Biden Polls numbers...


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Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
Biden is not looking good, honest question do Dems really want to see him win again I don't not that he is horrible he has just been serviceable sort of like a third string QB that is not making any mistakes but can't make all the throws or reads. The dems have no major strategy to revamp, there is no deep assessment of what is going on or how many have turned on Biden and want another choice, and there is no candidate replacement.

Instead, They are doubling down on Vote for Biden, or Trump could be to returning to the White House. This seems to have emboldened the party leaders that they must step up their efforts to make Americans see 2024 that Biden is the existential choice again...over Trump.

In a country that is supposed to be so great these two are going to be are leading candidates again...May God have mercy on us all.
Serious question: is it true that these polls are done strictly on land line phones or is that an unsubstantiated rumor?
Biden is not looking good, honest question do Dems really want to see him win again I don't not that he is horrible he has just been serviceable sort of like a third string QB that is not making any mistakes but can't make all the throws or reads. The dems have no major strategy to revamp, there is no deep assessment of what is going on or how many have turned on Biden and want another choice, and there is no candidate replacement.

Instead, They are doubling down on Vote for Biden, or Trump could be to returning to the White House. This seems to have emboldened the party leaders that they must step up their efforts to make Americans see 2024 that Biden is the existential choice again...over Trump.

In a country that is supposed to be so great these two are going to be are leading candidates again...May God have mercy on us all.
I like Biden a lot. I think it is time for him to step away. His legacy will be a strong one. He will go down as someone who left the country a lot better off than he found it.
If he tries to run and loses he has a chance of hurting his legacy some, he goes down as the one who lost to the guy who tried to end democracy and that is bad.
Kamala has better numbers against Trump than Biden and that surprises me.
He should step away and let her have it, but I think that he doesn't want her to get any credit for what he does.
There is no one else in the Democratic party who can beat Trump, not that I know of.
Take a look at yesterday’s election results around the country. Compare them to the poll numbers going into yesterday. The Dems outperformed the polls almost everywhere in some cases drastically.

For whatever reasons polls ain’t what they used to be.
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Take a look at yesterday’s election results around the country. Compare them to the poll numbers going into yesterday. The Dems outperformed the polls almost everywhere in some cases drastically.

For whatever reasons polls ain’t what they used to be.
If GOP runs trump they are screwed.
Take a look at yesterday’s election results around the country. Compare them to the poll numbers going into yesterday. The Dems outperformed the polls almost everywhere in some cases drastically.

For whatever reasons polls ain’t what they used to be.
Yeah after the results maybe its time to dump the polls? The last two presidential elections they have struggled with what is going on. Pubs might poll better because their base is older and still have POTS lines.
I looked up The NY Times/Sienna College polls from the past several years. The results include more cellular respondents and fewer landline phones each year. It used to be mostly land lines but October of 22 it was 75% cellular. October of 23 it is all the way up to 94% cellular. So they have fixed that.

The New York Times/Siena College polls of 3,662 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were conducted in English and Spanish on cellular and landline telephones from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, 2023. When all states are joined together, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 1.8 percentage points for all registered voters and plus or minus 2 percentage points for the likely electorate. The margin of sampling error for each state poll is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points in Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, plus or minus 4.5 points in Georgia, plus or minus 4.6 points in Pennsylvania and plus or minus 4.8 points in Wisconsin.
The same goes for unemployment. When Biden took office, the unemployment rate was 6.3%. It’s now 3.7%, close to a record low. The average unemployment rate of the last 75 years is 5.7%, so Biden is outperforming the norm by a solid 2 percentage points.

But people don’t see it that way. In our poll, 50% said unemployment was about average and 25% said it was unusually high. Only 25% said the unemployment rate is unusually low, which, technically, is the right answer.
The problem is that goods have spiked after the pandemic. Prices are stabilizing but not going down. What we paid in 2018 for things is higher and it won't go back down, and people are just going to have to understand that. It isn't a sign of a bad economy, but consumers don't see it that way.
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Biden is not looking good, honest question do Dems really want to see him win again I don't not that he is horrible he has just been serviceable sort of like a third string QB that is not making any mistakes but can't make all the throws or reads. The dems have no major strategy to revamp, there is no deep assessment of what is going on or how many have turned on Biden and want another choice, and there is no candidate replacement.

Instead, They are doubling down on Vote for Biden, or Trump could be to returning to the White House. This seems to have emboldened the party leaders that they must step up their efforts to make Americans see 2024 that Biden is the existential choice again...over Trump.

In a country that is supposed to be so great these two are going to be are leading candidates again...May God have mercy on us all.
It seems to me that WE THE PEOPLE no longer have a say in who will be our presidential candidates. Our candidates are being chosen by the DNC and RNC, lobbyists, and corporate America. The majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump, yet who are we stuck with... Biden and Trump, just like in '20 and just like in '16 with Trump and Hillary.
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Serious question: is it true that these polls are done strictly on land line phones or is that an unsubstantiated rumor?
Says Toots after I've seen him quote polls numerous times when they benefitted his bias. Biden is at a dismal 36% approval and dropping.
bullitpdq68, did you actually think you were going to get honest replies from the 4 Libsketeers? When you put a complete failure in office you have to defend him to save face.
I’m convinced, with social media and AI whomever replaces these two at the top of their parties will be destroyed within days.

There are several people I like in the Dem party and a few in the pre-trump GOP.
I’m convinced, with social media and AI whomever replaces these two at the top of their parties will be destroyed within days.

There are several people I like in the Dem party and a few in the pre-trump GOP.
Joe Manchin just threw a HUGE monkey wrench in the chances for dems to hold the senate and it appears he'll do the same in the Presidential race. I guess his name hasn't been on the news channels enough to suit him lately. ANY 3rd party candidate that has ever called themselves democrat will ensure a Trump victory since he won't be convicted in any of the criminal cases he's charged for before the '24 election.
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Sounds more like Fat Donnie 2020 to me....
the problem with the GOP is they have to run on the trump record.

that's why all you see is attacks from their side. They know when the facts are examined it paints that era in a light that rivals the worst of the worst.

what does the GOP stand for?
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At some point, Don the Con is going to have to state his platform instead preach about unfair judges and the terrible Dems.
At some point, Don the Con is going to have to state his platform instead preach about unfair judges and the terrible Dems.
His platform is to use the Justice Department to go after any and everyone he feels has done anything to degrade him on any level. He has said that and he will build massive camps to the hold all the illegals they can find and deport them by the millions per year. I'd bet that works about as well as the wall Mexcio would pay for.
Hey it’s not just the DOJ, he is planning to use the military to exact his revenge.
I just learned about "Operation Wetback" - I kid you not, the official name of the 1954 Immigration dept deportation campaign that rounded up over a million illegals (and some actual legal US citizens), put them in cages, loaded them in railroad cars and ships, and sent them back to their country of origin. Over half of them were living in Texas.
I just learned about "Operation Wetback" - I kid you not, the official name of the 1954 Immigration dept deportation campaign that rounded up over a million illegals (and some actual legal US citizens), put them in cages, loaded them in railroad cars and ships, and sent them back to their country of origin. Over half of them were living in Texas.
22% of black voters say they are supporting Trump. If manchin runs and sucks away more democratic voters Trump could very well win a second term
What poll and did they only use landlines?
Polls anymore are sketch at best due to cell phones.
It was an NBC poll released this week. Have no idea how it was taken.

As close as some of the swing states were just a small increase of black and Hispanic voters toward Trump could swing the output in his direction.

going to be crazy times this next year
Trump is not going to win the swing states unless they planted new software in the voting machines or deleted Dems off the voting lists en masse. Independents are not going to vote for a criminal. And women who care about reproductive rights (a large majority) are not going to vote for the guy who says he “got rid of Roe v Wade”
It was an NBC poll released this week. Have no idea how it was taken.

As close as some of the swing states were just a small increase of black and Hispanic voters toward Trump could swing the output in his direction.

going to be crazy times this next year
What is it that those voters think Trump will do for them?
Trump is not going to win the swing states unless they planted new software in the voting machines or deleted Dems off the voting lists en masse. Independents are not going to vote for a criminal. And women who care about reproductive rights (a large majority) are not going to vote for the guy who says he “got rid of Roe v Wade”
I wish that were true. I saw an interview with a woman on the street, probably at a Trump rally I don't remember the details, but she was asked who she was voting for and her main reason for doing so. I am voting for Trump because I don't like that Biden is taking away women's right to an abortion. When she was told how and why this was happening she said, well I thought since it was happening now, Biden is doing it because he is the president. I know this is anecdotal, but I am sure it is not the only uneducated person out there, and it will be something hard to overcome.