Glendale screwed against Kickapoo


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Glendale won the game 53-52!

Kickapoo was given four points in the second quarter for a two-point field goal!

Typical bad luck for my Falcons!!

Hold on there a second Cooter, did we not learn anything from last year. Who does the official scorebook have as the winner. If the official scorebook has Kickapoo, then Kickapoo beat you once again.
The Glendale coaches would have spoken up by now if this happened
It did happen, the Glendale coaching staff didn't check. If you watch the live stream, McTague is alerted to the issue, asks to see the scorebook, and then is distracted by something, the girl doing the scorebook then looks at it and seems to be adding something, then McTague turns back around and shoves the scorebook in the lap of the JV coach. But they said their scorebook matched Kickapoo's, but both are wrong. Kickapoo's score goes from 23 to 27 after a single field goal is made.
Did you watch the entire feed to see if they were taken away?
Somebody please go back, watch the game, and count the points
First Quarter:
Glendale - 2, 3, 2, 2, 2/2, 2/2 = 13
Kickapoo - 2, 2, 1/1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1/1 = 17
Second Quarter:
Glendale - 2, 2, 2/2 = 6
Kickapoo - 2, 2, 2, 2 = 8 (NOT 10!)
Third Quarter:
Glendale - 2, 3, 2/2, 2, 2, 2, 3 = 16
Kickapoo - 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0/2 = 11
Fourth Quarter:
Glendale - 3, 2, 2, 3, 2/2, 2/2, 2/2, 2 = 18 (53)
Kickapoo - 1/2, 2/2, 2, 3, 2/2, 2/2, 2, 2, = 16 (52)
If it happened, blame the Glendale coaches for not pursuing the issue and getting “distracted”. Let it go. Glendale lost
If it happened, blame the Glendale coaches for not pursuing the issue and getting “distracted”. Let it go. Glendale lost

I'm never letting it go. Not that type of weak-ass person. We won! It'll remain that way on the Glendale basketball website and the Glendale-Kickapoo rivalry website. I'm keeping it 54-53 on the Kickapoo basketball website, though.
I'm never letting it go. Not that type of weak-ass person. We won! It'll remain that way on the Glendale basketball website and the Glendale-Kickapoo rivalry website. I'm keeping it 54-53 on the Kickapoo basketball website, though.
You can put it wherever you want. But it’s official, Glendale lost
Sounds like if the home town scorer can sneak a few extra points to the home team then nothing can be done. Talk about home court advantage.
Dude, your guys got hosed and I know it sucks... But showing it as anything but a Kickapoo victory on the website is just another inaccuracy.
Problem is it's not as simple as changing the score, the entire end of the game plays out differently. Besides you weren't even there you were so confident in Glendale not being competitive maybe if you as Glendale's biggest fan was at the game you could have brought it to their attention. Yeah it sucks but it happens in high school sports.
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I have no dog in the fight. This is much worse for Kickapoo than just outright losing. I would a thousand times rather lose than win this way. I wonder what opposing student sections will come up with lol.
My sanction for Kickapoo is making every game between these 2 teams be at Glendale for the next 5 years.
Problem is it's not as simple as changing the score, the entire end of the game plays out differently. Besides you weren't even there you were so confident in Glendale not being competitive maybe if you as Glendale's biggest fan was at the game you could have brought it to their attention. Yeah it sucks but it happens in high school sports.
Totally agree. We are talking about a 2 point error in the 2nd quarter. According to the news article Glendale had a 6 point lead with 90 seconds left in the game. Glendale had a very good chance to win the game and they didn’t, they remembered they were Glendale. Glendale lost, end of story.
I just don't agree. The home score keeper gave 2 free points to the home team. I don't know who would have won the game without the free points and I don't really care. If Kickapoo had won by 30 that should still be punished. Home court advantage is yelling while the other team shoots a free throw. It isn't adding extra points for the home team.
The game should be taken away from Kickapoo not because we know how the game would have turned out but because they cheated. Kickapoo had no incentive to make sure the score was correct. If schools had to forfeit games when they literally added points to their team, they wouldn't do it and would have an incentive to police it.
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I thought both teams keep their own score book in order to call attention to such situations when they occur. I think there was more than one error made here.
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Schools have to forfeit games for playing the wrong player for 1 play but if they literally add points to their score it just fine and dandy.
CJ vs Webb ended with an incorrect score; CJ was awarded a point on a Webb FT make in the 4th - no one caught it the night of.
Probably because most people stopped watching in the 4th quarter like I did. However if that had changed the outcome something should be done if the other team protested during the game. You should be able to announce you are playing the game under protest so everyone knows that the score could be off and both teams can play with that knowledge

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