Have to check in with your boss/captor

That is all you have?

If I were your professor in college I'd kick you out of class for wasting my time.

Do you not understand that the the Suez Canal is a major gateway through Egypt into the Indian Ocean (vs) going 11,000 + nautical miles around Africa?

What do you think would happen to the cost of imported goods from China if ships needed to go around a continent to get to the same destination as before ?

Do you not see the "Military" value of keeping the Straits of Hormuz and Suez Canal open?

Please do not tell me I am talking to an Ideologue who knows nothing about the consequences of leaving the Middle East but can quote ABC talking points for the US policing the WORLD.

If so then I take all I said about Burning Books back and put me on IGNORE, now. o_O

Yes because product movement is only done via ship...without oil the Middle East is about as valuable as Darfur, and we didn't/don't waste any time there.
I'll repeat myself one last time, my belief is we shouldn't involve ourself.

Develop sustainable sources of energy and leave them to squabble over oil.

You develop an alternative to oil and the Middle East holds no power.

Why is that so hard for you to get?

You sound like an isolationist,

You do realize all your liberal friends say isolationist are wrong. We have to open ourselves to globalism. Right ?
How would he know?

Your friends on this board are all liberals...:(

You sound like a liberal.

Perhaps your a liberal and just don't know it?

I would guess your a liberal as well.

Why not give it some time and we will let you know? :)

If your Liberal, I mean...:cool:

Just the other day you said I sound like 90% of the conservatives in this country.

Make up your mind.
01) Anti-God, Religion, Church
02) Pro-Choice
03) Isolationist, Anti-Intervention
04) Anti-Israel
05) Pro-"marijuana" use
06) Pro Federal, Anti-State Government
07) Immigration; Anti-Wall Pro-Sanctuary Cities
More but you get the point...

01) Pro-Constitution
02) Limited Federal Government
03) Pro Fiscal Responsibility
04) Pro-Military

1. I'm not anti-god. Would rather use a Constitutional argument than a biblical one, not everyone is a Christian and those rules don't (and shouldn't) apply to everyone. I leave my beliefs at the door and argue things that as a citizen, should be relevant. Quit assuming.

2. Already explained that morally I am pro-life, legally and somewhat sympathetically I understand the pro-choice. Not the same as being Pro-Choice.

3. Yep, Intervention as a last resort.

4. Not anti-Israel, just Pro-America.

5. Someone elses marijuana use affects me about as much as someone else's alcohol use. Long as it doesn't adversely affect me, why should I care? Trying to legislate and eliminate personal choice is a liberal idea, YOU are more liberal than me in this case. Hypocrite.

6. Just patently wrong. Another case of you assuming on things you know nothing about.

7. Also wrong, quit making assumptions (seems to be a common theme with you) Not a fan of illegal immigration.

Oh, btw genius, you put me down for being pro-federal government on the liberal side and pro-limited federal government on the conservative side.

If you're going to attempt to pigeon hole me, can you at least try to be accurate instead of making assumptions to fit your narrative. You kinda half got 3 of the liberal ones semi-right, you need to just admit that I'm more conservative than you.
1. I'm not anti-god. Would rather use a Constitutional argument than a biblical one, not everyone is a Christian and those rules don't (and shouldn't) apply to everyone. I leave my beliefs at the door and argue things that as a citizen, should be relevant. Quit assuming.

2. Already explained that morally I am pro-life, legally and somewhat sympathetically I understand the pro-choice. Not the same as being Pro-Choice.

3. Yep, Intervention as a last resort.

4. Not anti-Israel, just Pro-America.

5. Someone elses marijuana use affects me about as much as someone else's alcohol use. Long as it doesn't adversely affect me, why should I care? Trying to legislate and eliminate personal choice is a liberal idea, YOU are more liberal than me in this case. Hypocrite.

6. Just patently wrong. Another case of you assuming on things you know nothing about.

7. Also wrong, quit making assumptions (seems to be a common theme with you) Not a fan of illegal immigration.

Oh, btw genius, you put me down for being pro-federal government on the liberal side and pro-limited federal government on the conservative side.

If you're going to attempt to pigeon hole me, can you at least try to be accurate instead of making assumptions to fit your narrative. You kinda half got 3 of the liberal ones semi-right, you need to just admit that I'm more conservative than you.

This conversation reminds me of two special needs kids I overheard sitting at the lunch table arguing over who was the most retarded.
How can you possibly think you are more Conservative than I am?

01) I am so Socially Conservative that some might say I want a Theocracy.

02) I am so Pro-Israel that I would take Binjamin Netanyahu over Ronald Reagan.

03) I am so Conservative that I would move to a Seceding Texas before I would set up a tent on the Left Coast.

04) I am so Pro-God that I put the World Bible over the US Constitution.

05) I am such a Hawk, if Trump wanted to resurrect The Strategic Defense Initiative; SDI, I would ask...
"When can we start?"

06) I am so Anti-Illegal Immigration that I would have built "The Wall" myself 8 years ago if I were president.

07) I have no sympathy for Democrat Supported (12)th week Late Term Abortions except in the most rarest of cases.

08) I am for Life in Prison without parole but will concede that I find the Death Penalty to flawed a policy to be carried out by Man.

Could go on but I think I just kicked your butt already on True Conservatism.

You're not an American period.
Did not say I was. Those are your words again clouding the skies.

Move to Israel you'll have all you ever wanted.

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