I don't think anyone, myself included, would argue against survival being humans #1 instinct. Because it absolutely is. But the fatal flaw in your argument is humans fighting for survival, resources, and/or territory. While that's all entirely true. Another tribe coming to take my territory. Another tribe coming to kill my tribe for food. Someone in my OWN tribe attempting to take my spot at the watering hole. These will all end in violence and are great examples of humans natural instinct to survive. However, that's not the case in the hate you're attempting to justify.
In my previous post, I used the examples of someone in a wheelchair simply rolling down the street or a gay person serving your food. Neither of these two are attempting anything remotely similar to what you have presented. Neither of these two are attempting to steal my resources, kill me, or take my spot at the watering hole. Now unless the person in a wheelchair is rolling down the sidewalk with a shotgun. Yelling, "I'm gonna kill you, you SOB!!" Or the gay server brings you your food and then attempts to stab you in the neck. Then your fight or flight response should probably kick in.
Simply seeing or even interacting with someone who is in a wheelchair, gay, or a minority should not trigger a fight or flight response. Much less hatred for simply existing.