Another Missouri Embarrassment

What do you mean by "not capable" in regards to 3R educating himself?
Don't try to act like you are better because you don't think you make emotional statements and whatever other b.s. you spew trying to make yourself feel superior.
It's clearly only two choices either he is unwilling or not capable.... I have given a Link that explained the usage of the term regulated from the era of when the constitution was written.... in fact I've posted that link numerous times. The use of that word is well documented and it's intent from that time.

So if he chooses not to read the link and learn then he is unwilling. And if he does read the link and can't comprehend the irrefutable conclusion of the usage of regulated from that era he is incapable.

What other conclusion can anyone come to.

He could actually take a few minutes and do some basic research into the usage of the word regulated from the time frame as well on his own I am rather confident he is competent enough to do so.

But for some odd reason he doesn't and just throws out off the cuff remarks with minimal merit. So I on occasion lower myself to do the same....

And I don't feel superior to him at all or think I'm better. I know he is a hard working guy, with a good moral base and a desire to want everyone to be happy and successful. I have no doubt he is Capable of broadening his intellectual base, for some reason he appears to be resistant to that and ignores the clear cut evidence.

I understand why the ideologs on here ignore facts, logic and evidence because to acknowledge those things would fracture their belief system. I give 3RFan the benefit of the doubt he does not appear to be a hardcore lefty visionary.

I see 3RFan as a equal and I treat him as such in my responses... I do find it a bit odd that you seem to always come to his rescue and be big brother because you read into people post that you think he is less capable and inferior which says more about your subconscious opinion of him than mine. .... not that he needs protection he gives smack rather well..... I'm sure now he will be taking his time to scour my grammar and syntax and respond in kind with some straight forward demeaning comment.... Much to my glee because it will have nothing to do with the topic being discussed but I know it will make him feel vindicated.
If it takes you 30 rounds to bring down a hog, you might want to consider a new hobby.

A legal precedent has already been set that bans certain types of weapons....machine guns.
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LOL a Legal document is not a living and breathing thing.... it is a hard set of Laws and Rules that are to be followed and applied by those elected and appointed.

There is a Process to change the Constitution if you don't like it. Trying to read into the document what you want and interpret it how you see fit is Just away to skirt the rule of law and bend it to your Ideals and beliefs. If you want the Rule of Law to be different then go through the Process and See if you can get enough people to go along and Change the Constitution.

See it's not what you want that matters it's what the founding fathers intended that comes first and foremost. They gave the American people as I have stated over and over again the ability to change the Constitution if there is a Overt desire from the People..... Good luck with changing the 2nd Amendment.

Yes AR-15 have been involved in mass shootings...... But the Threat of being Killed by a AR-15 is minimal even with there use in Mass shootings. I am not pointing out a False Equivalency Fallacy because clearly the Point of Banning AR-15 is because of the Threat of Death by them!!! So in any Civil debate or discourse Data from other Forms of Death are relevant and indeed proper points of reference in the discourse because if the Odds from that threat doesn't meet a statistical Standard then the idea is clearly biased and not logically based.

And really you think the Current break out of Socialism, Communism.... is right wing based.... Yes the United Nation, World Economic Forum.... the Current Administration is So Moral Majority Right wing Based it's obvious Insert EYE ROLL. All the right wingers are jumping up and down while the Left censors Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl and others, we are so on board with China and it's concentration camps. We also want to ignore the constitution and allow the Govt to stop free speech in a so called effort to make sure Govt propaganda is the only truth and everything else is labeled as misinformation. And for the basic human right of self defense to only be in the hands of the Govt and abolish the 2nd amendment. Yep all of that is right wing based..... now that is rich.
You are one twisted individual. you constantly conjure up false equivalencies in your defense of your all mighty firearm. You totally missed the point on the constitution being a "living document." It's not a literal interpretation. It involves interpreting the law as it exists now, not as it was in 1789.
The current administration is right wing ??? Put down your hash pipe !
A well regulated militia is just a group of people....... and you know that it has nothing to do with the govt. at all. And regulated didn't mean regulation when the constitution was written it meant well armed...AR-15 fits that definition... well disciplined... it takes discipline to use a weapon....
Regulated didn't mean regulation???? How the heck did you come with that one? A well regulated Militia would mean they had a leader or two to keep them organized when needed, not that the government controlled their every move. It has nothing to do what kind of arms they had.
If it takes you 30 rounds to bring down a hog, you might want to consider a new hobby.

A legal precedent has already been set that bans certain types of weapons....machine guns.
You can own a Machine gun if you are willing to go threw the BS....and deal with the ATF. So they are not banned. They are just heavily regulated by the Federal govt, and some states do ban them but again they are not a common weapon.

And a AR-15 is a common use weapon.... not a machine gun. Hence 25 million being in possession of the masses.

You do realize that when you hunt hogs in some area's there is no limit and killing a lot of them in a short time is the goal. So it's not that it takes 30 rounds to kill one hog it's that you want 30 rounds to kill 15 or 20 hogs quickly.
You are one twisted individual. you constantly conjure up false equivalencies in your defense of your all mighty firearm. You totally missed the point on the constitution being a "living document." It's not a literal interpretation. It involves interpreting the law as it exists now, not as it was in 1789.
The current administration is right wing ??? Put down your hash pipe !
I never said the current Administration is right wing... the point I was making all the authoritarian BS is coming from a Left wing administration and left wing organizations around the world..... and the people who support that are also left wing. You stated otherwise...

I do not conjure up false equivalencies at all I pointed that out.... you can't refute that my points are 100% valid and comparable.

You can only interpret the law as it existed as written.... the law does not change and how you interpret it does not change.
The meaning of words and how they are used change over time change ... there are many examples of this.... and it is common knowledge to most folks that the English language and all languages morph and change over time. I mean you do know that the word gay didn't use to reference a homosexual person right.... it meant happy. Or the world cute didn't refer to being Nice looking but meant quick witted or sharp. So as I pointed out the term regulated in the Colonial era had a different usage this has been shown by it's use in the Printed world of that era like News Papers, Pamphlets, individual writings etc.

Jeffery Rosen a Prof. of History as written upon this subject as have others.... citing the historical writings from that time frame an the usage of the word well regulated and it's context. You can either deny it or accept it but it's the facts.

Regulated didn't mean regulation???? How the heck did you come with that one? A well regulated Militia would mean they had a leader or two to keep them organized when needed, not that the government controlled their every move. It has nothing to do what kind of arms they had.
You can own a Machine gun if you are willing to go threw the BS....and deal with the ATF. So they are not banned. They are just heavily regulated by the Federal govt, and some states do ban them but again they are not a common weapon.

And a AR-15 is a common use weapon.... not a machine gun. Hence 25 million being in possession of the masses.

You do realize that when you hunt hogs in some area's there is no limit and killing a lot of them in a short time is the goal. So it's not that it takes 30 rounds to kill one hog it's that you want 30 rounds to kill 15 or 20 hogs quickly.
Which 'regulated' are you talking about now? The one for the 1700's or the one for the 2000's? :rolleyes:
I never said the current Administration is right wing... the point I was making all the authoritarian BS is coming from a Left wing administration and left wing organizations around the world..... and the people who support that are also left wing. You stated otherwise...

I do not conjure up false equivalencies at all I pointed that out.... you can't refute that my points are 100% valid and comparable.

You can only interpret the law as it existed as written.... the law does not change and how you interpret it does not change.
You mean like Roe v. Wade... ? :rolleyes: your points are 100% valid ? Jeffery Rosen... Fat Donnie's hand picked boy. You'll have to do much better that that. All of your so called sources are right wing idealogues.
Roe vs Wade ??? How is that relevant to the Constitution?

I link CNN, Yahoo, Time, NBC, the James Madison Institute etc. all the time How are they right wing. I get a lot of information from Carnegie Endowment for international Peace as well another Left wing haven that has good analysis.

And good gosh do a bit or Research Jeffry Rosen Prof. from George Wash. University is NOT JEFFERY ADAM ROSEN lawyer who was the former UGA for a short time under Trump.

Totally two different People that should of been obvious when I posted Jeffry Rosen basic bio .. Prof. from George Wash. University. LOL you so quickly jump to your Bias Conclusion it comical and laughable.

Prof. Jeffery Rosen wrote for the Atlantic -left wing, New York Times mag- Left wing, the New Yorker- Left wing, and he often Appears on NPR soooooo left wing........Clearly Research and basic confirmation is not your friend.

Ole Justice Ginsberg credited Rosen's Support for getting her Nomination to the Supreme Court!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Rosen is so Right Wing he had a master plan to get R.B. Ginsberg on the SC!!!
Roe vs Wade ??? How is that relevant to the Constitution?

I link CNN, Yahoo, Time, NBC, the James Madison Institute etc. all the time How are they right wing. I get a lot of information from Carnegie Endowment for international Peace as well another Left wing haven that has good analysis.

And good gosh do a bit or Research Jeffry Rosen Prof. from George Wash. University is NOT JEFFERY ADAM ROSEN lawyer who was the former UGA for a short time under Trump.

Totally two different People that should of been obvious when I posted Jeffry Rosen basic bio .. Prof. from George Wash. University. LOL you so quickly jump to your Bias Conclusion it comical and laughable.

Prof. Jeffery Rosen wrote for the Atlantic -left wing, New York Times mag- Left wing, the New Yorker- Left wing, and he often Appears on NPR soooooo left wing........Clearly Research and basic confirmation is not your friend.

Ole Justice Ginsberg credited Rosen's Support for getting her Nomination to the Supreme Court!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Rosen is so Right Wing he had a master plan to get R.B. Ginsberg on the SC!!!
Roe should be obvious to you... It became legal precedent and then years later, the conservative faction of the supreme court led by Alito decided to end it. 64% of Americans favor legal abortion. Oh well...
As for Rosen, I did not realize that there was more than one but please don't try to "school me" on bias... You may read more moderate or left wing material but your conclusions are any thing but...
Legal Precedent is not a Constitutional right like the Second Amendment which is engrained and part of the Unchanged Foundation of American Law.

A legal Precedent can be changed willy nilly by other judges per the law...... the Constitution cannot be there is a process to change the Constitution you don't interpret it. So they have absolutely nothing in common at all in comparing 2A vs R.V.W..... who here has spot on given a Example of False Equivalence Fallacy comparison. Hint it's not me.

Abortion has never been a constitutional right like Owning Arms. And really I would have absolutely no issue if the 64% of Americans including me who favor a women's right to abortion got their state legislators to convene a constitutional convention and make it a American Right.

All the current Supreme Court decisions did was give the states the rights to decide. It did not make abortion illegal on a Federal Level at all. States can do them...... that is Freedom at it's core.

Let's see I'm in favor of Abortion leftwing, Gay marriage and the LGBQT+ communities Left wing, Legalizing Drugs Leftwing , Legalizing Sex Workers leftwing, limiting the Surveillance state within our Borders Leftwing, the right to die leftwing.

Just because I want the constitution to be followed and not interpreted and I want my tax dollars to be spent wisely and not wasted on social services you tend to pigeon hole me as a right winger.
All the current Supreme Court decisions did was give the states the rights to decide. It did not make abortion illegal on a Federal Level at all. States can do them...... that is Freedom at it's core.

Didn't work out so well with slavery, did it??
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Let's see I'm in favor of Abortion leftwing, Gay marriage and the LGBQT+ communities Left wing, Legalizing Drugs Leftwing , Legalizing Sex Workers leftwing, limiting the Surveillance state within our Borders Leftwing, the right to die leftwing.
Both sides have their extremists ... see Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Jan 6, Stormy Daniels customers LOL
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Legal Precedent is not a Constitutional right like the Second Amendment which is engrained and part of the Unchanged Foundation of American Law.

A legal Precedent can be changed willy nilly by other judges per the law...... the Constitution cannot be there is a process to change the Constitution you don't interpret it. So they have absolutely nothing in common at all in comparing 2A vs R.V.W..... who here has spot on given a Example of False Equivalence Fallacy comparison. Hint it's not me.

Abortion has never been a constitutional right like Owning Arms. And really I would have absolutely no issue if the 64% of Americans including me who favor a women's right to abortion got their state legislators to convene a constitutional convention and make it a American Right.

All the current Supreme Court decisions did was give the states the rights to decide. It did not make abortion illegal on a Federal Level at all. States can do them...... that is Freedom at it's core.

Let's see I'm in favor of Abortion leftwing, Gay marriage and the LGBQT+ communities Left wing, Legalizing Drugs Leftwing , Legalizing Sex Workers leftwing, limiting the Surveillance state within our Borders Leftwing, the right to die leftwing.

Just because I want the constitution to be followed and not interpreted and I want my tax dollars to be spent wisely and not wasted on social services you tend to pigeon hole me as a right winger.
The right wing extremists continue to do virtually everything in their power to eliminate abortion.You say that the conservative movement protects freedom when in actuality they take freedom away.
Get government out of our lives. Except we make the rules for handling a fetus inside your body. We ban the books. We control online content. We determine your local school’s curriculum. We can track your cell phone. We determine what financial instruments can be offered.
Mo legislators don’t even write their own laws. They copy a law from a group in Texas. Who is really running our lives in Missouri???? Controlling what a teacher can and cannot say in a classroom or what an interviewer can say in a job interview????

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Both sides have their extremists ... see Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Jan 6, Stormy Daniels customers LOL
So your not in favor of individual rights? You seem to be against the people of states making decisions for themselves?

I'm 100% for people to exercise the Rights afforded them by the constitution and for them to exercise their rights to govern themselves at the state and local level as long as it doesn't run contrary to the constitution.
The right wing extremists continue to do virtually everything in their power to eliminate abortion.You say that the conservative movement protects freedom when in actuality they take freedom away.
I don't disagree that hardcore religious right wingers want to eliminate abortion that is correct.... no different than hardcore left wingers are all in on curtailing freedom of speech on the intra web and destroying a cut and dried Second Amendment.

Each side has factions who are about taking away rights they don't agree with. You,Kaid, toots, Expect, 3rfan are 100% all in on taking away the right to bear a common use Arms. And several posters on hear are 100% all in on taking away the right of Abortion.

But as you pointed out Even a large percentage of Rep. are in favor of abortion rights. The issue is how those rights are determined for the most part.

Leftist think Abortion is a Constitutionally right..... it clearly is not at all. So now it's up to the people through their State legislators to decide the issue.

To me that seems fair and just..... Let the people in each state elect and enforce what ever Abortion laws they deem fit. That is how a republic is suppose to work.
Get government out of our lives. Except we make the rules for handling a fetus inside your body. We ban the books. We control online content. We determine your local school’s curriculum. We can track your cell phone. We determine what financial instruments can be offered.
You left out Let's ignore the second amendment and revoke the right to bear Arms with masses govt infringement.

But of course you did because you are all in on the govt. taking away this fundamental right given by the Bill of Rights....
So your not in favor of individual rights? You seem to be against the people of states making decisions for themselves?

I'm 100% for people to exercise the Rights afforded them by the constitution and for them to exercise their rights to govern themselves at the state and local level as long as it doesn't run contrary to the constitution.
so let local school boards decide what's happening in their schools?

You left out Let's ignore the second amendment and revoke the right to bear Arms with masses govt infringement.

But of course you did because you are all in on the govt. taking away this fundamental right given by the Bill of Rights....
seems like a Whatabout.

You lose.
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You,Kaid, toots, Expect, 3rfan are 100% all in on taking away the right to bear a common use Arms
Wrong!! I support banning assault rifles and 30 round clips. That is COMMON SENSE!! I am 100% in favor of Americans right to own firearms.

I purposely stay out of the abortion issue. Morally, I believe it is a sin. I can't say I believe that human life begins at conception. I can't say how soon after conception I believe it becomes a human being, but believe it is very early in the pregnancy. I am a man and will never have to make that decision. I was in that position when I was young, and I had no say so in the decision.
I disagree banning a common use weapon is not Common Sense it's infringement of the Right to Bear Arms. The Supreme Court and the Constitution Clearly disagrees with your opinion.

As far as abortion you and me agree..... IMO for what it's worth if you look at around the 8 to 12 week mark that sure looks like a Baby to me. Before that yes the fetus appears to be more than a clump of cells.

My Idea is that banning Abortion will not stop most abortions..... they will just become hidden so the idea of saving lives is moot. And a blanket Federal ban will cause more harm than good. As of now states can decide.
Wrong!! I support banning assault rifles and 30 round clips. That is COMMON SENSE!! I am 100% in favor of Americans right to own firearms.

You do realize there is a difference between clips and magazines right? 95% of people have never held or seen a actually clip.
Yawn. This is the shit you say when you value guns over people and you are embarrassed so you use semantics in a lame attempt to lessen a better man’s point. Guns are not the answer. More guns isn’t keeping us safe. Large magazines are for slaughtering more people.
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Yawn. This is the shit you say when you value guns over people and you are embarrassed so you use semantics in a lame attempt to lessen a better man’s point. Guns are not the answer. More guns isn’t keeping us safe. Large magazines are for slaughtering more people.
Verbiage is key when you are talking about the laws and regulations. That’s why bump stocks and binary triggers were legal. I believe the binary triggers still are.
Call them by whatever name you want. We don’t care. There are too many guns in the country. Gun shots are the number one killer of kids in America. What do you recommend we do? That is more important than verbiage.
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MG will use 1,000 words to say we don't have too many guns in this country and recommend we continue manufacturing handguns and rifles at the current record pace.
Yawn. This is the shit you say when you value guns over people and you are embarrassed so you use semantics in a lame attempt to lessen a better man’s point. Guns are not the answer. More guns isn’t keeping us safe. Large magazines are for slaughtering more people.
Lie..... Millions of gun defensive uses have saved life's per a study commissioned by Obama himself. Having the means and ways to protect yourself from the criminal element is valuing lives and protecting them.

Weapons have always been the answer for self protection and oppression.

Your twisting of the truth and facts is no doubt justified in your mind to fit your belief system.

Call them by whatever name you want. We don’t care. There are too many guns in the country. Gun shots are the number one killer of kids in America. What do you recommend we do? That is more important than verbiage.
You Lie that Guns are the number one killer of kids..... that study is bogus as they added in 19 and 18 year old's into the equation to fudge the numbers. 19/18yr olds are not children as they can buy property, vote, buy guns, are tried as adults, can legally marry etc.

The left will go to any lengths with their falsehoods to propagandize the public.
MG will use 1,000 words to say we don't have too many guns in this country and recommend we continue manufacturing handguns and rifles at the current record pace.
As a capitalist the free market should determine how many guns are manufactured to fit the publics desire to protect themselves from criminals and authoritarian oppressors who want to take away basic human rights.
Everything you say is BS. Calling something a lie because you don’t like it is immature. Exaggerating the self-defense aspect is especially pathetic. There would be little need at all for self defense if there weren’t so damn many guns available and readily put in the hands of any angry, deranged , or depressed person who wants one.

We have a gun violence problem. You provide no ideas to solve it except more guns. You are sick. Twisting stats or implying a completely free market of death sticks is patriotic to make yourself feel better is not a solution.
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A well regulated militia is just a group of people....... and you know that it has nothing to do with the govt. at all. And regulated didn't mean regulation when the constitution was written it meant well armed...AR-15 fits that definition... well disciplined... it takes discipline to use a weapon....

There has never been a time when the word "regulated" meant "armed." You are slippery sloping the definition.
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Lie..... Millions of gun defensive uses have saved life's per a study commissioned by Obama himself. Having the means and ways to protect yourself from the criminal element is valuing lives and protecting them.

Weapons have always been the answer for self protection and oppression.

Your twisting of the truth and facts is no doubt justified in your mind to fit your belief system.
I've never seen millions, or even thousands of those stories on ANY news outlet and I've been around for a long time, you might be stretching the truth just little.
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As a capitalist the free market should determine how many guns are manufactured to fit the publics desire to protect themselves from criminals and authoritarian oppressors who want to take away basic human rights.
we aren't in a free market.
we aren't in a free market.

We are a mixed system. We have elements of socialism and elements of capitalism and it's always been that way. I challenge anyone to name an economic system of any country of note of that isn't mixed in some way. But then all the conservatives I know have a very difficult time dealing with things when they aren't defined in terms of black and white.
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We are a mixed system. We have elements of socialism and elements of capitalism and it's always been that way. I challenge anyone to name an economic system of any country of note of that isn't mixed in some way. But then all the conservatives I know have a very difficult time dealing with things when they aren't defined in terms of black and white.
The rich get propped up by our tax dollars. Our system is broken.
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