Bills being presented for committee around regulating MO Associations (MSHSAA)


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
Looks like HB1361, Rue Wells Act has been been presented by the Missouri House of Representatives to help regulate MO state activities associations in the future.

Section A. Chapter 161, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be2 known as section 161.028, to read as follows:161.028. 1. This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Rue Wells Act".3 2. For purposes of this section, "activities association" shall mean any nonprofit4 statewide organization that facilitates interscholastic activities for secondary school5 students, and whose members include at least one public school district that pays any6 fees to such association including, but not limited to, activity participation fees,7 tournament registration fees, membership fees, or any other fees relating to8 membership in such association or participation in any activities facilitated by such9 association.10 3. An activities association shall not serve as the appellate body responsible for11 handling appeals relating to any decisions or rulings made by such activities association.12 4. (1) There is hereby created the "Transfer Board", which shall serve as the13 appellate body responsible for handling appeals relating to any decisions or rulings14 made by an activities association.15 (2) The transfer board shall be composed of the following:16 (a) Three members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;17 (b) Three members appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate; and EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language.18 (c) One member appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the19 senate.20 5. A student who desires to appeal a decision or ruling made by an activities21 association that affects such student shall file an appeal with the transfer board within22 thirty business days after such decision or ruling made by an activities association.23 6. Within five business days of receiving an appeal relating to a decision or24 ruling made by an activities association, the transfer board shall convene a meeting to25 consider the appeal. Within twenty-four hours of such meeting, the transfer board shall26 rule on the appeal, and such ruling shall be final.

Other bill is HB1046 and too much to copy/paste, but same general concept. Looks like MSHSAA will have some potential legislation in the future, will be interesting to watch.
Had he not tried going to Parkview before the Liberty move...I just don't believe this situation would even be an issue...
Wasn't debating the move, don't know any details but the legislation seems to be coming regardless. The visibility this got showed the disdain for MSHSAA all across the state, Missouri is typically dead last when it comes to HS sports and sensible decisions.
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Wasn't debating the move, don't know any details but the legislation seems to be coming regardless. The visibility this got showed the disdain for MSHSAA all across the state, Missouri is typically dead last when it comes to HS sports and sensible decisions.
I believe a much bigger, underlying issue here. What is going on within the Central Basketball Program that is causing athletes to leave it and risk future eligibility instead of playing for Central?
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