Lutheran North Supremacy = Private School Supremacy

This guy is so p
Oh look, it’s the MOHSFB

I was going away for SIX months anyway. You old geezers living in Joplin trailer parks have nothing better to do but sit in MoSports and yap away during the offseason. I actually have a life and live in a affluent suburb with many things to do.

I was going away for SIX months anyway. You old geezers living in Joplin trailer parks have nothing better to do but sit in MoSports and yap away during the offseason. I actually have a life and live in a affluent suburb with many things to do.


Lutheran North Supremacy = Private School Supremacy

I was going away for SIX months anyway. You old geezers living in Joplin trailer parks have nothing better to do but sit in MoSports and yap away during the offseason. I actually have a life and live in a affluent suburb with many things to do.
Mfer you live in STL the shithole of MO your affluent score is -40.
Some of us don't have to spend 40% of our time dodging bullets and begging Illinois kids to to come to mo.

Lutheran North Supremacy = Private School Supremacy

They arent going to push DeSmet around, you heard it here first. Desmet is going to struggle with spread teams with a bunch of speed on the perimeter, not a team like Nixa who has to bank on being bullies. They will win enough early downs to put Nixa into uncomfortable spots. Nixa’s skill guys are very average try hard type High School players. Will be a mismatch at the skill spots.
Private, Public, or DNM and looking only to see the best play, this is a good analysis ….. but I can’t buy into it 100%!!!

Lamar 28 - Fair Grove 25 (FINAL)

Baxter doesn’t get much on the return

FG starts their drive at their own 28
Siegar to the outside with lead blockers for 8 yards

2nd & 2
Long downfield pass for Siegar and definitive contact from Lamar DB to FG WR and PI is called

1st & 10 FG at their own 49
5 yards

2nd & 5
4 yard pass and catch

3rd & 1
Siegar with the keeper up the middle for the first down.

1st & 10 Eagles at the Lamar 38
Sweep is stopped for a 1 yard loss

2nd & 11 with 9:30 left in 3Q
Lair on the jet sweep and looked to be going down before the first down and kept his balance for another 6-7 yards for a FG first down

1st & 10 at Lamar 22
Up the middle for 4

2nd & 6
Siegar empties it out and a designed run to the outside for the first down

1st & 10 FG at the Lamar 11 with 7:50 left in 3Q
Siegar keeps it and is stopped at LOS

2nd & a long 10
The FG FB bobbles the ball for 2-3 yards and fumbles it and what a waste of a drive.

Your welcome Lamar
