Another Missouri Embarrassment

As fast as the trigger can be pulled...... same speed as a 10 round mag for my 30.06 or a 15 round mag for my 9mm. Yes they are common use weapons when you have millions of them in millions of peoples hands they are common use weapons. A bazooka or grenade launcher would be a unusually dangerous weapon.... that is uncommon.

I find it entertaining that you think the most popular defensive platform with 25 million in Civilians hands... and that does not count other similar platforms is not a common weapon that is not unusual, it is clearly common use weapon for defense by a vast majority of Armed Americans just by the sheer volume of those used.

It is obvious your definition of unusually dangerous is invalid and inaccurate per the SC. So it's you who have your head buried in the sand.
Did anyone else get an 'I know you are, but what am I' playground vibe from this post?
AHH clear that no actual data or logical rebuttal can be brought forth..... so who is diving into playground sniping? Oh yeah you guys.

AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, like a semi-auto 30.-06 or a 9mm Glock one trigger pull one round fired. A lot of weapons have mag that have more rounds than a single shot weapon or a bolt action style of weapon. How fast a weapon can be fired depends on the operator pulling the trigger, and the internals that are used so it's variable. But on average it's going to depend on who is firing the weapons and how familiar they are with them.

I also pointed out that AR-15 and similar Platforms are common use weapons in the hands of millions of Civilians used in a lawful manner and that the rounds are not overly dangerous compared to other platforms in common use.

The Supreme Court ruled on Common use etc. in 2008.

How you turned my pointing on information that is basic knowledge to many, into a playground Snipe says more about you guys than me.

But if it makes you feel better to try and turn this into some emotional cat calling BS then so be it, I as always will refrain from that immature type of stuff and respond with the above factual information.
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'says more about you guys than me.'
I know you are but what am I.
What is the difference between those 2 statements?
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I’m just relieved he straightened me out that entire communities aren’t terrorized after a mass shooting. No worries. Can’t happen here.
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I’m just relieved he straightened me out that entire communities aren’t terrorized after a mass shooting. No worries. Can’t happen here.
That shooting in Florida wouldn't have happened in Missouri. Everyone can carry a gun. That 9-year-old would have been safe because she had a gun. I am guessing it is the fault of those people that they died because they didn't have a gun to protect themselves.
AHH clear that no actual data or logical rebuttal can be brought forth..... so who is diving into playground sniping? Oh yeah you guys.

AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, like a semi-auto 30.-06 or a 9mm Glock one trigger pull one round fired. A lot of weapons have mag that have more rounds than a single shot weapon or a bolt action style of weapon. How fast a weapon can be fired depends on the operator pulling the trigger, and the internals that are used so it's variable. But on average it's going to depend on who is firing the weapons and how familiar they are with them.

I also pointed out that AR-15 and similar Platforms are common use weapons in the hands of millions of Civilians used in a lawful manner and that the rounds are not overly dangerous compared to other platforms in common use.

The Supreme Court ruled on Common use etc. in 2008.

How you turned my pointing on information that is basic knowledge to many, into a playground Snipe says more about you guys than me.

But if it makes you feel better to try and turn this into some emotional cat calling BS then so be it, I as always will refrain from that immature type of stuff and respond with the above factual information.
How many doctors have to tell you how deadly the AR-15 is before you understand what it does to the human body? It ain't just another rifle or pistol.
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How many doctors have to tell you how deadly the AR-15 is before you understand what it does to the human body? It ain't just another rifle or pistol.
Don’t be silly. He knows more than doctors.
That shooting in Florida wouldn't have happened in Missouri. Everyone can carry a gun. That 9-year-old would have been safe because she had a gun. I am guessing it is the fault of those people that they died because they didn't have a gun to protect themselves.
You fail to see my point over reaching gun laws won't prevent a insane person like Keith Moses from doing insane things with a gun or maybe you just refuse to believe that.

The mentally imbalanced with a bent of violence are going to always find a way to enact their insane will upon others.

No it's not their fault they died, but at least having a gun for protection would of given them a chance for survival. People protect themselves from the criminal element daily with the use of defensive firearms...Millions a year per CDC commissioned study.

Even 80 year old's can defend themselves from criminals with a gun...


I can post a lot of these if you don't think it doesn't happen and having a gun is a great way not to be a victim

How many doctors have to tell you how deadly the AR-15 is before you understand what it does to the human body? It ain't just another rifle or pistol.
Nobody said that a AR-15 wasn't more powerful than a handgun and does more damage that is the purpose of having it for a home defensive platform it kills quicker and more efficiently you don't shoot someone and hope they live you only shoot to kill... But Guess what most deer hunting calibers are bigger and more powerful than a AR-15 and way more lethal. In some states it's illegal to hunt deer with a .223 because of that lack of killing power.

You do realize that the .223 is a small game cartridge right? The bullet travels faster than say a .308 or the 30.06 but it carries a lot less mass. The reason the .223 became the go to platform was people wanted to trade accuracy and a more controllable weapon for the more powerful rounds I mentioned. Double the Shooters can qualify as experts with a .223 as with a .308/30.06 caliber rifle.

It's the same reason that 9mm have over taken .45 ACP and .40 call S&W while those guns are lethal by far people are less accurate with them in defensive situations. More hit's on target is the GOAL so you can take down the criminal.

Outlawing AR-15 will only drive Crazy people to using bigger more lethal calibers of weapons.
Nobody said that a AR-15 wasn't more powerful than a handgun and does more damage that is the purpose of having it for a home defensive platform it kills quicker and more efficiently you don't shoot someone and hope they live you only shoot to kill... But Guess what most deer hunting calibers are bigger and more powerful than a AR-15 and way more lethal. In some states it's illegal to hunt deer with a .223 because of that lack of killing power.

You do realize that the .223 is a small game cartridge right? The bullet travels faster than say a .308 or the 30.06 but it carries a lot less mass. The reason the .223 became the go to platform was people wanted to trade accuracy and a more controllable weapon for the more powerful rounds I mentioned. Double the Shooters can qualify as experts with a .223 as with a .308/30.06 caliber rifle.

It's the same reason that 9mm have over taken .45 ACP and .40 call S&W while those guns are lethal by far people are less accurate with them in defensive situations. More hit's on target is the GOAL so you can take down the criminal.

Outlawing AR-15 will only drive Crazy people to using bigger more lethal calibers of weapons.
I have told you this before butI'll say it again. According doctors and the tests that have been done with an AR-15 it's the velocity of the bullet not the caliber that makes them tear through a human body with so much devastation. But you go ahead straighten all those folks out and tells it just ain't true. They explode and don't just make narrow path as they go in and out.
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I have told you this before butI'll say it again. According doctors and the tests that have been done with an AR-15 it's the velocity of the bullet not the caliber that makes them tear through a human body with so much devastation. But you go ahead straighten all those folks out and tells it just ain't true. They explode and don't just make narrow path as they go in and out.
Automatic weapons belong in the hands of two groups of people only... 1. the military 2. law enforcement. No one else needs them or should have them... I don't give a damn what MG Blowhard thinks about it !
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Automatic weapons belong in the hands of two groups of people only... 1. the military 2. law enforcement. No one else needs them or should have them... I don't give a damn what MG Blowhard thinks about it !
AR-15 are not automatic weapons..... you show your lack of knowledge on the issue again.

While I respect your right to have your opinion on AR-15 you are Clearly mistaken or ideologically driven to a erroneous conclusion because of your emotional bias.... so naturally you are wrong on all levels.

And the Constitution and the Supreme Court really doesn't give a Damn about your Blowhard opinion either as they have ruled you are in error and 100% mistaken in your belief.

AR-15 are common use self defense weapons and the people get to decide what is common use.... not the govt. And we have decided that AR-15 are common use weapons.

I do find it funny Homey that you want to empower the Police state and Military state with the Means to oppress and control the citizens with ease by giving them superior weapons and technology. You trust the Govt and police way more than I do.

For a Group of people who Claim Trump was Hitler and Wanted to take over the govt and set up his own kingdom you clearly want the people to not have any deterrent or ways to fight such oppression.
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How come the only regulation they like is that 'well-regulated militia?'
A well regulated militia is just a group of people....... and you know that it has nothing to do with the govt. at all. And regulated didn't mean regulation when the constitution was written it meant well armed...AR-15 fits that definition... well disciplined... it takes discipline to use a weapon....
Most of them won't admit that's even what the 2nd amendment was all about.
It's not and the Supreme Court ruled on that... and their is plenty of writings and I have linked them on here from the Founding Fathers about the 2nd Amendment and how the people... not the govt should be those who bear arms.

You tend to ignore the intent of the Founding Fathers in favor of your own petty belief's and opinions.

Please keep ignoring James Madison, Jefferson and others... it makes you guys look rather dubious at best in your constitutional analysis and rather biased.

A well regulated militia is just a group of people....... and you know that it has nothing to do with the govt. at all. And regulated didn't mean regulation when the constitution was written it meant well armed...AR-15 fits that definition... well disciplined... it takes discipline to use a weapon....
A well regulated militia is just a group of people....... and you know that it has nothing to do with the govt. at all. And regulated didn't mean regulation when the constitution was written it meant well armed...AR-15 fits that definition... well disciplined... it takes discipline to use a weapon....
It very plainly says well regulated, you just choose to ignore that part.
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AR-15 are not automatic weapons..... you show your lack of knowledge on the issue again.

While I respect your right to have your opinion on AR-15 you are Clearly mistaken or ideologically driven to a erroneous conclusion because of your emotional bias.... so naturally you are wrong on all levels.

And the Constitution and the Supreme Court really doesn't give a Damn about your Blowhard opinion either as they have ruled you are in error and 100% mistaken in your belief.

AR-15 are common use self defense weapons and the people get to decide what is common use.... not the govt. And we have decided that AR-15 are common use weapons.

I do find it funny Homey that you want to empower the Police state and Military state with the Means to oppress and control the citizens with ease by giving them superior weapons and technology. You trust the Govt and police way more than I do.

For a Group of people who Claim Trump was Hitler and Wanted to take over the govt and set up his own kingdom you clearly want the people to not have any deterrent or ways to fight such oppression.
I have no fear of the police or the military having possession of or using those type of weapons when necessary. I'm very sorry that you feel oppressed by the police and our own military. I was in the army years ago and was trained on an M-16 so I understand the concept of what is considered to be a semiautomatic weapon. I simply don't believe that I need one to defend myself. The point made in a thread below this one about the Las Vegas massacre is exhibit A as to why they should not be allowed on the street and any moron knows that they are not necessary for self defense.
People of your ilk want to take the society back to 1789 with your idiotic originalist thinking. All that you want to do is walk backward. No thank you...!
Well disciplined like the man on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel getting off over 1,000 rounds in under 10 minutes on a crowd below.
That would be undisciplined and mentally ill just the opposite of well disciplined.
It very plainly says well regulated, you just choose to ignore that part.
You choose to ignore that language and it's usage has morphed over time. You are wrong I could post a link on the meaning and usage of regulated when the constitution was written, I have before but it would be a waste of time because you refuse to educate yourself for what ever reason... not capable or not willing. Regulated had nothing to do with regulation when the constitution was written.
I have no fear of the police or the military having possession of or using those type of weapons when necessary. I'm very sorry that you feel oppressed by the police and our own military. I was in the army years ago and was trained on an M-16 so I understand the concept of what is considered to be a semiautomatic weapon. I simply don't believe that I need one to defend myself. The point made in a thread below this one about the Las Vegas massacre is exhibit A as to why they should not be allowed on the street and any moron knows that they are not necessary for self defense.
People of your ilk want to take the society back to 1789 with your idiotic originalist thinking. All that you want to do is walk backward. No thank you...!
So if you understand they are not Automatic weapons then why do you continue to claim they are.

I 100% disagree with your analysis and view point. AR-15 are a great self defense weapon and I do not trust the Police or Military under the control of Authoritarian Left Wing Radical types that dominate the Democratic Party.

It is people like you who want to walk back society to pre-constitutional days when Laws and Rights where only held by those in power and only they through the force of the Police State and Military had the means to enforce that power. Sad you don't see it.

Exhibit A is wanting to ban AR-15 which kill less people than Knifes, Clubs and Feet/Hands and most other things. Not very logical and when AR-15 are used in protecting human life at a greater rate than they kill clearly their is a agenda.
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So if you understand they are not Automatic weapons then why do you continue to claim they are.
Everyone understands the difference between semi and fully automatic. What you, MG, are failing to acknowledge is a weapon has no practical purpose such as a semi AR 15 that can get off 60 rounds per minute by pulling the trigger every second for as long as you have 30 round clips to reload.

Without modifications such as a bump stock, an AR-15 can fire about 60 rounds a minute. A 30-round magazine is fairly standard with MSRs but ammunition magazines ("drums") holding up to 100 rounds can be changed in just a few seconds.

What practical purpose does that weapon have in society? NONE
You choose to ignore that language and it's usage has morphed over time. You are wrong I could post a link on the meaning and usage of regulated when the constitution was written, I have before but it would be a waste of time because you refuse to educate yourself for what ever reason... not capable or not willing. Regulated had nothing to do with regulation when the constitution was written.
What do you mean by "not capable" in regards to 3R educating himself?
Don't try to act like you are better because you don't think you make emotional statements and whatever other b.s. you spew trying to make yourself feel superior.
Wanting all Americans to feel safe is an “emotional” mindset….. Bahahaha
Can you imagine being that pompous.
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So if you understand they are not Automatic weapons then why do you continue to claim they are.

I 100% disagree with your analysis and view point. AR-15 are a great self defense weapon and I do not trust the Police or Military under the control of Authoritarian Left Wing Radical types that dominate the Democratic Party.

It is people like you who want to walk back society to pre-constitutional days when Laws and Rights where only held by those in power and only they through the force of the Police State and Military had the means to enforce that power. Sad you don't see it.

Exhibit A is wanting to ban AR-15 which kill less people than Knifes, Clubs and Feet/Hands and most other things. Not very logical and when AR-15 are used in protecting human life at a greater rate than they kill clearly their is a agenda.
1. Call them what you will... a weapon that is capable of firing multiple rounds in short order is unnecessary for any form of protection short of law enforcement or the military. It has been the weapon of choice in mass shootings beginning with Columbine some years ago. The only thing that I left out of the equation are the use of high capacity magazines with those weapons.
2. So the so called left wing is authoritarian ? Thats rich 😆 ! The authoritarian breakout in government world wide is based on current conservative thought. You don't trust the police or the military... so does that mean that you intend to take the law into your own hands ? Now that is something that I WOULD fear !
3. Your next point is totally preposterous ! Originalist thinking calls for the constitution to be interpreted as it was originally written. The most recent additions to the supreme court all exhibit this form of legal thought particularly Gorsuch. Alito and Thomas are off the charts in this thinking.
People such as myself want the constitution to be a "living document" that can be interpreted rationally and fairly given the times.
4. Stop with the false equivalency ! Yes we all know that people die in car wrecks and from covid etc. In conclusion stop with your stupidity about AR-15's. They have been involved in almost all of the mass shootings in recent US history. The idea that they save lives is ridiculous.
Everyone understands the difference between semi and fully automatic. What you, MG, are failing to acknowledge is a weapon has no practical purpose such as a semi AR 15 that can get off 60 rounds per minute by pulling the trigger every second for as long as you have 30 round clips to reload.

Without modifications such as a bump stock, an AR-15 can fire about 60 rounds a minute. A 30-round magazine is fairly standard with MSRs but ammunition magazines ("drums") holding up to 100 rounds can be changed in just a few seconds.

What practical purpose does that weapon have in society? NONE
The Platform is Great for self defense a very very practical use, it is also used for hunting hogs and other game, target practice in National Competitions, etc. So it has practical uses that can't be refuted. But even if it didn't the constitution gives the people the right to Bear Arms and so owning one should not be infringed.

The Supreme Court ruled that Common use weapons are legal and Common use is decided by the People of America. And Millions upon Millions of Americans have decided that the AR-15 is their weapon of Choice.

So while it irks you and others that the weapon is legal and protected there is really nothing that can be done about it and Again if you Delve into the numbers AR-15 style weapons kill very few people in a year.
1. Call them what you will... a weapon that is capable of firing multiple rounds in short order is unnecessary for any form of protection short of law enforcement or the military. It has been the weapon of choice in mass shootings beginning with Columbine some years ago. The only thing that I left out of the equation are the use of high capacity magazines with those weapons.
2. So the so called left wing is authoritarian ? Thats rich 😆 ! The authoritarian breakout in government world wide is based on current conservative thought. You don't trust the police or the military... so does that mean that you intend to take the law into your own hands ? Now that is something that I WOULD fear !
3. Your next point is totally preposterous ! Originalist thinking calls for the constitution to be interpreted as it was originally written. The most recent additions to the supreme court all exhibit this form of legal thought particularly Gorsuch. Alito and Thomas are off the charts in this thinking.
People such as myself want the constitution to be a "living document" that can be interpreted rationally and fairly given the times.
4. Stop with the false equivalency ! Yes we all know that people die in car wrecks and from covid etc. In conclusion stop with your stupidity about AR-15's. They have been involved in almost all of the mass shootings in recent US history. The idea that they save lives is ridiculous.
LOL a Legal document is not a living and breathing thing.... it is a hard set of Laws and Rules that are to be followed and applied by those elected and appointed.

There is a Process to change the Constitution if you don't like it. Trying to read into the document what you want and interpret it how you see fit is Just away to skirt the rule of law and bend it to your Ideals and beliefs. If you want the Rule of Law to be different then go through the Process and See if you can get enough people to go along and Change the Constitution.

See it's not what you want that matters it's what the founding fathers intended that comes first and foremost. They gave the American people as I have stated over and over again the ability to change the Constitution if there is a Overt desire from the People..... Good luck with changing the 2nd Amendment.

Yes AR-15 have been involved in mass shootings...... But the Threat of being Killed by a AR-15 is minimal even with there use in Mass shootings. I am not pointing out a False Equivalency Fallacy because clearly the Point of Banning AR-15 is because of the Threat of Death by them!!! So in any Civil debate or discourse Data from other Forms of Death are relevant and indeed proper points of reference in the discourse because if the Odds from that threat doesn't meet a statistical Standard then the idea is clearly biased and not logically based.

And really you think the Current break out of Socialism, Communism.... is right wing based.... Yes the United Nation, World Economic Forum.... the Current Administration is So Moral Majority Right wing Based it's obvious Insert EYE ROLL. All the right wingers are jumping up and down while the Left censors Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl and others, we are so on board with China and it's concentration camps. We also want to ignore the constitution and allow the Govt to stop free speech in a so called effort to make sure Govt propaganda is the only truth and everything else is labeled as misinformation. And for the basic human right of self defense to only be in the hands of the Govt and abolish the 2nd amendment. Yep all of that is right wing based..... now that is rich.
Wanting all Americans to feel safe is an “emotional” mindset….. Bahahaha
Can you imagine being that pompous.
All Americans won't feel safe if AR-15 are made illegal..... Because Millions upon Millions understand that the Law will do nothing to stop Mass Shootings with AR-15 or other weapons. And Millions will now know that they have no means of self defense from the Armed and Dangerous Criminals.

Wanting to impose your Authoritarian Will upon Half the Country to give you and your kin emotional peace is the pompous mindset. We feel safer with our weapons and Constitutional right to protect our family and ourselves because we understand the Police are not capable or numerous enough to do so.