Have to check in with your boss/captor

One of the main things Clinton got beat up for was being reasonably honest about economics whereas Trump promised rainbows and puppies. Those factories and coal jobs aren't coming back, the US isn't about to grow at 4%, and it can't afford a major tax cut.
Republicans don't really want freedom of religion. They want Christian special pleadings. See the rabid anti-Islamism of the party of religious freedom. The are some exceptions to this, of course, but the core position of the party is basically Christianity to the exclusion of other religions or irreligion. Gay marriage was another example of this, the core basis of R opposition was imposing Christianity on people as a state religion.

I'm not running for office. The truth hurts. The R Party's core economic principles are an unsustainable disaster. The party's main economic goals are massive defense spending and tax cuts for the rich and companies at a time when the budget deficit is close to 4% of GDP while the economic is close to full inflation. You would have to struggle very hard to come up with a worse game plan.

Republicans were the party for grown ups 25-40 years ago. They stood for honest principles and sound management of the government and budget. They have become a terrible caricature of a political party for the last 10 years. It is not to the credit of the American public that they win elections. It is to its demerit, and we will suffer for our choices.

This does not excuse the very real shortcomings of the Ds. But it is a powerful reminder that we really do need both political parties to be sane and competent, because eventually the other party is going to win power.

So which is the Republican Party? The party of religious freedom or the party of Christianity ? You stated they were both. Believe it or not, this country has prospered with Christian values for 200 years. Not wanting to accommodate a religion that calls for death to non-believers is bad ?

Your opinion of the Republican Party is your opinion. I see faults with both parties, more so the dems , I admit.

But one would think they need to ask what is wrong. The message or the substance, for a party to fall so far, so fast.
The R party is very clearly the party of Christianity. They are not the party of religious freedom. The R base in America doesn't give two cares about religious freedom. Nor do its electeds. This is the sort of thing that libertarians are pointing out all the time, and they are quite right. Goldwater saw this coming 30 years ago.

I have to acknowledge that religion is actually less powerful in the R party than it was a decade ago, and the trendline is probably favorable on this point over time.

There are good questions for the Ds to answer but they are the better party by default right now.
So which is the Republican Party? The party of religious freedom or the party of Christianity ? You stated they were both. Believe it or not, this country has prospered with Christian values for 200 years. Not wanting to accommodate a religion that calls for death to non-believers is bad ?

Your opinion of the Republican Party is your opinion. I see faults with both parties, more so the dems , I admit.

But one would think they need to ask what is wrong. The message or the substance, for a party to fall so far, so fast.

Give an honest answer, is America founded on Christianity or religious freedom?
The R party is very clearly the party of Christianity. They are not the party of religious freedom. The base in America doesn't give two cares about religious freedom.

There are good questions for the Ds to answer but they are the better party by default right now.

I guess I will have to side with the party of Christianity. Killing people that don't have the same beliefs I do seems a little extreme.

Just for conversation, why does the party that condones killing people with different beliefs , happen to be better by default right now?
I guess I will have to side with the party of Christianity. Killing people that don't have the same beliefs I do seems a little extreme.

Just for conversation, why does the party that condones killing people with different beliefs , happen to be better by default right now?

Is Islam the only other religion out there?
I guess I will have to side with the party of Christianity. Killing people that don't have the same beliefs I do seems a little extreme.

Just for conversation, why does the party that condones killing people with different beliefs , happen to be better by default right now?
Because they are more honest overall. They can do math. They acknowledge scientific reality.
Religious freedom

My point is, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to engage in to KNOW that America was founded on religious freedom and one of the core beliefs of the Republic is religious freedom for all, and still throw support behind a Republican party that actively discriminates and wants to bar people from the country based on religion?

Either you belive in America and what she stands for or you don't, the Republican Party obviously doesn't.
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Do you care about the 400,000 Syrians that died as a direct result of liberal isolation policies?

Do you care if Russia consolidates power with Iran in the Middle East?

Do you care that the Obama Administration threw Israel under the bus for 8 years?

Do you care that Syria used WMDs while the American Liberal Media looked the other way?

Do you even care about US foreign policy at all, or is it all about you?

No, I don't care. Not our problem, we aren't the police of the world.
Interesting concept...

I stand for the Rights of other religions and people to worship the God of their choice. I stand for their right to live in a free country sheltered from torture and war. I stand with them because "all" people deserve the right to live in peace.

Assuming of course your American.

And Conservatives wonder why liberals think they don't care about anyone but themselves.

Bubbba, you just gave the death penalty to over 7 Billion people.

You are not a True Conservative

1. Who is Bubbba?

2. I never claimed to be a "true conservative" if that means being like you, count me out.

3. I am an American, you wouldn't want Russia, China, or Syria to impose their will and policy on us, what gives us the right to stick our (unwanted) nose in their affairs?
We are so far apart on this topic that to argue my side would be pointless.

You were right from the beginning...
You are nothing like me...

Goodbye, enjoy your life. :(

I do enjoy my life.

So you think it's alright if China, Russia, or Syria meddled in American affairs that they disagree with? How would that be any different than us doing it to them?

Are you an idiot or seriously this naive?

Argue your "point", I doubt you even have one or are capable of verbalizing it if you do, but please, I love to hear differing opinions.
The difference is that 70% of the Worlds Energy and Commerce flows through the Suez Canal.

The Straits of Hormuz controls the Saudi Oil Reserves.

The Mediterranean Sea is the gateway South from Syria directly into Saudi Arabia via Jordan.

You obviously live in a fantasy world and think Putin and Iran are not contemplating taking the Persian Gulf for themselves.

A modern day Neville Chamberlain.

Yeah bud, I know who Neville Chamberlain is, not quite the same issue.

Develop our own sustainable energy sources, hell we can use non-renewable energy until we figure out sustainable options and then none of that matters.
Guess you have no problem with Russia cutting off the flow of gas to Europe. WWII Allies and NATO will be forced to choose between Russian Blackmail or War.

Iran and Russia taking control of the Suez Canal and Straits of Hormuz.

US Warships and Oil Tankers would no longer be able to travel freely into the Mediterranean Sea or Gulf of Omar without Russian Military Escort. Again risking War over an International waterway.

For someone who has a degree and is suppose to have some knowledge of the world, you are one naïve little boy.



Was I unclear? I want to reduce/eliminate reliance on foreign oil, Russia can stomp and drag their feet all they want, we would have no use for the entire region if we could just stop suckling the teat of foreign oil.

I don't care what Europe does, let them deal with Russia as it will be their problem.

You can kiss my adult sized @ss little boy...I've spent enough time in North Africa and the Middle East to know the less dealings we have with them, the better.
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So you are telling me that the US Military is willing to give up the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormuz, Gulf of Omar and Mediterranean Sea to Russia just because we're now free of foreign oil?

What about Japan and Guam?

Who would defend Saudi Arabia if Iran shuts off the Straits of Hormuz?

What would keep Egypt from shutting down the Suez Canal and starving Israel?

How would the US Military stop Russia from walking through Jordan, over Kuwait and into Saudi Arabia without a nuclear war?

What would Kim Jong-un do if he knew we were pulling out of the Middle East and giving free reign to any country that chose to destroy its neighbor?

Do you think China is going to sit back and watch Russia shut down the only feasible International Waterway around Africa?

What about France with their nuclear arsenal? Are they going to let Putin hold their Economy hostage?

Would NATO even exist if they knew the US just withdrew from Europe?

It is obvious that you have not thought through this at all.

If these countries can't function without US intervention, perhaps they shouldn't exist.

We aren't responsible for what happens, if they're so stupid, shortsighted, or evil as to start a war that kills us all then frankly we don't deserve to survive as a species.

I'm so tired of all the stupid, I kind of hope Trump does nuke someone and it escalates to an extinction level event. If we're really so stupid/evil as a species then I seriously hope he brings about extinction.
If these countries can't function without US intervention, perhaps they shouldn't exist.

We aren't responsible for what happens, if they're so stupid, shortsighted, or evil as to start a war that kills us all then frankly we don't deserve to survive as a species.

I'm so tired of all the stupid, I kind of hope Trump does nuke someone and it escalates to an extinction level event. If we're really so stupid/evil as a species then I seriously hope he brings about extinction.
Second time I read your post hoping for nukes. Please step away from the computer. You are letting the minority party of Putin get to you
My point is, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to engage in to KNOW that America was founded on religious freedom and one of the core beliefs of the Republic is religious freedom for all, and still throw support behind a Republican party that actively discriminates and wants to bar people from the country based on religion?

Either you belive in America and what she stands for or you don't, the Republican Party obviously doesn't.

I understand your point and it does indeed have merit.

I have never been bitten by a rattlesnake, but I know rattlesnakes bite people. Therefore I would be very cautious around them.

I would imagine our founding fathers, when discussing religious freedom, had peaceful religion in mind. The religion of Islam, which teaches exterminating infidels (non-believers) is, in my mind, not exactly the religion our founding fathers would welcome into our country with open arms.

And that my friend, is the mental gymnastics I engage in......common sense.
Because they are more honest overall. They can do math. They acknowledge scientific reality.

Two out of three isn't bad.
1. They acknowledge scientific reality
2. They can do math
3. More honest overall...o_O Did you miss this years election? No party has been more dishonest or corrupt.
I understand your point and it does indeed have merit.

I have never been bitten by a rattlesnake, but I know rattlesnakes bite people. Therefore I would be very cautious around them.

I would imagine our founding fathers, when discussing religious freedom, had peaceful religion in mind. The religion of Islam, which teaches exterminating infidels (non-believers) is, in my mind, not exactly the religion our founding fathers would welcome into our country with open arms.

And that my friend, is the mental gymnastics I engage in......common sense.

The founders weren't unfamiliar with Islam, and regardless of what you think they may have had in mind, they wrote what they wrote. It doesn't say "Certain religions" or "religions we agree with", they didn't pick and choose, freedom of religion.

As for your rattlesnake analogy, how many snakes do you think you walked right past without ever even noticing? Majority of snakes are completely harmless...
Wow, the conversation went from the US Middle East policy from the last 7 decades to Trump starting WWIII.

Noticed that you did not question the fact that our military leaders have ZERO intentions of giving up one drop of International Waters in the Mediterranean Sea or anywhere else.

Like it or not, we are the "Worlds Policemen".

Takeaway our military presence around the world and just watch what this guy will do...

Ukraine, Crimea, South Ossetia, Georgia and Syria.

You know deep down that I am right.


And you're too busy with your head up Trump’s @ss to listen to what I'm saying.
I am not a drinker but I know a drunk when I see one. You are plastered!!!
Head right into the TV room and turn on Oprah.
Just 10 hrs of her loving liberal talk will make you think the World is a wonderful place and campfire girls can't get pregnant . By tomorrow afternoon you will have come to your senses and be back here hating anyone who disagrees with you. You are welcome in advance for helping you through this trying time .

Your Enemy for Life ...
Space Cadet

Dude, shut up.

Nuclear annihilation is preferable to your rantings.
I am babbling about you.o_O

01) First you post a view on a given topic.
02) Second, you ask for dissenting view points.
03) Third, you attack the dissenter.

How about debating the points of the dissenter rather than calling him an idiot?

Do you really believe that the United States Military is going to give up one cubic foot of International Waters Rights to Russia or anyone else?

This is a "yes" or "no" answer but in your case I'll expand it to maybe.

What ya got ??? o_O

I'll repeat myself one last time, my belief is we shouldn't involve ourself.

Develop sustainable sources of energy and leave them to squabble over oil.

You develop an alternative to oil and the Middle East holds no power.

Why is that so hard for you to get?

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