Cassville Super Fan Stargroup?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
Does anybody know whatever happened to him? I have not seen him post in a year or two? I know his bother passed away several years back. But I am hoping he is still alive and doing well? Over the years we gave each other the business, as most rival fans would, however I always enjoyed his post and hoped to meet him someday, I had meet his bother.

So I wonder if he is still around, and enjoying this run that Wildcat nation has been on? If anybody from Cassville knows him let us know.
I’m still kicking, Bullit. Thanks for asking.

Yes, I’ve been following the Wildcats every season and am proud for them to make a return to the championship game. I’m proud for all the Big 8 teams when they make deep runs into the postseason... even Monett.

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