School this Fall

North Kansas City School District just voted to start after Labor Day.

The Superintendent is also President of MSHSAA and said during the board meeting this afternoon that MSHSAA is looking at the possibility of delaying the start of fall activities for 5A and 6A, due to a majority of those schools being in larger metropolitan areas with higher COVID numbers.

Link to board meeting:
Frank White (Jackson County Executive) had a 2 hour call with all Kansas City superintendents this afternoon.
The health department has stated we are in "significant community spread" and that in person is not advisable. It appears almost every district in Jackson County will move to a Sept 8 start.
Joplin held a meeting last night to finalize their plans and from what I heard they ended up tabling the discussion, unable to come up with any consensus on how to proceed.
Frank White (Jackson County Executive) had a 2 hour call with all Kansas City superintendents this afternoon.
The health department has stated we are in "significant community spread" and that in person is not advisable. It appears almost every district in Jackson County will move to a Sept 8 start.

You all know that Frank White is a dunce, right?
I don’t buy that we have 25% of the world’s Covid cases.
What % of other nation’s populations are being tested? Same test? Are their governments reporting accurate numbers?
Joey makes sense in that we, as Americans are travelers and “road trippers”. That’s about the only reason I can see why our %age of infected may be higher.
Doesn’t add up.
This, a lot of this. You honestly believe the numbers out of China and N. Korea? Or countries far less advanced technologically? I don’t have any confidence the numbers are accurate.
But you do trust Florida’s numbers? Bahahahahaha.
I trust the numbers in the US more than I trust the numbers in any country. Call me a sheep, but that's where I'm at. Hell, if anything, I think there's a large faction of the country that overreport. And then you've got all the tests with athletes happening now. The numbers are bound to be very large. As people in the country return to school and work, there are going to be a ton of asymptomatic positives as different schools and workplaces require testing to return. And there are going to be a ton of tests. And the narrative, right or wrong, will ramp up the closer we get to November. But the thing that never seems to deviate much is the percentage of positive tests results to tests given (first time tests, btw). Wear a mask, wash your hands, live your life, and when the vaccine comes out I'm going to get it and throw the GD masks away. And I might hunt down the SOB that ate the bat and feed him a knuckle sammich.
I trust the numbers in the US more than I trust the numbers in any country. Call me a sheep, but that's where I'm at. Hell, if anything, I think there's a large faction of the country that overreport. And then you've got all the tests with athletes happening now. The numbers are bound to be very large. As people in the country return to school and work, there are going to be a ton of asymptomatic positives as different schools and workplaces require testing to return. And there are going to be a ton of tests. And the narrative, right or wrong, will ramp up the closer we get to November. But the thing that never seems to deviate much is the percentage of positive tests results to tests given (first time tests, btw). Wear a mask, wash your hands, live your life, and when the vaccine comes out I'm going to get it and throw the GD masks away. And I might hunt down the SOB that ate the bat and feed him a knuckle sammich.

I know of a family who just got back from Florida, they have lost all taste and smell and have several other symptoms while mild right now but have only been back just a week. But they are not going to get tested at this time because they don't want the stigma of being found positive.....but I also think there might be other motives. So I wonder how many don't get tested who have mild symptoms who are not being reported?
Absolutely Nuts. We are not going to get back to in person school if people keep making these moronic decisions.

I just got a call for my son to play basketball this weekend at nationals. I can't believe they are still having that tournament. Here comes the super spreader event of the year. It's Wichita. There are very limited places you can go. All the hotels will be completely full. The kids don't wear the masks when they are off the courts, lots of parents pull them down over their neck, etc.

From Tourney Machine
Welcome to the 2020 MAYB National Tournament. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of teams we have this year. We have over 800 teams from 20 states entered this year. It will be an amazing 3 days of basketball.
Absolutely Nuts. We are not going to get back to in person school if people keep making these moronic decisions.

I just got a call for my son to play basketball this weekend at nationals. I can't believe they are still having that tournament. Here comes the super spreader event of the year. It's Wichita. There are very limited places you can go. All the hotels will be completely full. The kids don't wear the masks when they are off the courts, lots of parents pull them down over their neck, etc.

From Tourney Machine
Welcome to the 2020 MAYB National Tournament. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of teams we have this year. We have over 800 teams from 20 states entered this year. It will be an amazing 3 days of basketball.
Daddy ball must go on
Absolutely Nuts. We are not going to get back to in person school if people keep making these moronic decisions.

I just got a call for my son to play basketball this weekend at nationals. I can't believe they are still having that tournament. Here comes the super spreader event of the year. It's Wichita. There are very limited places you can go. All the hotels will be completely full. The kids don't wear the masks when they are off the courts, lots of parents pull them down over their neck, etc.

From Tourney Machine
Welcome to the 2020 MAYB National Tournament. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of teams we have this year. We have over 800 teams from 20 states entered this year. It will be an amazing 3 days of basketball.
800 teams from over 20 states. I'm really surprised this tournament is still happening
Absolutely Nuts. We are not going to get back to in person school if people keep making these moronic decisions.

I just got a call for my son to play basketball this weekend at nationals. I can't believe they are still having that tournament. Here comes the super spreader event of the year. It's Wichita. There are very limited places you can go. All the hotels will be completely full. The kids don't wear the masks when they are off the courts, lots of parents pull them down over their neck, etc.

From Tourney Machine
Welcome to the 2020 MAYB National Tournament. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of teams we have this year. We have over 800 teams from 20 states entered this year. It will be an amazing 3 days of basketball.

it’s a high exposure event. In more ways than one.
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800 teams from over 20 states. I'm really surprised this tournament is still happening

You obviously don’t understand the value of these tournaments— they are necessary to getting the type of exposure that you need to make it to the NBA.

Where else can you pay $4,500 to play on a team with a bunch of JV kids and get coacheD up by a former JUCO drop out/part time jail bird in games that feature refs making $7.50, sagging zone defenses and in front of an army of angry moms who think Johnny isn’t getting the respect he deserves.

If you’re lucky, there will be dozen or so homeless people who got handed a free meal and clean shirt with a college logo on it and they’ll sit in the “college coaches section” and pretend to pay attention so you can brag on Facebook that your kid is “being seen.”

Thirty years ago we accomplished more playing at city park all summer with a ball, a towel and five bucks to buy plenty of Gatorade and water for the day.
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If MLB can't get this done safely, how in the heck do they think football at any level will go on? MLB you are exposed as in the batters box, tag plays, obv the umpire right there behind catcher. Can spread out in the dugout, obv in the field. Football you are making contact every down. I don't see the way it will happen
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If MLB can't get this done safely, how in the heck do they think football at any level will go on? MLB you are exposed as in the batters box, tag plays, obv the umpire right there behind catcher. Can spread out in the dugout, obv in the field. Football you are making contact every down. I don't see the way it will happen
Just my opinion, but this is going to drag on for a while. It is a pain and really bad deal for ele age parents, but they should think about this school year being all virtual, then have kids repeat the same grade next year. Give the seniors one more year of eligibility. Most have been out since mid March. Doing a quarter or half a year virtual, kids are already behind academically and it is going to get worse. I read somewhere, and my details may be off a little, but it said for every two months a student misses school, they are a full school year behind.
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Absolutely Nuts. We are not going to get back to in person school if people keep making these moronic decisions.

I just got a call for my son to play basketball this weekend at nationals. I can't believe they are still having that tournament. Here comes the super spreader event of the year. It's Wichita. There are very limited places you can go. All the hotels will be completely full. The kids don't wear the masks when they are off the courts, lots of parents pull them down over their neck, etc.

From Tourney Machine
Welcome to the 2020 MAYB National Tournament. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of teams we have this year. We have over 800 teams from 20 states entered this year. It will be an amazing 3 days of basketball.
The problem with the way things are now is that so many things are canceled or closed but not everything. So the few things that do take place are drawing abnormally large participation. So many people are desperate for something, anything that let's their kids have a day or two of feeling normal and happy. At this point many families I know are taking the approach that covid is here for the foreseeable future and there is really nothing we can do about it.
The only way to understand what they're saying is to read it in Charlie Brown's teacher's voice.

Trust me.
My little simple mind comprehends it one way.................We may or may not have fall sport's seasons, or any seasons, this school year.