How much recruiting is going on in STL

Yes, dead horse and all that. I agree.
Change won't come from this board!

Also fair to note that this is the time of year that frustration with the status quo will be at it's highest. Keep on keepin' on publics!

Than you have folks who say public schools do it lol. I guess you can make an argument there’s people who move to a town to have their kid play football. But you really can’t find the blatant recruiting from within the school with these kids. I don’t think you can argue those things to be the same.
Parkway District High Schools have open enrollment. You’ll see coaches and assorted influencers working 8th graders all over West St. Louis County to woo kids to go to South, North, Central or West. Kirkwood and Webster have been enrolling kids from North County for years. Same with Ladue, same with high schools in Rockwood and now St. Charles County.
Yep, this happens all the time in larger cities like St. Louis. I wouldn't expect those who live in small towns to understand. From the outside looking in, it does appear to be just private schools, but we both know that simply isn't the case in the Stl area. One other thing I will mention is some of you give these coaches too much credit with bringing players in. In our area, all of these high school players from different schools know each other very well and they keep in contact with one another. Many of them will put a bug in the other's ear to transfer to their school, and it IS NOT under the direction of their coaches. Happens all the time.
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All I asked Santa for this year was for no more private school posts on Mosports.

WELL, you boys ain't all that hyped up for PUBLIC school news EITHER! Just so you know though, the Gwinnett Daily News posted today, that the quarterfinal 7A game between North Gwinnett and Colquitt has already been played! And we LOST 24-3!:eek:
This right here, is the truth. They aren't in MO, but East St. Louis is a good example, going back to the late 90s when Sunkett left Riverview to go there and Damien Nash followed him there. Now tell me why in the world would a kid leave North St. Louis County to attend high school in East St. Louis? More recently, their current starting QB transferred from Trinity because he didn't want to sit behind Isaiah Williams for two years. Most of their athletes don't even reside in EStl, but in neighboring cities. Yes, public schools indeed recruit. Also, Cash in High School on the basketball side. It's no secret in the Stl area that they have recruited forever.

Yet, with the greatest coach in America, the Colquitt County rural public school Packers, don't NEED to recruit! We currently have 550 kids in the feeder system, from 6-12 grade!
Yet, with the greatest coach in America, the Colquitt County rural public school Packers, don't NEED to recruit! We currently have 550 kids in the feeder system, from 6-12 grade!
Duuuuude, we know, Colquitt is the greatest team ever. Now go away.
Yet, with the greatest coach in America, the Colquitt County rural public school Packers, don't NEED to recruit! We currently have 550 kids in the feeder system, from 6-12 grade!

First. Which brings up a good question. Which would you rather have. A public school feeder program like this where your kids know the system at such a young age and as a coach know what you have coming up. Or a system where evidently you have to recruit to be good?

Second: Do any of you public school prople know how the financial aid system works for most of the catholic schools? Hint. It isnt administered by each school individually.
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Second: Do any of you public school prople know how the financial aid system works for most of the catholic schools? Hint. It isnt administered by each school individually.

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If all admin start getting involved and bring it to the table....this can be fixed. You only need 10% of the schools to bring something to the ballot. If it gets on the ballots its on the ADs to split private and public. Put teams in a postion that wil even the playing field.
If all admin start getting involved and bring it to the table....this can be fixed. You only need 10% of the schools to bring something to the ballot. If it gets on the ballots its on the ADs to split private and public. Put teams in a postion that wil even the playing field.

Why do you think this hasn’t happened yet? Aside from an obvious conspiracy against rural Missouri schools, of course.
Why do you think this hasn’t happened yet? Aside from an obvious conspiracy against rural Missouri schools, of course.
I don't know why it hasn't happened yet but in the State Championship this year it will open some have some issues if you can look at everything going on and say its a " conspiracy" and not see whats going on. Are you really going to claim your arguement on "Conspiracy'?
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I don't know why it hasn't happened yet but in the State Championship this year it will open some have some issues if you can look at everything going on and say its a " conspiracy" and not see whats going on. Are you really going to claim your arguement on "Conspiracy'?

Every think that most public schools are like most private schools, and that they know Athletics aren't the most important thing within their school by far, and that they have a hell of a lot of other things to worry about with "ALL" their kids than just the sports kids.
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Man, y'all know you can whine, whine, whine. You would think private schools are racking up state championships every year.
Man, y'all know you can whine, whine, whine. You would think private schools are racking up state championships every year.
I been waiting on you to show up trolling lol you are probly that guy to have multiple user names to post your private school love.

Anything that you guys don't agree with you want to cry foul and conspiracy. Its comical how your simple little mind works.

Oh, I’m not arguing that private schools don’t have extraordinary advantages over public schools. Even though (at least in metro areas where parents have a choice over more than one school in their rural town) parents have choices over which district they live in and want to send their kids to.

I’m just here to aggravate your pain. You don’t want to believe it’s possible that the level of “unfairness” isn’t as great as you think it is, and I don’t really want to change your minds. It’s more entertaining to feed your own suffering by pointing out that MSHSAA either A) doesn’t care what you think ... or B) is intentionally stacking the deck against you because there really IS a conspiracy against you.

See, Joe? THAT’S how you troll somebody.
Oh, I’m not arguing that private schools don’t have extraordinary advantages over public schools. Even though (at least in metro areas where parents have a choice over more than one school in their rural town) parents have choices over which district they live in and want to send their kids to.
This is your only arguement...Yawn. When you want to talk about the difference in paying or going to a free public school we can talk.
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This is your only arguement...Yawn. When you want to talk about the difference in paying or going to a free public school we can talk.

I’m not arguing that there isn’t a difference. Go look at my comments. I support separate divisions for public and private schools. There SHOULD be an Open division and a Public division. It won’t happen because MSHSAA is a wannabe NCAA and lacks the ambition, fortitude or ability to do something like that. I’m legitimately here on this topic today to stick my finger in your eye and raise Joe’s blood pressure. Rural public school teams get screwed by having a small pool to draw from for players. It’s not that there aren’t other advantages you have, but nothing approximating the injustices you see in the system.
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I’m not arguing that there isn’t a difference. Go look at my comments. I support separate divisions for public and private schools. There SHOULD be an Open division and a Public division. It won’t happen because MSHSAA is a wannabe NCAA and lacks the ambition, fortitude or ability to do something like that. I’m legitimately here on this topic today to stick my finger in your eye and raise Joe’s blood pressure. Rural public school teams get screwed by having a small pool to draw from for players. It’s not that there aren’t other advantages you have, but nothing approximating the injustices you see in the system.

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