Platte county 35 Webb City 0 final

I was impressed by PC. They were just plain good. I didn’t think Webb did anything particularly wrong they just absolutely could not move the ball on the ground no matter what they tried. Had a little success through the air but not with consistency.

Did get a chuckle hearing some of the Webb fans complain about how classless it was when then pc students started singing the goodbye song. Since their students did the exact same thing at Carthage last week. “What is it with these black and orange teams that are so mouthy and bad sports” was another funny comment.

I’m interested to see how they do next year.
Pc was about nixa good on offense. Webb put them in a ton of 3rd and long and PC got it Everytime .

SW/SCMO Pick ‘Em Week 13 Scoreboard

1. Archie 44 - Lockwood 28
2. Adrian 17 - Marionville 16
3. Lamar 24 - Pembroke Hill 13
4. Fair Grove 14 - Lafayette County 13
5. Seneca 55 - Mount Vernon 26
6. Warrenton 28 - West Plains 24
7. Helias Catholic 24 - Republic 21
8. Platte County 35 - Webb City 0
9. Nixa 21 - Lee’s Summit North 20
10. South Shelby 28 - Mid-Buchanan 26
11. Maryville 14 - Odessa 0
12. Festus 48 - Gateway(STL) 14
13. Kearney 49 - Warrensburg 14
14. Kirkwood 45 - Jackson 35
15. DeSmet Jesuit 28 - Rock Bridge 14
16. Liberty 30 - Park Hill 13
17. Salem(AR) 16 - Prescott(AR) 10
18. Mtn Home(AR) 42 - Little Rock Catholic(AR) 14
19. Pulaski Academy(AR) 39 -Fayetteville(AR) 32
20. Jenks(OK) 42 - Tulsa Union(OK) 7
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