The 4th in 2024


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Folks will gather all over USA to celebrate the 4th this evening. Many will do so in towns long since poisoned or abandoned by industry, preyed-upon by big Pharma & sold a bill of goods from Republicans that replaced once bright union job futures with trickle down economics.

They’ll wave flags and listen to bro country and make clumsy jokes about being ‘woke’. Many out of shape white dudes will walk around in black t-shirts festooned with screaming eagles and AR-15’s.

They’ll cosplay as patriots and reinforce a cultural sickness that MAGA & GOP have become experts at exploiting. They’ll eat processed hot dogs from the same CAFO’a that have left their towns smelling like Trump’s golf pants in August. They won’t see how it’s all connected. How they have become the marks for billionaires stepping off their yachts in Nantucket. Sleeping soundly in summer homes that cost more than they will ever earn in a lifetime.

And those lifetimes will grow shorter and full of hardships they cannot fathom if they are to stay blind to the lies. The sounds of the souped-up engines and bottle rockets will drown out the truth as they’re intended to do. Grab another cold one and watch sh*t explode. Enjoy it now will u can. Take your cheap shots at Biden’s age and succor yourself on Donald’s rage, but know in the end he is not your friend. Vote Blue.

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Folks will gather all over USA to celebrate the 4th this evening. Many will do so in towns long since poisoned or abandoned by industry, preyed-upon by big Pharma & sold a bill of goods from Republicans that replaced once bright union job futures with trickle down economics.

They’ll wave flags and listen to bro country and make clumsy jokes about being ‘woke’. Many out of shape white dudes will walk around in black t-shirts festooned with screaming eagles and AR-15’s.

They’ll cosplay as patriots and reinforce a cultural sickness that MAGA & GOP have become experts at exploiting. They’ll eat processed hot dogs from the same CAFO’a that have left their towns smelling like Trump’s golf pants in August. They won’t see how it’s all connected. How they have become the marks for billionaires stepping off their yachts in Nantucket. Sleeping soundly in summer homes that cost more than they will ever earn in a lifetime.

And those lifetimes will grow shorter and full of hardships they cannot fathom if they are to stay blind to the lies. The sounds of the souped-up engines and bottle rockets will drown out the truth as they’re intended to do. Grab another cold one and watch sh*t explode. Enjoy it now will u can. Take your cheap shots at Biden’s age and succor yourself on Donald’s rage, but know in the end he is not your friend. Vote Blue.

you just described some of my cousins trying to live in out state Missouri on disability!
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That's what amazes me the most about the Trump phenomena - how does some mulch hauler from Zalma, MO think that DJ Trump, a NYC shyster businessman and felon, possibly has their best interest at heart?
Those are the same folks that whine about 'urban welfare' when their town is full of little white baby mommas and meth heads that steal metal for a living.

We aren't dealing with the best and brightest oftentimes. It's a cult of personality and it's sad.
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Don’t forget catalytic converter thieves, the lowest form of human matter. Those people have changed my mind about the death penalty.
That's what amazes me the most about the Trump phenomena - how does some mulch hauler from Zalma, MO think that DJ Trump, a NYC shyster businessman and felon, possibly has their best interest at heart?
shows you just how hated the Democratic party has become huh

See you thinking there is something wrong with hauling mulch for a living in Zalma, Missouri is exactly why most Americans hate the Democratic Party and everything you represent
shows you just how hated the Democratic party has become huh

See you thinking there is something wrong with hauling mulch for a living in Zalma, Missouri is exactly why most Americans hate the Democratic Party and everything you represent
I went back and read what he wrote and he didn't say there was anything wrong with hauling mulch? Maybe you need to go back to school and learn to read.
shows you just how hated the Democratic party has become huh

See you thinking there is something wrong with hauling mulch for a living in Zalma, Missouri is exactly why most Americans hate the Democratic Party and everything you represent
Just another bad take from the worst poster in internets history.
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shows you just how hated the Democratic party has become huh

See you thinking there is something wrong with hauling mulch for a living in Zalma, Missouri is exactly why most Americans hate the Democratic Party and everything you represent

Hated enough to get 10 million votes more than the Republican Party in the last 2 elections?
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Huh? I didn't need polls to realize. Maybe you should ride the wave, bruh

Yes, you did, whether directly or indirectly, the sources you get your political info from are using polls to inform you, just like mine are for me. They may not always directly state it though.
Yes, you did, whether directly or indirectly, the sources you get your political info from are using polls to inform you, just like mine are for me. They may not always directly state it though.

Thank you wise one, knower of truth...bahahahaha
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I'm not a huge fan of the Polls because their metrics of late have been off Kilter do to the fact moderates and conservatives tend to not trust the poll takers and if their opinions/data will be weaponized against then.

But according to Forbes Trump is doing well in the swing states he needs.

This is not a question of me knowing the truth or having clairvoyance. This is a conclusion that anyone willing to be objective can reach based on easily accessible da

Oh, OK. I witness the events that have occurred and form an opinion. Interesting, news outlets get their info from polls before reporting about events. You learn something new every day
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Oh, OK. I witness the events that have occurred and form an opinion. Interesting, news outlets get their info from polls before reporting about events. You learn something new every day

I’ve hurt your feelings. I apologize for such a transgression.
I’ve hurt your feelings. I apologize for such a transgression.

No feelings are hurt, I'm indebted to you, i had no idea that the media had to get info from polls before reporting events. Thanks for the apology, better than most libs I'd say
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