Team, a rant:
This will all be moot. Sound and fury signifying nothing. No doubt the man committed crimes, but he won't serve a single solitary second of jail time. And he'll find a new grift to cover his fines; hell, he's already started with the golden shoes, et al.
Many of his voters, though many of them know better deep down, will never admit that they're being duped out of this money; they'll keep paying just to own the libs. They'll keep spouting nonsense that they know is false just to own the libs. They'll keep pretending they believe the most unbelievable stories just to own the libs.
But I don't believe for a second that the True Trump Truthers are even a majority of the Trump voters; I have too much faith in humanity. I've talked to too many Trump voters who say these things with a little smirk on their face that makes it obvious that they don't even believe what they're saying, and that they understand, at least a little bit, how ridiculous they sound, but they're saying it to own the lib that's talking to them.
It's our own fault in some ways, fellow libs. We play the high and mighty, virtue signaling, self-righteous game a lot. We're not very diplomatic about many issues. Nobody, no matter how much they might deserve it, wants to be talked down to. I'll admit guilt. Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.