State championship predictions

I think Festus is better than people are giving them credit for. Lutheran North lost to Hillsboro last year and was in a close one last week. Festus badly lost to Jackson who badly lost to Cardinal Ritter who lost to Lutheran North. That's about all you can tell from common opponents. The Tigers have some pretty good athletes over there. I don't know if they win, but I think they compete, at least for awhile. Is LN significantly better than last year?
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Odessa is Filled !!!!

Yeah this new generation doesn't like being told the truth and mommy and daddy let em quit when their feelings get hurt
It's not just the kids getting their feelings hurt that he is talking about. I've heard many stories of how he treats adults as well...not great stuff but that doesn't take away from his football knowledge/coaching abilities, just means I don't care to ever meet the guy
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Odessa is Filled !!!!

100 percent what has started to happen in Webb. They are told by councilors that everytime they get feelings hurt to come in and they will fix it for them......not i am going to help you figure a way to work through it. They are soft and nothing is working for. They get benched....they quit the next year.

What does Odessa bring to the table for a coach? Do they have any privates pulling lids from them or anythingike that?

Odessa is Filled !!!!

No we need to ride the world of that weakness and teach these kids the hard work it takes to win not only in school but once they leave it. Hell where I work we keep about 1 out of 10 if the birth year is 95 or up.
They simply don't have the drive to wake up and do the jobs asked of them and get critiqued on the performance
100 percent what has started to happen in Webb. They are told by councilors that everytime they get feelings hurt to come in and they will fix it for them......not i am going to help you figure a way to work through it. They are soft and nothing is working for. They get benched....they quit the next year.
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Odessa is Filled !!!!

No we need to ride the world of that weakness and teach these kids the hard work it takes to win not only in school but once they leave it. Hell where I work we keep about 1 out of 10 if the birth year is 95 or up.
They simply don't have the drive to wake up and do the jobs asked of them and get critiqued on the performance
So true. A lot of businesses like factories actually give bonuses just for showing up to work on time for a certain period. It's crazy that people have gotten so out of touch with what hard work is that you actually get bonuses for what you are expected to do....silly

College Showcase at William Jewell College on December 14

You know how many quality private lessons you could get for $400.
These are just a money grab. Most the coaches are on their phone (looking at the portal this time of year) or standing around talking to each other. Have a coach video all of your 40,shuttle,height etc. and email the college coaches along with actual game film. Doesn't cost you a dime.
or have local HS have their own. I'm sure you could get plenty of volunteers and with HUDL it could be available to all colleges

Odessa is Filled !!!!

Yeah this new generation doesn't like being told the truth and mommy and daddy let em quit when their feelings get hurt
I hear a lot of people don't like him as a person... might be a reason for that roster size
What does being a nice guy have to do with anything? I will take winners..... Maybe you all should put that in your reclassification of football the Nice guy coaching division!!!!
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Private schools Fact checkers needed

Miller Career and Soldan are Public High League schools. Not private.

KIPP, Confluence Prep, Lift for Life belong to the murky middle ground of charter / free / open enrollment "public" schools but I believe all receive success factor points.
Yeah it's tough deciphering what is private/public when they try this bs. A magnetic school doesn't belong with traditional public in my opinion but mshsaa don't give a damn.
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