I never counted Calvins vote. He also cannot vote. I didnt know people thought that his counted.No wait a second buddy. You let Candy Cane vote (for himself)...I think Shoot90 get a vote as well.
Berqueer I believe you have ZERO yes votes. Absolutely nobody wants you around here. (Your Gif sucks by the way)Candie reacts to his latest no vote!
Candie: No! Bertier: YES!!!
You cannot replace him for sure. However, you are not Garry! you are an impersonator!
The Mox has given Bertier a YES vote. Not only are you NOT a Doc Guy, but apparently you are illiterate.Berqueer I believe you have ZERO yes votes. Absolutely nobody wants you around here. (Your Gif sucks by the way)
Shoot90, you are the Mox's favorite Non-Doc Doc Guy....glad we made your day!I never thought logging onto MoSports would make my day!!!! I get on here and find out that I am almost a DOC GUY!!!!
To many Mox running around for me to try to keep track of. You might want to get that under control.The Mox has given Bertier a YES vote. Not only are you NOT a Doc Guy, but apparently you are illiterate.
I havent been on here in forever. But my buddy, Stef calls me up and says that a vote is taken place. I am pretty impressed with the growth of Doc guys lately. Stef has started something big here!!There is Coach Nickerson/Fox left. I also have seen Tank and Shadow on here before, but that was at least a year ago.
Well look who finally came out of the shadows, pun intended!! I was just trying to get you all to like me with the high fives! Dont forget I made sure you all got to class, drove you to school during the rain, and bought you all beer!I havent been on here in forever. But my buddy, Stef calls me up and says that a vote is taken place. I am pretty impressed with the growth of Doc guys lately. Stef has started something big here!!
It always drove me crazy that Bosko would try to high 5 the black guys in the hallway at AHS the way he saw us high 5 each other, just ridiculous.
Now that that is off my chest i am saying NO to all of them. Unless Bertier can prove he rose from the Grave, he is the only i would change my vote for.
See you guys in another year.
You aren't on here enough to vote.I havent been on here in forever. But my buddy, Stef calls me up and says that a vote is taken place. I am pretty impressed with the growth of Doc guys lately. Stef has started something big here!!
It always drove me crazy that Bosko would try to high 5 the black guys in the hallway at AHS the way he saw us high 5 each other, just ridiculous.
Now that that is off my chest i am saying NO to all of them. Unless Bertier can prove he rose from the Grave, he is the only i would change my vote for.
See you guys in another year.
Well...... Fake Garry, Calvin..... looks like![]()
http:// Tock goes the clock on the voting.....
Alright folks! The polls have closed! Below are the results and a break down of each Doc Guys vote. Just because you did not become an honorary member today, you can still post on the threads and chime in on the witty banter! Remember, were all about coming TOGETHER! If you do not like the results, you can plead your case and have another vote in two weeks time!What is the final results Bosko?
What do you do when you wake up one day and find that your life is suddenly better than it has ever been before!?!? I have been reading and supporting the Doc Guys since before there were Doc Guys!!! Way back when it was just Stef!! Big thank you to everyone who voted yes. Shadow, I get it, you dont really know me. But I promise you, that if you stick around, you will get to know me!! Doc Guys for life!!!Alright folks! The polls have closed! Below are the results and a break down of each Doc Guys vote. Just because you did not become an honorary member today, you can still post on the threads and chime in on the witty banter! Remember, were all about coming TOGETHER! If you do not like the results, you can plead your case and have another vote in two weeks time!
CalvinCandie......is NOT an honorary Doc Guy. Losing a the vote 2-4
Shoot90draw........IS AN honorary Doc Guy. Winning the vote 4-1
GerryBertier.........is NOT an honorary Doc Guy. Losing the vote 1-5
BoosterBosko voted yes to CalvinCandie and Shoot90draw. Voted no to GerryBertier
REAL J. Moxon voted yes to Shoot90draw and GerryBertier. Voted no to CalvinCandie
J.Kane voted yes to no one. Voted no to CalvinCandie and GerryBertier. Abstained to Shoot90draw
StefanDjordjevich voted yes to Shoot90draw. Voted no to CalvinCandie and GerryBertier
FAKE J. Moxon voted yes to CalvinCandie and Shoot90draw. Voted no to GerryBertier
ShadowAmpipe voted no to CalvinCandie, Shoot90draw, and GerryBertier
What do you do when you wake up one day and find that your life is suddenly better than it has ever been before!?!? I have been reading and supporting the Doc Guys since before there were Doc Guys!!! Way back when it was just Stef!! Big thank you to everyone who voted yes. Shadow, I get it, you dont really know me. But I promise you, that if you stick around, you will get to know me!! Doc Guys for life!!!
Calvin, that was well written and very spot on! While I will not stop you from leaving, I want to reaffirm, that you do not have to leave. I can understand wanting to step away for awhile, but your posts and GIFs will be missed. You can have another vote in two weeks time. Perhaps Falco and Johnny will vote next round. Plus Shoot90draw will be eligible to vote. I wish you the best on whatever your future holds as you step into the great unknown. Ill miss you Calvin. Just know, that you will always have a place here with the Doc Guys!First off let me say it was a fun ride fellas. I hate to imagine that you guys think of me in the same way as that fraud Berqueer,but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. I would like to thank bosko and Jonathan Moxon for the Yes votes, and an extra thank you to bosko for showing me support during my time with the doc guys. He is a great and fearless leader. Second, Joe Kane I have no beef with you. You voted how you needed to and you always have stick to your guns and I can respect that. Third, Moroxon you are about as wishy washy as a liberal politician on an election year. You have a lot of growing up to do kid. Fourth, Steph you have never liked me and I don't understand why, but I wish you the best. Fifth, FALCO your my boy! You were with me through thick and thin. Although you let me down by not voting at all, I won't hold that against you. The replacement alliance is still strong! Sixth, Jonathon moxon I appreciate you're recent arrival and stirring the pot for some of those ampipe boys who were getting a little to comfortable. Lastly, I have knowclue how long it will be before I am heard from again. Sure you will see me from time to time on here, just to keep up with what bosko and FALCO are up to, but my engagement in the witty banter that is the doc guys will cease until an unknown date, or until I am called upon. Until then, Calvin Candie signing off.
First off let me say it was a fun ride fellas. I hate to imagine that you guys think of me in the same way as that fraud Berqueer,but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. I would like to thank bosko and Jonathan Moxon for the Yes votes, and an extra thank you to bosko for showing me support during my time with the doc guys. He is a great and fearless leader. Second, Joe Kane I have no beef with you. You voted how you needed to and you always have stick to your guns and I can respect that. Third, Moroxon you are about as wishy washy as a liberal politician on an election year. You have a lot of growing up to do kid. Fourth, Steph you have never liked me and I don't understand why, but I wish you the best. Fifth, FALCO your my boy! You were with me through thick and thin. Although you let me down by not voting at all, I won't hold that against you. The replacement alliance is still strong! Sixth, Jonathon moxon I appreciate you're recent arrival and stirring the pot for some of those ampipe boys who were getting a little to comfortable. Lastly, I have knowclue how long it will be before I am heard from again. Sure you will see me from time to time on here, just to keep up with what bosko and FALCO are up to, but my engagement in the witty banter that is the doc guys will cease until an unknown date, or until I am called upon. Until then, Calvin Candie signing off.
Actually he doesn't have a place with us Bosko. That is why we had a vote I think Shoot90 knows who to vote with, so there is still no hope for Candy Cane here. Peace out! ✌️Calvin, that was well written and very spot on! While I will not stop you from leaving, I want to reaffirm, that you do not have to leave. I can understand wanting to step away for awhile, but your posts and GIFs will be missed. You can have another vote in two weeks time. Perhaps Falco and Johnny will vote next round. Plus Shoot90draw will be eligible to vote. I wish you the best on whatever your future holds as you step into the great unknown. Ill miss you Calvin. Just know, that you will always have a place here with the Doc Guys!
Just because he didnt get voted in, doesnt mean his place among the threads is gone. Dont forget, were all about coming TOGETHER. Anyone can still post here.Actually he doesn't have a place with us Bosko. That is why we had a vote I think Shoot90 knows who to vote with, so there is still no hope for Candy Cane here. Peace out! ✌️
Honestly Mox, Im not sure how I would vote right now. The sign off by Calvin was really convincing. I certainly would vote no on that fraud Gerry!!! Unless he does some smooth convincing he belongs!Actually he doesn't have a place with us Bosko. That is why we had a vote I think Shoot90 knows who to vote with, so there is still no hope for Candy Cane here. Peace out! ✌️
Im still around shoot. Being the manager of the steel mill gets REALLY boring. So Im on most of the day.I see how it is! Vote me in and everyone goes quiet!
I see how it is! Vote me in and everyone goes quiet!
I see how it is! Vote me in and everyone goes quiet!
Johnny! Glad youre still around. Im curious, how would you have voted on Calvin and Gerry?Sorry I was not able to vote, I was busy working with some future QB's showing them how to sling the rock. But you had my vote shoot90draw!!
Sorry I wasnt online, I took a long nap and wasnt online. I had this I guess dream that I was a high school coach in missouri and couldnt get on my computer because I was giving something called map test prep, and was coaching track?
What did we vote on while I was in this trance?
We voted on whether or not to let Shoot90, Gerry, and candy cane into the doc guys. Shoot 90 is in! The other filth didn't make the cut!Sorry I wasnt online, I took a long nap and wasnt online. I had this I guess dream that I was a high school coach in missouri and couldnt get on my computer because I was giving something called map test prep, and was coaching track?
What did we vote on while I was in this trance?
Careful everyone, that is FAKE Mox.We voted on whether or not to let Shoot90, Gerry, and candy cane into the doc guys. Shoot 90 is in! The other filth didn't make the cut!
How can the Mox be just one man if there is a fake running around? Something isn't adding up! I'm the one true Mox!Careful everyone, that is FAKE Mox.