Except it is true. Google it.Dang, I feel honored that I brought your dumb a$$ out of retirement on here.
And no, it's not true.
Except it is true. Google it.Dang, I feel honored that I brought your dumb a$$ out of retirement on here.
And no, it's not true.
Make sure wear a mask while posting. I hear it's a smart virus and might mutate to digital transmission soon.3, I’m at home with it right now.
It's terrible logic that shows zero empathy. I'm sick of it.
I've known three people that tested positive. Two of them in their forties and had some pretty bad symptoms.
Herd immunity is reach when est. 60-70% of the population has been infected and developed immunity.
We are approaching 9 million people infected out of the total US population of 331 million.
Herd immunity will be reached when 200 million Americans have been infected and developed immunity.
That's a death sentence for hundreds of thousands of Americans.
We can't throw our hands up in the air and let it run it's course. We have to buy time until we get a vaccine. From the beginning, scientist said it would take from a year to a year and a half for a vaccine. I am still optimistic of that time frame. We can continue taking precautions to give science a chance instead of just giving up now.
This next 3-4 months of normal flu season with covid is going to be bad, as scientist had warned us the surge was coming. Remember covid started last year at the end of normal flu season. We're just getting started this year and it's rising everywhere.
Masks are 95% effective when within 6 ft. for under 15 minutes if both parties are wearing them properly
Seriously, how easy would it have been for him to just tell America "this is very, very serious. The best thing we can do right now is care for one another and wear these masks that the best experts in the world recommend. To be a patriot right now is to care for others."
Instead, he is incapable of showing any vulnerability WHATSOEVER. He knew his fanbase, who pleasures themselves to the BS ideal of freedom, would rally around anti-science sentiments. You are a fool and a baby if you see a mask ordinance and a suggestion to stay home for a couple of months as an infringement of your "freedom".
Please stop saying this. It's not true.
Have we become so selfish and spoiled that we can't sacrifice for another 6 months to a year to save tens of thousands of lives?
Yes, some people are hurting and we should be helping them thru this crisis. Unemployment is at 8%, that means the other 92% is working. Why should we send another $1,200 check to people working? Most people I know never missed a pay check since covid started.
Do you think that one person's vote should matter more than another person's vote in our great republic?
This is why we need to build a wall around California. Keep them out of our country!!!
My 96-year-old aunt who lives in Hagerman, Idaho told me the same thing when I went to visit her last year. The native Idahoans (is that a thing?) would much rather their new neighbors adapt to Idaho’s ways rather than bring and force their California values on those who were already there. Immigrants! Geez...
Oh, and go Hawklets!
Maybe you should actually read it. That is dated March 31 and clearly says at that time they were still studying not recommending guidelines for general public to wear masks![]()
Should We All Be Wearing Masks In Public? Health Experts Revisit The Question
There are rumblings that U.S. health officials may start encouraging Americans to wear face masks to cut down on asymptomatic spread. But with continued shortages, it's not clear how we'd do that.www.npr.org
Might want to read this .....
SPICE MUST FLOW!You clearly don't get a huge segment of the American Population....On Principle I hate the gov. trying to Mandate Mask wearing, Shutting down business and such, while others are deemed necessary and stay open. To me Liberty and Freedom over Life any day and all day. Mask and Hide if you want, let others do what they want and assume the Risk. I find the Middle Ground, I mask and go out but another Lock Down is not Palatable to me and many other. The Spice must FLOW......no matter the mortality rate.
I get the science but at some point Life must go on and that is the Reality of the world.
Blaming Trump is easy ......Trump could of begged and pleaded for people to stay home, wear mask and that would of just been wasted Breath. 200,000+ deaths was not and will not curtail the American spirit of Freedom. Freedom is not BS and should never be taken lightly.
Also the best way to care for one another is to have a Robust economy, with Jobs, Hope and Freedom to enjoy life to it's fullest.....Hiding in a Basement obsessed over death rates and chastising and demeaning others who don't want to follow that dark path is anti-life and anti-caring for your fellow man. But to each his own you do what you want it's your life.
People in California vote on who they want to be president, most votes gets their electors. Is it so hard to understand that we are a Republic and not a democracy??
If you don’t like the electoral college system that much then push through a constitutional amendment to do away with it!!!
California gets 53 electors based on its population ( 1 for every 745,471 people)
Montana gets 1 elector for its 1,069,000 people.
So actually the voters of California are over represented compared to Montana
Yes 100% do...when certain geographic regions, radicalize and indoctrinate it is a great way to make sure different area's of the country that have counter beliefs can have different cultures and ways of life.
IF we do not learn to live with this ALL these sports will go BANKRUPT within 1-2 years. Pro sports CANNOT exist without packed stands more than MAYBE one year. The NFL pays out salaries so exorbitant they may not be able to make it to next year if this all continues. CASES, again, are MEANINGLESS. Hospitalizations and deaths are all that matter. HOPEFULLY America awakens and votes accordingly...................Death is Death....everybody has a expiration date. I know of 4 people who have died from C19 and 3 of them where older friends with pre-existing issues, their wit,humor is already missed. But in this time frame more people that I know have died from other causes, cancer, heart disease, a stroke, and old age 98yrs old RIP Mrs. G.Parker sporting events won't every be the same without you.
But I don't rank or feel more or less empathy based on the cause of death. Death is part of life and a Reality for all. Having a realistic outlook on Death and dealing with it is healthy and part of being human.
Dying from C19 is a real possibility for some. Others less so. Living ones life day by day and like it's your last is important, worrying about how your going to die and obsessing over it is counter productive to a happy life.
Life must go on and living in Fear daily must soon come to a end. This is not a mass extinction level plague. People are going to die from it, people are going to survive it and never show any ill effects and some will survive it and will not ever fully recover. While the lucky one's will never contact it. That's the breaks...
This is how these things work it is part of life and we Must move Forward and continue living.
Flatten the curve became "until there are no more cases". News flash: THERE WILL BE CASES OF SOME FORM OF COVID 19 FOR ALL ETERNITY. The genie is out of the lantern.IF we do not learn to live with this ALL these sports will go BANKRUPT within 1-2 years. Pro sports CANNOT exist without packed stands more than MAYBE one year. The NFL pays out salaries so exorbitant they may not be able to make it to next year if this all continues. CASES, again, are MEANINGLESS. Hospitalizations and deaths are all that matter. HOPEFULLY America awakens and votes accordingly...................
NoOk. I’m going to assume that research may not be your thing (nothing wrong with that, it's not most other people's thing either as evidenced by people posting medical opinion from March that has since changed), which might deserve a pass. An alternative, though, is that you are either willing to either deceive others or, worse yet, deceive yourself to try to make a point. I don't think that's the case here, but it is certainly something to guard against in today's political climate.
First, and this is not up for debate, Montana gets 3 electors (not 1) for its 1,069,000 people and California gets 55 (not 53) for its 39,500,00 people.
That means for Montana, every elector represents 356,333 people. For California, every elector represents 718,181 people. That is around twice the voting power for each Montanan’s (American citizens) vote as compared to each Californian’s (American citizens) votes. This is indisputable. Math is not subject to the whims of politics.
As for the U.S. being a republic, you might have noticed in an earlier post that I referred to it as such. A republic is a representative (or elective) democracy and the representatives we elect to make our laws are called....representatives and senators. Electors as put forth in the Constitution are not representatives; in fact, in the Constitution itself, nowhere does it say they even have to consider the popular vote, and indeed, the founders wanted them to vote independently and vote their conscience, which, by definition is not representative democracy.
Now, some individual states (but not all) have made laws that say electors must choose who their state’s popular vote went to or the vote is canceled and a new elector casts the vote. However, for 20 states, there is either no penalty at all or there is a fine, but regardless, the electoral votes count as cast no matter how the state’s popular vote went.
And, in any case, the way it works now is not how the system was designed or intended to work, which should probably matter to people who consider themselves constitutionalists or constitutional originalists. Read the Federalist Papers (particularly #68) and Madison’s Constitutional Convention notes if you need more proof of the founders’ intentions with the electoral college. Courts cases have ruled in favor of the states' ability to allocate their electors as they see fit, but
If you want to talk further about the electoral college, you’ll want to read up before that conversation, because it might be more productive if you are acquainted with the issue before talking about it (and I would recommend multiple sources and perspectives, so here are a couple to get you started): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hi...ge-founding-fathers-constitutional-convention
https://electoralvotemap.com/winner-take-all-electoral-college/ (this one has pro and con type articles at the bottom).
You’ll also note that nowhere in this novel of a post did I mention the president (until just now, obviously). He is immaterial to the argument, and I don’t personally hate the man. One thing we should get out of all of this is that disagreement on policy does not equate to personal hatred. For many it does, of course, and that's a sad testament to the state of American politics. Conflating disagreement with hatred does do one thing that people nowadays really like though: it simplifies how much thinking and reflection one has to do when defending one's positions. That is also a sad state of affairs.
Finally, you may note that nowhere in here did I insult you or your positions, the president or his followers, call you names, or any of a myriad of behaviors that many grown adults now deem acceptable that they don't find acceptable in their children's behavior. I believe that people can be reasoned with, even if they maybe can't be convinced, and in any case that their humanity should be respected and not stereotyped.
Flatten the curve became "until there are no more cases". News flash: THERE WILL BE CASES OF SOME FORM OF COVID 19 FOR ALL ETERNITY. The genie is out of the lantern.
I am not sure what we are fighting about so I thought I would at least put my hat in the ring to try to understand the fight...No
Montana gets 2 electors because they are a state. Every state gets 2
They get one more to represent their population.
California gets their 2 for being a state,,, then a crapload more to represent their population which is a crapload larger than Montanas
It’s a perfect system
Yes, and only the very naive will believe that this is China's last and only foray into biological weaponry. My guess is there are others in the pipeline that are more serious and more deadly. I think it easy to construct a case that this was retaliation for Trump stopping their raiding of the American piggy bank and they could see him sailing to an easy repeat of 2016 with all of the economic progress, among many other things. This was a prospect that did not appeal to those in charge. They maybe were attempting to assist those who oppose him?
Please I'm not going to insult you or your believes. I'm not going down the mask debate with anyone but please with all of the world wide experts who have looked at this (the cause of this virus and where it came from) and they all say that it is not man made. How is it possible for all of them to be wrong? How is that most of Europe is locking down again if China was just out to get Trump?
Again I'm just asking two questions so I can understand. It is perfectly acceptable to me if you disagree with me but I'm unsure how people who study viruses their whole life are so wrong and rando people (no offense by that comment but as far as a virus specialist I don't know if "Missouri Kid" is one!) can be 100% sure that it is. If it is man made how is the demolition of the world's economy beneficial to china anyway?
agreeGood God liberal “men” are an absolute embarrassment to men all over this country.
I can understand women being offended by Trump, but all these so called men running around with their arms flailing around like a 15 year old girl who was just dumped is truly comical.
We got 62 kids last night. Seemed really slow in my neighborhoodtons of kids out last night for Halloween. I bet that really pisses a lot of folks off on this board
Heck! Ive know TWO MoSport posters alone who have gotten it!
we ran out of candy. what a great nightWe got 62 kids last night. Seemed really slow in my neighborhood
How can the US be the only country that throws this big of a fit when it comes to masks??
not happy for me glad kids got to enjoy themselves.Congrats, man. I'm happy for you.
LMAO... 👌Probably not the worst thing you've had...right Bosko? Heheh...I'm sure you caught worse things in your school days... (wink wink)
So doctors and nurses wear masks during surgery for looks?Newflash..the European countries are going back into lockdown. Masks don't work, never have.
differentSo doctors and nurses wear masks during surgery for looks?
Go on....different
Basically, what you are saying here is that you and the people you know in your region are the arbiter of what is "radical" and what is "orthodox." The not so subtle implication is that your way of thinking is somehow more valid than people in other regions. You might see that this is a problematic point of view...since each individual person thinks differently, even within your region. You are also saying that one region of our country is somehow more important than another region. This is the very myopia that you accuse others of, which is fine, as long as you own it; you are certainly entitled to your point of view.
According to the 2016 presidential election, 32% of the voters in California likely agree with you on many, if not most, issues. That is a large number of people that you think their votes should count for less than yours (they do) due to the fact that they live in California. You might also think about it this way, the nearly 40% of Missourians who vote differently than you also have more proportional voting power than those 32% in California who vote the same as you.
On indoctrination, here's my question: which culture in the entire history of the world didn't attempt to indoctrinate its members into its way of thinking? Is that not, when viewed objectively (a difficult state of mind to achieve), how you teach "values?" That is indoctrination, any way you slice it. So what you meant to say is something closer to this: "when large groups of people do not think the way that I individually do and do not believe what i individually believe and do not indoctrinate their children in the same way that I individually do, I consider them "radical," and, therefore, their opinions matter less than mine with respect to who should lead the country." That would be more honest and sincere.
Go on....
The is no "Go on" here because doctors and nurses wear masks during surgery because masks work! The science is sound. Are they 100% effective, no. Do they help reduce the spread of germs? Absolutely.Go fowrard
Ask any surgeon you know--a year ago-- if a mask will prevent a virus from spreading. After they chuckle, they will tell you, NO Fing way.So doctors and nurses wear masks during surgery for looks?