Should HS basketball games be played on Sunday morning?

Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear: There’s ample evidence Parents don’t give a SH!T about playing on Sunday mornings unless they’re just in the mood to b!tch and complain and have run out of things to complain about.

If parents were legitimately concerned about playing athletic contests on Sunday mornings, every travel team tournament director in every sport would be out of business.

Instead, it is more popular than ever — in literally every sport imaginable.

I fundamentally do not believe there are any parents of a modern high school athlete who at some point has not taken their kid to participate in a travel team tournament of some sort that played Sunday games.

It’s rather hypocritical to be fine with helping put money in someone’s pocket to compete in a contest that represents nothing but your own vanity — but draw the line at high school games.
Rack him!

Surprises of the Season

"Adrian would have been back-to-back champs. Zero doubt Adrian would have run the table last year in class 1. You are absolutely correct on the depth and lack of injuries this year. I had questions about last year's line going into the season but they stepped up big time. Same with this year, which is probably the case every year but they were very solid.

22 was a faster back but he and 33 had the same quality of not letting the first man bring them down. 22 was a horse, too. Thoroughbred vs Clydesdale, I guess."

I can't go zero doubt. Marionville was better last season than this season. They were a lot deeper, if they could have played Adrian and not gave the game away because they played dirty, they might have beat the Blackhawks.
Adrian would have worn them down. They were built for that last year.

And speaking of dirty play, you should watch the end of the SV v Adrian game. After a timeout with one minute left in the game, SV RB cuts the Adrian DE while the tackle had him up high. They called it but man that was one of the worst dirty plays I've seen in a long time.

You're getting your asses kicked.

'Work harder'

Surprises of the Season

"Adrian would have been back-to-back champs. Zero doubt Adrian would have run the table last year in class 1. You are absolutely correct on the depth and lack of injuries this year. I had questions about last year's line going into the season but they stepped up big time. Same with this year, which is probably the case every year but they were very solid.

22 was a faster back but he and 33 had the same quality of not letting the first man bring them down. 22 was a horse, too. Thoroughbred vs Clydesdale, I guess."

I can't go zero doubt. Marionville was better last season than this season. They were a lot deeper, if they could have played Adrian and not gave the game away because they played dirty, they might have beat the Blackhawks.
I hear you. But, I think Adrian was even better last year. And the way they played in the playoffs exceeded my expectations. They hung with Lamar and that was saying something. It would have been an epic matchup. Too bad MSHSAA had to screw with things.

Class 3 fact checkers needed

So I ran through my head all the scenarios I could think of and really the only two are yours and what we have now. If they went with yours idea I would like to see the Championship factor stay for Private side. Not sure it would help or not but you have to have a way to move the have and have nots. I would also like to see it implemented on the public side as well. This would help with all the recruiting that happens on the public side that we know happens but is ignored. It would slow down all the move ins, kids living at grandmas house, towns making sure that no low income housing can be built so they can protect their tax base, Etc
which public schools that are winning titles all the time are recruiting?

Class 3 fact checkers needed

True but in percentages of student base the privates are much higher in athlete and much lower in special needs. I'm not sure there is an answer for big private schools other than move all to a private only class and that punishes small privates. Removing cap for the all stars may help minimize the advantage for majority and keep the complaining to a minimum
So I ran through my head all the scenarios I could think of and really the only two are yours and what we have now. If they went with yours idea I would like to see the Championship factor stay for Private side. Not sure it would help or not but you have to have a way to move the have and have nots. I would also like to see it implemented on the public side as well. This would help with all the recruiting that happens on the public side that we know happens but is ignored. It would slow down all the move ins, kids living at grandmas house, towns making sure that no low income housing can be built so they can protect their tax base, Etc

Fair Grove vs Link

Pretty sure WP Boys beat Forsyth the other night and they were not supposed to be good(WP I mean).

That Baird kid who left Link and went back to Forsyth was actually supposed to be a Hillcrest kid. I believe his father passed away when he was in 8th grade and after that year the rest of the family moved to Forsyth.

Crazy to think if he woulda stayed that Hillcrest would be 6’10 and 6’7 in the post this year.
And still not be any good.

Fair Grove vs Link

Yep it is crazy. Just like the big post kid from Forsyth. They are sold a dream that becomes a nightmare.

The kid from Forsyth couldn't even dominate Carl Junction who doesn't have a player over 6-2.

Pretty sure WP Boys beat Forsyth the other night and they were not supposed to be good(WP I mean).

That Baird kid who left Link and went back to Forsyth was actually supposed to be a Hillcrest kid. I believe his father passed away when he was in 8th grade and after that year the rest of the family moved to Forsyth.

Crazy to think if he woulda stayed that Hillcrest would be 6’10 and 6’7 in the post this year.

Adrian 34 - Hamilton 13 (FINAL)

Don't get me wrong, he is good. But if you're gonna give him the label of " Best player in class 1a". I feel like he's gotta win the best offensive player in the class. Right?
I think he is a better lb than rb. He is a load at rb, but on last yrs team when we played them his lb play impressed me the most. Didn't see him but on a bit of film this year. He is a physical presence for sure.
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