Biden pardons Hunter!!!

Do you mean like the idiots who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6, who we all know will be pardoned by Trump??
No, those idiots shouldn't be pardoned. And neither should Biden's son. It's corrupt on both sides but yet most people will only claim one side is. If people can't figure out by now that all politicians are corrupt, they have problems.

Oregon V. Penn State

My money is on Oregon by 40. Don’t foresee the being a game. Hometown legend Dan Lanning and the boys are going to take this Soft PSU team and pound them into the submission.

Expect a heavy dose of physical defense and running the ball everywhere by Oregon!
How can we possibly buy into a prediction of yours????

Maybe Y'all Should Loosen Up and Have Some Fun

LOL, I don't need to be rescued, their is a big difference between me and you, You worship a dancing bone spur coward who will bend over and let Putin nut all over his back side, insult our military and Veterans, all while you are cheering him on.

I voted for Reagan, that man stood up to the Russians, That man actually survived a real assignation attempt.

You just keep posting pictures of you savior Don the Demopublican, You do know the anti Christ has to come before the Great atonement. The anti Christ is He is one who wants to take the place of Christ... Makes you think of some of things Trump has said. There is an intersting read below maybe you as a Christian should read it.

Some of the points of correspondence between the beast in Revelation 13 and Donald Trump are probably purely coincidental or merely suggestive, such as the nearly fatal head wound that healed. Others are more substantial and worthy of further reflection. According to Revelation 13, for example, “the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words.” It uttered “blasphemies against God.” Haughty and blasphemous words have arguably come from Trump’s mouth and those of his supporters, with claims that he stands in a special relationship with God who protects him from all harm. Trump and his supporters have likened him to the suffering and persecuted Jesus. Trump openly panders to Christian voters with lies (“I love Christians, I am a Christian,” he said at a recent event for conservative Christians in Florida). The former president has promoted and basked in a personality cult, expecting total fealty in word and deed from his followers, inevitably at the expense of the kind of loyalty his Christian supporters owe to Christ alone. This should trouble any Christian with the mind of Christ.

Bless your heart

How much does Coaching have to do with STL superstar teams losing in the playoffs?

After watching the defending State Champion Cardinal Ritter lose to Lafayette, it caused me to look at recent all star teams from St. Louis losing in the playoffs. Last year Lutheran North lost to Hillsboro in which it was evident the young staff at Lutheran North was outcoached. What I am seeing is that even though you have superior talent, it does not translate into State Titles because you always run into a team who is better prepared than you. It seems that the older staffs and the staffs from outside the STL area take the X's and O's more serious and that is why we see these big upsets. Looking for other opinions, but how can a team loaded with D1 prospects lose to teams that may not have any? Really looking to others opinions on this topic, how much does Coaching have to do with a team winning in the playoffs?
Another factor with coaching to consider that was hinted in several post here , D1 vs Teams . Lamar has played several of these D1 teams and I'm sure the D1's chuckled when lining up with Lamar players , looking them over. As the game goes on it appears teams that has played together sweating maybe losing a few games together, BUT playing together picking each other up as a TEAM has always worked well for them !

Biden pardons Hunter!!!

Build a wall. Healthcare better than Obamacare. Infrastructure week.
If I were a "patriot," I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a pardon.
Thing I don’t understand is Biden said the charges were all politically motivated, but wasn’t it Bidens own DOJ who brought federal charges against Hunter?? Hunter ended up being convicted in California and Maryland not exactly Republican hotspots.

Presidential pardons should be reserved for people who anyone with common sense would agree was unjustly convicted
