Odessa is Filled !!!!
- By Eagles_Ball
- 160 Replies
Her words Joe, not mine. I think I'm a helluva nice guy.
Her words Joe, not mine. I think I'm a helluva nice guy.
That reverse action was so ahead of it's time. Using one post player when everyone else was using two or three. Motion on the backside to free the post player to play in a little more space. Calbert Cheaney made a freaking career off that shuffle cut. Man his teams could execute like no other.He was a butthole but he sure could teach the motion offense. I read one of his books and used it for my team. Great stuff.
No truer words were ever spoken. And you can be a really super nice guy and terrible at your job. Have worked for and with both. I've always kind of preferred the a-hole. My wife would argue it's because I identify as one myself. The rarity is when you find a super good person that's really good at their job. Almost a unicorn.The dark secret about life is that you can be both an asshole and good at your job, and it's fair to be equally remembered for both! A legacy is a legacy
Meh...some small school coach somewhere would get a $20K raise between teaching and coaching to take a stab at it. The retirement thingy could be a deal-breaker though. Not that I'd expect anyone in KCPS to work very hard, but they could easily target some folks at or near retirement age for that job. It was, maybe not still is, one of the best in the city district.App still open and at 8k a year I don't know how they expect to fill it.
But in the end Trump was convicted of a low-level, non-violent crime.
Don't tell the "west" schools that. They'll cry themselves to sleep. They've got a bit of a complex over the whole thing.COC is a Springfield centered based conference not Joplin.
They're one of the larger schools in conference. It's not the number of students, it's the number of athletes.Carthage freshman and JV football plays CJ instead of Waynesville the week that varsity plays Waynesville. Waynesville might not have a consistent enough student population to complete in the COC.
Yes and then you know what…..But in the end Hunter was convicted of a low-level non-violent crime.
But in the end Hunter was convicted of a low-level non-violent crime.But in the end Trump was convicted of a low-level, non-violent crime.
I'm just not sure I understand their reasoning on that. Some of them traveled good distances for non-conference games this prior season. Carl Junction and West Plains I'm sure could both be deemed travel issues for the other members if that is the excuse. For most in that league, Waynesville would be either a guaranteed win or a guaranteed competitive game most years, plus it would fill in one spot on their calendar. But, it's hard to tell if that league will be around for the long haul as nit-picky as they have been so far.It is basically impossible to add anyone to the OMC that isn't in the Springfield metro due to travel issues.
It is basically impossible to add anyone to the OMC that isn't in the Springfield metro due to travel issues.61% of the Waynesville student population is military-dependent, and this is coming from their school website. Another 12% have parents that at least work on base in civilian positions. The athletic talent pool I'm sure depends heavily on military migration. The state title in 2007 occurred in the middle of the war years. Whether that played into any of it, who knows, but the talent doesn't seem to be coming as it did then. With that lack of guaranteed athletes that will stay for 4 or more years, it could be hard to build anything, and especially in a tough conference. Even with their size, they may be a better fit in the Ozark Mountain, rather than the COC.
But in the end Trump was convicted of a low-level, non-violent crime.Misdemeanors are made felonies when the crimes committed rise to level of felonies...otherwise they won't be tried successfully as felonies because of the burden of proof requirements.
Job posting has closed and interviews in processAny new news on the search?
61% of the Waynesville student population is military-dependent, and this is coming from their school website. Another 12% have parents that at least work on base in civilian positions. The athletic talent pool I'm sure depends heavily on military migration. The state title in 2007 occurred in the middle of the war years. Whether that played into any of it, who knows, but the talent doesn't seem to be coming as it did then. With that lack of guaranteed athletes that will stay for 4 or more years, it could be hard to build anything, and especially in a tough conference. Even with their size, they may be a better fit in the Ozark Mountain, rather than the COC.Carthage freshman and JV football plays CJ instead of Waynesville the week that varsity plays Waynesville. Waynesville might not have a consistent enough student population to complete in the COC.
The appropriate response to an opposing team planting their flag on your 50 is a no mercy ass whooping. Perhaps Ohio State should pursue the ass whipping ability and stop it the old fashioned way.
Misdemeanor charges conveniently made felonies and convicted by a jury of blue state democratic voters.
Do you want me to show you the performance of the same court against crime?
Do you want to know how much money they spent going after President elect Trump?
Surely they have to start trying to fit in a KC or StL area power or two on the schedule as it is similar travel time to/from either place.Also makes the playoffs extremely difficult for Nixa come Class 6 playoff time. Not only are they the only really good Class 6 school in the area, but the Class 5 teams they played weren't great (at least not comparatively). Killing everyone all season isn't usually a recipe for success when you get into those tough games. If they continue to be much better than their competition, I wonder what they decide to do when it comes to regular season schedule.
App still open and at 8k a year I don't know how they expect to fill it.Any new news on the search?
That's probably not a great sign...Was suppose to close 12/6 but is open still
Misdemeanor charges conveniently made felonies and convicted by a jury of blue state democratic voters.Overturned by his right wing cronies. He was convicted by a JURY of his peers, not the Democratic Party.
Dems lost because of inflation and Kamala couldn't separate herself from Biden.
Was suppose to close 12/6 but is open stillAny new news on the search?