Another Missouri Embarrassment

It is widely recognized as the worst Supreme Court decision in history.
More importantly, what do we think MGHS was insinuating there?
If we are a country that thinks we should be following what we believe to be the thinking of the forefathers, then shouldn't Dred Scott have been the right decision? I mean how many of them owned slaves?
Just throwing that out there. Personally, I think it is horrific.
Nobody is trying to change your mind.... but the constitution and Supreme Court have ruled on this and People do have the Right to a AR-15 with 30 round clips so your belief has nothing do with it.
Wrong! That is your opinion. The constitution does not mention AR15s or 30 round clips. It only grants citizens the right to bear arms. A precedent has been set - not all weapons are legal.
Also, don't forget that Supreme Court rulings, by definition, are opinions. Opinions with the force of law, but still opinions that can and have been changed over time.
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That is the complete opposite of why the wrote the 2nd Amendment. The founding fathers hated the idea of a Standing Federal Army as they saw it was detriment to freedom and rights.

This is not a up for debate they actually wrote about this and it's easily researchable. Jefferson wrote Every Citizen must be a solider

James Madison... described as Standing Army as the greatest mischief that can happen

George Mason Once a Standing Army is established in any country the people lose their liberty
Alexander Hamilton If circumstances at anytime oblige the govt. to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow citizens. This appears to be the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, AND THE BEST POSSIBLE SECURITY AGAINST IT, if it should exist.

That is pretty blatant right there....

The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with a regulated national Military it is just the Opposite.....the founding fathers wanted a well armed Citizenship ready to fight at a moments notice and not controlled by the Federal Govt.
So the established federal armed forces we have now is detrimental to our rights? Where the hell would we be without them? You do have some VERY strange beliefs.
Like abortion?
The difference is that abortion was not spelled out in the Constitution as a foundational right for the whole country.... clearly states can now and should rule on that and let the people decide through a vote or elected officials.
It is widely recognized as the worst Supreme Court decision in history.
So heller/Bruno are the worst Supreme Court Decision in history or the recent ruling on Abortion RVW? Really?

I don't think anybody adds in Heller/Bruno in that category.

Clearly Dredd Scott and Plessy is the Worst ever and have been swept away.

I know the 2A is very problematic to the Left who wants to tightly control and oppress gun ownership and thwart the very intent of the Amendment. It being built into the Constitution makes it near impossible so those who hate the idea have to make wide leaps and bounds to try and reinvent the meaning and reason behind the Founding Fathers Idea's on guns... guns that most of them carried daily.
Wrong! That is your opinion. The constitution does not mention AR15s or 30 round clips. It only grants citizens the right to bear arms. A precedent has been set - not all weapons are legal.
Again not my opinion it's the Ruling of those who legally entrusted to make those decisions which is the Supreme Court and they decided the people get to choose what weapons are a common use weapon.

You are right the Constitution does not mention any weapon specifically so ARMS is a pretty broad term encompassing all weapons .... so again the SC wisely ruled the people get to decide by their purchasing power.... if a weapon is common use.
So the established federal armed forces we have now is detrimental to our rights? Where the hell would we be without them? You do have some VERY strange beliefs.
Those Federal Armed forces very well could be detrimental to our rights if you don't see that then I can't help you understand. Every Authoritarian regime has had the backing of the Federal Troops. A standing Military always enforces the Oligarchy will.

The Founding Fathers understood this.. where would the British Empire of been without the Red Coats to enforce the Kings Power?

Where would Putin Be if he didn't have the Power of his Military leaders to enforce his Totalitarian regime.

I'm very divided on the Massive Military we have and the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about. While having a Volunteer Army that is powerful and technologically advanced on the World Stage gives America Power and Control..... I am not ignorant enough to not be wary of and understand that our Military Might could easily be used as a Oppressive Force on American Citizens to destroy the Republic.

What is strange is that you don't see that my belief's and concerns about a Standing Federal Force is rooted in the beliefs and idea's of the very people who wrote and crafted the Constitution. I guess if you actually take the time to read Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton etc. you would have a better understanding.
Those Federal Armed forces very well could be detrimental to our rights if you don't see that then I can't help you understand. Every Authoritarian regime has had the backing of the Federal Troops. A standing Military always enforces the Oligarchy will.

The Founding Fathers understood this.. where would the British Empire of been without the Red Coats to enforce the Kings Power?

Where would Putin Be if he didn't have the Power of his Military leaders to enforce his Totalitarian regime.

I'm very divided on the Massive Military we have and the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about. While having a Volunteer Army that is powerful and technologically advanced on the World Stage gives America Power and Control..... I am not ignorant enough to not be wary of and understand that our Military Might could easily be used as a Oppressive Force on American Citizens to destroy the Republic.

What is strange is that you don't see that my belief's and concerns about a Standing Federal Force is rooted in the beliefs and idea's of the very people who wrote and crafted the Constitution. I guess if you actually take the time to read Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton etc. you would have a better understanding.
I guess if they had any idea what kind force the army could bring in this day they would have realized we the people would not stand a chance if they decide to put us under their thumb. You may your AR-15 but they have lots more firepower plus some nice jets and bombs and the like. One reason we should NEVER allow Donald J. Trump anywhere near the WH again.
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I guess if they had any idea what kind force the army could bring in this day they would have realized we the people would not stand a chance if they decide to put us under their thumb. You may your AR-15 but they have lots more firepower plus some nice jets and bombs and the like. One reason we should NEVER allow Donald J. Trump anywhere near the WH again.
You clearly didn't learn anything from Vietnam/Afghan and the tactics to destroy a vastly superior technological force.

You also make a bold assumption that all the Military would Follow those in Power... Of course some would but things are not as clear cut as you assume. How many of the People at the Jan. 6th where former Military/LEO personal you might ask yourself that question.
You clearly didn't learn anything from Vietnam/Afghan and the tactics to destroy a vastly superior technological force.

You also make a bold assumption that all the Military would Follow those in Power... Of course some would but things are not as clear cut as you assume. How many of the People at the Jan. 6th where former Military/LEO personal you might ask yourself that question.
You know everything about everything, you tell us how many would follow orders? Do you really think it would be enough you and other folks with AR-15's to have shot at fending them off?
Like I said THIS is why Trump should never be in charge of our military again!
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So heller/Bruno are the worst Supreme Court Decision in history or the recent ruling on Abortion RVW? Really?

I don't think anybody adds in Heller/Bruno in that category.

Clearly Dredd Scott and Plessy is the Worst ever and have been swept away.

I know the 2A is very problematic to the Left who wants to tightly control and oppress gun ownership and thwart the very intent of the Amendment. It being built into the Constitution makes it near impossible so those who hate the idea have to make wide leaps and bounds to try and reinvent the meaning and reason behind the Founding Fathers Idea's on guns... guns that most of them carried daily.
I was talking about Dred Scott. Don’t forget to read the context.
You know everything about everything, you tell us how many would follow orders? Do you really think it would be enough you and other folks with AR'15's to have shot at fending them off?
Like I said THIS is why Trump should never be in charge of our military again!
Trump and the radical right would love to start a civil war. Luckily, the Pentagon knows he's friggin nuts.
One indictment per week from now until the end of April would be kinda fun. Reagan got shot on my birthday, I say let’s come down with a major indictment on that day.
How many of the People at the Jan. 6th where former Military/LEO personal you might ask yourself that question.
And how many millions of Americans were disgusted by the whole Jan 6 shit show? Millions more than approved!!
This has certainly turned into science fiction. I'll wait a while to dig my bunker.
Science fiction? What are you talking about those tactics have stood the test of time with guerilla warfare.... and if you don't think it could happen you clearly don't study history.

It's not me making this stuff up... I just happen to read a lot

It's already being tried on a small scale across the country

The great majority of Americans are not so caught up in our current atmosphere of political tribal war that they are ready to turn guns on each other. Maybe your nut job Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are ready to pick up guns and start shooting Dems on sight, but anybody who believes the average American is so engulfed in political issues that they are willing to kill other Americans has lost touch with reality. Most of us realize we have a pretty good life despite our problems.
Science fiction? What are you talking about those tactics have stood the test of time with guerilla warfare.... and if you don't think it could happen you clearly don't study history.
Most Americans are ridiculously apathetic about politics. Why in the world would you fight (and die) for something you know nothing about and care nothing about? You wouldn’t.

So, what will happen is that the fringe lunatics will have a tiny pathetic fringe “rebellion” where they take over a building or two of little consequence (most likely full of federal office workers), hole up in it for a bit and then eventually surrender. They’ll think they accomplished something, but the truth is that life will move on without them and their pathetic ideology and they’ll be little more than a blip in history until the next generation forgets them entirely. Nothing over the long term of history suggests that societies will become more conservative in their collective beliefs. Right or wrong, it’s the curse of conservatism: you’ll win here and there, but the arrow of history points only one way. All you are is a failing set of brakes.
Most Americans are ridiculously apathetic about politics. Why in the world would you fight (and die) for something you know nothing about and care nothing about? You wouldn’t.

So, what will happen is that the fringe lunatics will have a tiny pathetic fringe “rebellion” where they take over a building or two of little consequence (most likely full of federal office workers), hole up in it for a bit and then eventually surrender. They’ll think they accomplished something, but the truth is that life will move on without them and their pathetic ideology and they’ll be little more than a blip in history until the next generation forgets them entirely. Nothing over the long term of history suggests that societies will become more conservative in their collective beliefs. Right or wrong, it’s the curse of conservatism: you’ll win here and there, but the arrow of history points only one way. All you are is a failing set of brakes.
This is not about Politics at all per say Policies and Laws are not the catalyst for this type of stuff. So in that sense you are correct most People are not engaged deeply in Politics

. Politics is just the window dressing to Fire up the masses.

You fail to factor in the Human Need of belonging to a cause greater than a person's self and the fact a group of people are being neglected and oppressed.

This is a time honored tradition of the Socialist and Communist revolutions that have taken over Countries. This can easily be weaponized by the Conservatives as well.

Charismatic leaders and the oppression of marginalized groups have often led to upheaval on a grand scale. This is also a Historic Fact.... Believing it's not possible in America in this day and age is a bit short sighted IMO, I mean the very country was founded on not paying $$$ to the Crown.

Never under estimate the brutality and willingness to cause carnage from the Male Demographic age 18-40 that has been disenfranchised and marginalized. A demographic that has been locked out of the system and has turned it's back on education for the most part.

With the advent of Social Media and Such ... you don't have to print pamphlets and have secret meetings in the basement to Gin up support for the cause what ever that maybe....

I find it interesting you dismiss the possibility so easily? After what Happened in Portland with Chaz being taken over, the Federal building under siege for weeks, BLM riots for Months.... and then Jan. 6th?

Saying it will only be a blip? With 76 million Americans freaking Voting for Narcissistic Trump just because he wasn't a Lefty like Biden says something about the state of America. Clearly That show's a pretty big divide in the Culture across the Nation.

And yes Free Countries do tend to become more and more liberal until they.... often fade into obscurity or collapse.

I will say this that with the Decreased birth rate of the Left and the turn to Conservatism of parents with Children then long term America could very likely buck the trend and America moves to the middle again. But as you said that is not the Historical timeline.

Never under estimate the brutality and willingness to cause carnage from the Male Demographic age 18-40 that has been disenfranchised and marginalized. A demographic that has been locked out of the system and has turned it's back on education for the most part.
What have they been locked out of?
Are they the ones who turned their back on education or is it the system that has?
Which he will deny later

White males being “disenfranchised” is some rich stuff. So they don’t have total control over every aspect of our lives??

I used to think that people under 40 wanting to be famous was the worst thing about our society. But “playing the victim” has blown it out of the water.
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I do have to laugh at these spoiled young whippersnappers crying about how bad a shape our country is in. They don't even realize how good we have life in America. Covid was the most traumatic experience they have ever had to endure, and wearing a mask in public for a few months was tantamount to being in a Japaneses POW camp in their spoiled minds. .
The macho male, “carry my gun wherever I want” crowd currently playing victim
doesn’t acknowledge that "2/3 of the victims shot & killed by intimate partners are women" and the presence of guns makes an abuser "five times more likely" to kill.
Yet they still fight red flag laws and want unlimited access to their death sticks.
This is not about Politics at all per say Policies and Laws are not the catalyst for this type of stuff. So in that sense you are correct most People are not engaged deeply in Politics

. Politics is just the window dressing to Fire up the masses.

You fail to factor in the Human Need of belonging to a cause greater than a person's self and the fact a group of people are being neglected and oppressed.

This is a time honored tradition of the Socialist and Communist revolutions that have taken over Countries. This can easily be weaponized by the Conservatives as well.

Charismatic leaders and the oppression of marginalized groups have often led to upheaval on a grand scale. This is also a Historic Fact.... Believing it's not possible in America in this day and age is a bit short sighted IMO, I mean the very country was founded on not paying $$$ to the Crown.

Never under estimate the brutality and willingness to cause carnage from the Male Demographic age 18-40 that has been disenfranchised and marginalized. A demographic that has been locked out of the system and has turned it's back on education for the most part.

With the advent of Social Media and Such ... you don't have to print pamphlets and have secret meetings in the basement to Gin up support for the cause what ever that maybe....

I find it interesting you dismiss the possibility so easily? After what Happened in Portland with Chaz being taken over, the Federal building under siege for weeks, BLM riots for Months.... and then Jan. 6th?

Saying it will only be a blip? With 76 million Americans freaking Voting for Narcissistic Trump just because he wasn't a Lefty like Biden says something about the state of America. Clearly That show's a pretty big divide in the Culture across the Nation.

And yes Free Countries do tend to become more and more liberal until they.... often fade into obscurity or collapse.

I will say this that with the Decreased birth rate of the Left and the turn to Conservatism of parents with Children then long term America could very likely buck the trend and America moves to the middle again. But as you said that is not the Historical timeline.

The fact that such a tiny bloc of people even bother to vote here shows me what I need to know about any kind of sustained rebellion. No one wants to be inconvenienced for very long.
The fact that such a tiny bloc of people even bother to vote here shows me what I need to know about any kind of sustained rebellion. No one wants to be inconvenienced for very long.
That's a good point.
Make MO Magas stand in line to vote like blacks in urban GA do.

They'd wilt.
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They’d be speaking to a manager in no time.
I saw some of those folks in GA stood in line for over 8 hours. That is disenfranchisement to a T. The Rs shut down polling places in urban areas so it's like that.
I saw some of those folks in GA stood in line for over 8 hours. That is disenfranchisement to a T. The Rs shut down polling places in urban areas so it's like that.

Then they pretend that it isn’t what they are actually doing and try to turn back the very thing they are doing on you.
What have they been locked out of?
Are they the ones who turned their back on education or is it the system that has?
I'm sure it depends on different circumstances. My point is that Young Males are not going to College or even finishing or thriving in High School.

Stay on topic the reasons don't matter... Young Males who have no direction are easily weaponized for reasons.
I think MG just made a case for the existence of "systemic" biases.
I never said there wasn't systemic biases... In fact up until the 60's and 70's systemic bias was built into the system. That has changed and is illegal as it should be so now the system is hard baked with biases... People still do have those biases and Probably always will to a degree.

My point is that, now the over compensation to right the ship is having adverse effect on the Young Male demographic of all races. And having a bunch of uneducated males is a bad thing for any civilization.
Which he will deny later

White males being “disenfranchised” is some rich stuff. So they don’t have total control over every aspect of our lives??

I used to think that people under 40 wanting to be famous was the worst thing about our society. But “playing the victim” has blown it out of the water.
I never mentioned race..... Why do you interject that into everything.. I Said the young male demographic.

No on is playing the victim... I pointing out the simple fact that Males are not getting a education, and are not maintaining employment and that having Millions of uneducated and unemployed Males is not a good thing.

You seem to focus to much on the 1% of white Males who hold power and then ignore all the other Males.. White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian who are not in the 1%.

It's not a win and doesn't punish the 1 or 2 percent of the White Males in the upper crust when the rest of the Male population is faltering.

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