Jay Spoonhour


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2003
Rumor has it from Springfield that SMSU want Jay Spoonhour to come to SMSU-WP to coach until Barry Henson's contract is up and move up there to be head coach. Sounds like Barry's days are numbered too. This was from a very reliable source by the way.
I would love to see the Grizzlies get Jay Spoonhour, but I would seriously question your "very reliable source" concerning SMS' wishes. To make such an assumption is to assume that he's going to fail. If Barry succeeds with the good recruiting he has done recently he'll not be replaced. If Spoonhour comes to SMS-WP and Henson FAILS then you might see that come to pass.
I am still waiting for SMS to begin the pipeline of players from West Plains to Springfield. I thought that was the plan years ago.
ACACIA, I assume you know that noone can be made to transfer to SMS from SMSU-WP. There have been a number of Grizzlies play at SMS: Allan Phillips, Mike Wallace, Eric Judd and Robert Yanders. There have been some real good players transfer to more prestigious programs such as: Jason Detrick and Terrell (Last name)? to Oklahoma. They also had another player transfer to Minnesota a couple of years ago. Of course there are going to be many that the Bears wouldn't be interested in.

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