>>> you lost. No they all said the same thing russia and comey were the reasons she lost. She lost because she was a horrible candidate.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” she told a women’s conference moderated by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

“It wasn’t a perfect campaign, but I was on the way to winning until a combination of Comey’s letter and Russian WikiLeaks,” the Democrat said of the loss to Republican Donald Trump. “The reason why I believe we lost were the intervening events in the last 10 days.”
So, basically, what you are saying is that 74 million non-sheep look at the president-elect in all the same way? Sounds super ruggedly individualistic. 81 million people (that’s 7 million more people than 74 million) might disagree, but I wouldn’t want to speak for them because I assume they have their own opinions.

Well they have a similar view point.. That Biden is a Sleezy establishment Politician in league with China, who wants to gain more power and wealth for the leftist croonies he is is part of.

Not unlike 81 million people had a similar view point that Trump was a Racist Nazi heck bent on becoming a Dictator.

I'm sure everyone person has nuances in their political opinion. But this was a Binary choice per say. You either Believe what you believe about the candidates and then vote accordingly.

I know many Trump supporters(small sample size couple 100) and we all had a similar opinion. He was a womanizing, arrogant, hyperbolic, abrasive arse hole. Who needed to shut the heck up. But we believed his policies where in the best interest of American and it's people. I'd guess that's is pretty much the Norm.

But at the end of the day both sides had to have similar beliefs to vote the way the did.
I wonder how much money we are wasting on this voting fraud nonsense. The vote wasn't close. Just a bunch of sore losers. Biden won, get over it.

Not unlike the wasting of money on Russian Hoax and impeachment...give me a break about it being nonsense. Oh and for the record I think all of it is a waste of time and money Lawsuits,impeachment, Russian hoax, but don't tout one up as being egregious and let the others slip by.
It is not playing both sides... it is pretty much pointing out the stench of hypocrisy which emit from the bowels of both parties.

I agree the hypocrisy is rampant but that is Politics....Power is involved. And as you can see from what the Chinese Prof. said they have bought and paid for all of one Party and half the other(Never Trumpers). That was why Trump was so hated....he was at war with the Chinese. Because he wanted America to Be in charge of the World. Sure some of it was Ego/Pride based because he is a American and we had always been thus he got off on it. But I don't care about his motivation I don't want to be a satellite/colony of China. But now we are going to be.
I agree the hypocrisy is rampant but that is Politics....Power is involved. And as you can see from what the Chinese Prof. said they have bought and paid for all of one Party and half the other(Never Trumpers). That was why Trump was so hated....he was at war with the Chinese. Because he wanted America to Be in charge of the World. Sure some of it was Ego/Pride based because he is a American and we had always been thus he got off on it. But I don't care about his motivation I don't want to be a satellite/colony of China. But now we are going to be.

You have to be able to read the room and I think Biden understands he is not going to be able to go back to China US relations of the Obama era when we bent over backwards and let them give it to the American people along with turning a blind eye to how they treated thier own people.

Democrats and Republicans I think now both agree we need to take back some manufacturing from China. The Pandemic opened alot of peoples eyes to how much we actually rely on China for many goods for our own survival, hell we are in such bad shape we could not even manufacture enough mask just for our own health care workers, and that is something simple!

Here is some polling numbers which reveals that the bulk — 69% to be exact — of the U.S. general population, regardless of party affiliation , is united in favoring the tough trade policies that the government has recently enforced against China. Of those surveyed by The Harris Poll, 50% called for even tougher action, and 73% of Americans favor reinstating even more tariffs should China fail to uphold its end of the U.S.-China trade deal’s of "Phase One" I really think China has underestimated all Americans in how badly we all want to see manufacture brought back to our shores. Then add the fact that many Liberals don't like how China treats it own people and it doesn't look like US and China relations will be going back to the Obama era when we just let China walk all over us. Which many were afraid of when Biden was nominated. Like I said I think he can read the room and doen't want to be a one term guy.

According to The Harris Poll, 71% of Americans agree that American companies should “pull back from manufacturing in China.”

You have to be able to read the room and I think Biden understands he is not going to be able to go back to China US relations of the Obama era when we bent over backwards and let them give it to the American people along with turning a blind eye to how they treated thier own people.

Democrats and Republicans I think now both agree we need to take back some manufacturing from China. The Pandemic opened alot of peoples eyes to how much we actually rely on China for many goods for our own survival, hell we are in such bad shape we could not even manufacture enough mask just for our own health care workers, and that is something simple!

Here is some polling numbers which reveals that the bulk — 69% to be exact — of the U.S. general population, regardless of party affiliation , is united in favoring the tough trade policies that the government has recently enforced against China. Of those surveyed by The Harris Poll, 50% called for even tougher action, and 73% of Americans favor reinstating even more tariffs should China fail to uphold its end of the U.S.-China trade deal’s of "Phase One" I really think China has underestimated all Americans in how badly we all want to see manufacture brought back to our shores. Then add the fact that many Liberals don't like how China treats it own people and it doesn't look like US and China relations will be going back to the Obama era when we just let China walk all over us. Which many were afraid of when Biden was nominated. Like I said I think he can read the room and doen't want to be a one term guy.

According to The Harris Poll, 71% of Americans agree that American companies should “pull back from manufacturing in China.”

You know who doesn’t agree? The companies who are saving money by using Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. manufacturing. I’m having trouble understanding why the socialist-phobic folk are always the ones who want to circumvent these free-market policies with actual policies of socialist economies (instead of the ones they pretend are going to bring on the socialist/communist universal health care). The fact that these self-styled lassez-faire capitalists want the government to intervene in this way in business affairs is pure comedy to me.
You have to be able to read the room and I think Biden understands he is not going to be able to go back to China US relations of the Obama era when we bent over backwards and let them give it to the American people along with turning a blind eye to how they treated thier own people.

Democrats and Republicans I think now both agree we need to take back some manufacturing from China. The Pandemic opened alot of peoples eyes to how much we actually rely on China for many goods for our own survival, hell we are in such bad shape we could not even manufacture enough mask just for our own health care workers, and that is something simple!

Here is some polling numbers which reveals that the bulk — 69% to be exact — of the U.S. general population, regardless of party affiliation , is united in favoring the tough trade policies that the government has recently enforced against China. Of those surveyed by The Harris Poll, 50% called for even tougher action, and 73% of Americans favor reinstating even more tariffs should China fail to uphold its end of the U.S.-China trade deal’s of "Phase One" I really think China has underestimated all Americans in how badly we all want to see manufacture brought back to our shores. Then add the fact that many Liberals don't like how China treats it own people and it doesn't look like US and China relations will be going back to the Obama era when we just let China walk all over us. Which many were afraid of when Biden was nominated. Like I said I think he can read the room and doen't want to be a one term guy.

According to The Harris Poll, 71% of Americans agree that American companies should “pull back from manufacturing in China.”

I have no doubt that Poll is fairly accurate....I have zero faith that Biden and his Croonies will enforce the current policies. They will work double time to walk-back the current policies gutting them as best they can.. all the while dancing a different tune to the Public with the Shill MSM running cover stories to protect the new weaker policies.

You have to much faith in Biden giving a darn about the room.
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You know who doesn’t agree? The companies who are saving money by using Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. manufacturing. I’m having trouble understanding why the socialist-phobic folk are always the ones who want to circumvent these free-market policies with actual policies of socialist economies (instead of the ones they pretend are going to bring on the socialist/communist universal health care). The fact that these self-styled lassez-faire capitalists want the government to intervene in this way in business affairs is pure comedy to me.

Well the issue with China is one they steal our intellectual properties and then Profit off those stolen items, they have a myriad of ways they steal and or force companies to give up technology to them. They ignore American Patient laws with all the stolen intellectual properties they obtain.

China artificially manipulates it currency to over inflate the Dollar value to create a unfair competitive advantage in export and import situations. They Product and resource dump aka over produce dump into a market to drive prices down and cripple business to try and create a monopoly.

These Tariffs and such are meant to punish and get the attention of China in a effort to get them to play on a level field.

Oh and Universal health care is just plain stealing. Pay for your own Health and well being. Don't expect your neighbor to foot the bill. And Nope healthcare is not Like Roads, Energy and a strong Military. We all benefit from those and rely on them. Your ability to pay for your health and well being has no effect on me. And mine has no effect on you. Healthcare is a benefit and service for individuals. Why would we make is some Country wide responsibility to foot every Tom and Janes coverage?
Well the issue with China is one they steal our intellectual properties and then Profit off those stolen items, they have a myriad of ways they steal and or force companies to give up technology to them. They ignore American Patient laws with all the stolen intellectual properties they obtain.

China artificially manipulates it currency to over inflate the Dollar value to create a unfair competitive advantage in export and import situations. They Product and resource dump aka over produce dump into a market to drive prices down and cripple business to try and create a monopoly.

These Tariffs and such are meant to punish and get the attention of China in a effort to get them to play on a level field.

Oh and Universal health care is just plain stealing. Pay for your own Health and well being. Don't expect your neighbor to foot the bill. And Nope healthcare is not Like Roads, Energy and a strong Military. We all benefit from those and rely on them. Your ability to pay for your health and well being has no effect on me. And mine has no effect on you. Healthcare is a benefit and service for individuals. Why would we make is some Country wide responsibility to foot every Tom and Janes coverage?

I'm not sorry for the length of the novel that here follows:

Right or wrong, government-sponsored IP theft is how we built our economy from the ground up. It literally started and maintained our industrial revolution. I know you won't blindly trust my word on this, and you shouldn't, so here's an interesting read about it:

Naturally, we want to keep our top status. When one gets to the top, one wants to make sure one stays at the top, so now that we aren't stealing intellectual property on the scale that they are, we claim some kind of artificial moral superiority. This is all normal human behavior. Hypocritical, but normal. It would be nice if we recognized and acknowledged our hypocrisies, even if we don't change them, but ignoring them is also very normal human behavior.

On currency manipulation, one of many hypocrisies our government is most easily able to get its citizens (the purported not-sheep mostly) to latch onto to fit a narrative is that China (and apparently China alone) manipulates its currency to create an unfair trade advantage without addressing our own (and everybody else's) currency manipulation. The following article In the Emory International Law Review addresses this, while its central question is "are there any solutions to Chinese currency manipulation," it finds that maybe if the U.S. didn't also manipulate its currency, they might be able to find common ground: .

I will point out one particular quote from this peer-reviewed (and authoritatively sourced) journal article: "Interestingly, the IIE study, perhaps due to it being framed in relation to U.S. dollars, does not list one of the largest currency manipulators: the United States. Due to the Federal Reserves quantitative easing, which “prints money” to add liquidity to the domestic market, the United States has drawn criticism from the international community for its own currency manipulation. Currency manipulation is neither new nor isolated to one or two offending countries. Many countries devalue their currencies and have done so throughout history. China is the one that dominates the national media."

But here's what I wonder: Are the Chinese beholden to American patent laws in China? What obligation do we have to obey Chinese (or any foreign nation's) laws here in the U.S.?

More rhetorical questions to consider:

Do countries have the sovereign right to value their currency as they see fit to benefit their own economy? They may do things that we see as unfair, or just ignorant, but is it not their right as a sovereign country to do what they think benefits them?

Is it not also the right of American businesses to choose to not do business there? Yet they do choose to do business there and have for quite some time.

Yet another: what actual obligation do sovereign countries have to honor the agreements they make with other countries? I think they should, if they want to be considered trustworthy and honorable and not have conflict, but clearly our government doesn't think it's super important...except when the shoe is on the other foot. Did the U.S. not implement tariffs that most (not all) of the world saw as violations of international trade rules in its own self-interest? I would argue that it's their right as a sovereign nation to do so, but then just because you can doesn't mean you always should. Rules vs. ethics.

With health care, I guess, for me it comes down to this: "Love your neighbor as yourself." In yet another of life's funny ironies, non-Christians are most willing to do this, but a very sizable portion of Christians, maybe most, are not, and I'm not even talking about just healthcare, though that is the most basic and fundamental way to show love for your neighbor: by caring enough that they are healthy and alive that you are willing to spend some of your hard-earned money. In this way, health care is far more important than roads, energy, and a strong military. It is putting your money where your mouth is on "the sanctity of human life."

I think this (along with his other writings) is worthy reading: . It is written by a wounded combat veteran who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq and now works and writes for a Christian non-profit called HeartSupport. I think it encapsulates a lot of what we are seeing among purported people of faith in America.

Even in the Declaration of Independence, though it isn't a legal document, it does contain the ideology of our nation's founding and the basic rights we as humans have: Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. Not, "life, if you have enough money (to pay for good insurance), liberty if you can afford a good lawyer, and pursuit of happiness if it matches my particular morals." It further says that governments are instituted to secure these rights. If you have a good-faith, well-reasoned counter-argument that isn't at it's core based in naked self-interest, I'm all ears.

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