MSHSAA might as well wait until all the small schools close

Show me where I’ve made even one post regarding kids’ mental illnesses or anyone “pretending with them”. I’ve simply pointed out the fact that you don’t have the authority to dictate what other people will be called. You’re completely powerless to pick and choose someone else’s name.
No i will refer to them as their given name so once again you are wrong. That's the issue as well. You cannot force us to participate in your mental illness
I’ve said this before: this is not an issue I care deeply about; in fact, I’m probably closer to your point of view on this than I am the other side with regard to genetically normal folks playing dress up (it makes no logical sense to me), I just happen to be able to empathize with fellow humans even while being totally weirded out around these folks and you guys just can’t get past the first gut reaction. Now the people with a genetic defect (or perhaps just evolution in action, you and I will never know) can’t help it, so I have some sympathy for them, and 61,000 people is larger than a town the size of Joplin. It’s a a small percentage, for sure, but it’s still a lot of human beings.
Be careful with talk like this. Apparently in a free society it's okay to hate others for simply being themselves. At least that's what one poster was advocating for!
Wait. Are you advocating for the HATING of people?? Just because someone CAN hate someone, does NOT make it OKAY! Do you even think before you post??? NICE TRY BOZO!!!!
LOL I'm saying it's anyone's God given right to hate. And yes it's Okay to hate if you so desire. Why are you so against someone exercising their freedom and hating?
Isnt this further proving my point? That people DO hate gays, the disabled, and minorities?
Sure some people do and some people hate the Majority or those who are near genetic perfection or heterosexual in nature. A lot of people hate religions or atheist to. The point is people have the right to hate, now acting on that hate is a whole other topic.
What? Pol Pot did not kill more than Hitler. The Khmer Rogue genocide of Cambodia killed an estimated 1.5 to 2 million people. Some numbers estimate up to 3 million. While the Holocaust systematically killed around 6 million Jewish people. Imagine the totals if we added in deaths of Allied troops fighting German soldiers. Please get your facts right.

Regardless, are you saying it's okay to hate someone who is gay, disabled, tall, short, fat, man, or woman?
Sorry you are correct I sometimes get Pol Pot and Mao Tse-Tung switched...

And yes it's Okay to hate anyone.. again it's how you control that emotion that matters. To deny human nature and human emotion is counter productive.
I’ve said this before: this is not an issue I care deeply about; in fact, I’m probably closer to your point of view on this than I am the other side with regard to genetically normal folks playing dress up (it makes no logical sense to me), I just happen to be able to empathize with fellow humans even while being totally weirded out around these folks and you guys just can’t get past the first gut reaction. Now the people with a genetic defect (or perhaps just evolution in action, you and I will never know) can’t help it, so I have some sympathy for them, and 61,000 people is larger than a town the size of Joplin. It’s a a small percentage, for sure, but it’s still a lot of human beings.
I have no issue with a Male pretending to be a Female and adopting a female name or vice versa. It's freedom to do so. But I also have no issue with People not feeding into to that fantasy or delusion and not participating in their delusion... that is also freedom.

People are under no obligation to Like, Love, or Accept those outside the Norm's of society. People do have a legal obligation to tolerate them to a degree but that is all. Hating them, disliking them is well within the bounds of normal human behavior.

I often have people in a session tell me they hate no one and my stock response is then you are a unreliable historian. AKA a liar. Funny thing is they will deny this but then begin to describe in text book fashion the emotion of hate toward their Siblings, Parents, Foster parents, Teachers, Aunts, Uncles etc.

Denying the emotion of hate, would be like denying you are happy, sad, or in love and they are not emotions people feel in their lives, everyone has felt hate.
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Be careful with talk like this. Apparently in a free society it's okay to hate others for simply being themselves. At least that's what one poster was advocating for!
Yes it's Ok to hate someone in a Free society. ... But it's not OK to act violently or coercive to those you hate because in a civilized society we have laws to protect people from such acts and rightfully so.

But Hate is a Normal human emotion that cannot be wished away or denied either.
Funny thing is they will deny this but then begin to describe in text book fashion the emotion of hate toward their Siblings, Parents, Foster parents, Teachers, Aunts, Uncles etc.
So yes. Hate might be considered a natural human emotion but it's not a blanket application. Case in point, there is a MASSIVE difference in hating your siblings, parents, foster parents, teachers, aunts, or uncles. Compared to hating some random gay, disabled, or minority person you don't even know, just because they are gay, disabled, or a minority. One of these things isn't like the other
LOL I'm saying it's anyone's God given right to hate. And yes it's Okay to hate if you so desire. Why are you so against someone exercising their freedom and hating?

I don't disagree in principle with the basic premise that in a free society it is one of many rights to hate and that manifestations of hate that do another person harm are what is to be avoided, but is "God-given" the best phrase to use here?
Don’t drag me into this- no opinion

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