I think you are confusing numbers.....70% of Americans have had at least one dose of the shot.......45% of the unvaxed which is 30% of the population say they will hold steadfast and not get the vax.......35% say they doubt they will. So around 80% of the unvaxed probably will never get the vax's. 3% said they will get the vax a extremely small number and 16% said they probably would another less than stellar number which jives with the 700K you touted up as being Wonderful.
They have had incentives all across the country, giving out free beer, money etc. and the unvaxed are holding strong with small movements in that 20-19% of the total unvaxed who want the shot or say that they will..
Again I will not diminish Covid or it being lethal but clearly less than 1% of C19 deaths occur in children...18-29yr old's account for the most cases of C19...but the rate of death is 4 times higher in the 30-39yr age group, and 600 times higher in 85 yr olds and above.
Cases, data, and surveillance to track and analyze COVID-19.
And then you have to factor in the morbidity issues as well to get a real accurate picture of the risk.
At this point with 70% of the U.S. population being vaxed and no apparent end in sight for this viruses and or it's eradication this is the New Normal. Covid is now part of our lifestyle. So we have to learn to deal with it, stop being in fear of it and accept the consequences and outcomes. Be smart or don't. Get vax'd or Don't. Wear a Mask or Don't. It's not complicated.