I'm done with you. You aren't worth my time.
You assume science doesn't allow for God. Which just goes to show how little you understand science.
No, science doesn't factor in God!
God can't be proven to exist even.
Show me a scientific equation that allows for even the possibility of all powerful God.
Show me a scientific conclusion that allows for the existence of Gods influence.
There is a beauty in the mathematics that describes the fundamental forces of our universe that I believe is the best proof of God.
Sure, there is evidence of God and his influence everywhere but, there is no scientific way to prove there is a God or to factor Him in.
It's like the Clinton corruption......everyone sees it and knows it is there but it takes the cumulative evidence to make a persuasive argument.
It's like the Clinton corruption......everyone sees it and knows it is there but it takes the cumulative evidence to make a persuasive argument.
Miracles happen.
The problem with arguing with someone who doesn't understand the difference between "beliefs" and "facts" is there is no way to get through to them.
Can't fix stupid, and you sir are a special brand of stupid.
and you my friend are on the fast tract to hell and to stupid to know it.
and you my friend are on the fast tract to hell and to stupid to know it.
Whether or not I make a typo doesn't change what you are. Anyone who openly mocks and ridicules God's word is exactly what I said.
Whether or not I make a typo doesn't change what you are. Anyone who openly mocks and ridicules God's word is exactly what I said.
Ultimately you are a hypocrite and a liar (and probably a racist). The point of this thead remains the same, no matter how much you want to turn it into a name calling match, you CANNOT be a good Christian and vote for Donald Trump.
that involves a large assumption - trump will nominate judges who are strong on those items when he pretty clearly is not on abortion or gay rights.A good Christian can vote for Trump based solely on Supreme Court Justice nominees. I'm not going to, but that's a reasonable argument for a Christian voting that way.
Abortion, gay rights, and the 2nd Amendment are probably three of the biggest issues with that group, right? If those issues are going to be changed significantly in either direction it will be through the court.
If a good Christian thinks the greatest influence they can have is through filing the court with conservative justices, then they have a legit reason to vote Donald.
I don't care what nut-job you found that agrees with your warped and twisted views of the Bible. You have time and again twisted scripture to fit your un-Godly views. All you have succeeded in doing is to create a God in your own image. A God that would be ok with killing an innocent baby and a God that would be ok with homosexuality. If I were you I would be very careful about twisting and mocking scripture.
If you think by trying can with intimidate me with a racist charge you are sadly mistaken. Go try that garbage with someone else.
I'm not charging you with anything, I don't have that power. You're clearly an idiot, appear fairly bigoted, and probably worse.
I haven't created anything, God is the creator, we simply do our best to understand that Entity.
Your beliefs are a perversion you twisted old man. You are the exact reason church attendance is dropping.
that involves a large assumption - trump will nominate judges who are strong on those items when he pretty clearly is not on abortion or gay rights.
Donald magically became pro life when he wanted to win the R primary. Given his clear lack of personal faith, you are making a very large assumption that he has turned a new leaf here.
I have no idea what the second amendment has to do with Christianity btw.
And plenty of Christians focus on treatment of the living. The catholic church would tell you that is every bit as important as abortion.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, but that isn't a new revelation. You clearly have no spiritual foundation, but you want to pretend like you do. All you have done is expose yourself as one warped person.
The only bigot on this board is you. You are just like Obama, you are a one trick pony who can only call someone racist or a bigot. I have never injected race into any argument on this board. My objection is policy based, but instead of debating that you throw out race. Up you game man or just shut the heck up.
I feel sorry for people like you who get all puffed up because they have a degree. That piece of paper is absolutely meaningless when your life values are as warped as yours are. The object of education isn't to help you make a great living, but to help you to live a meaningful life. How sad you have apparently wasted that.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, but that isn't a new revelation. You clearly have no spiritual foundation, but you want to pretend like you do. All you have done is expose yourself as one warped person.
The only bigot on this board is you. You are just like Obama, you are a one trick pony who can only call someone racist or a bigot. I have never injected race into any argument on this board. My objection is policy based, but instead of debating that you throw out race. Up you game man or just shut the heck up.
I feel sorry for people like you who get all puffed up because they have a degree. That piece of paper is absolutely meaningless when your life values are as warped as yours are. The object of education isn't to help you make a great living, but to help you to live a meaningful life. How sad you have apparently wasted that.
Yes because black people had it better under slavery. That little nugget will haunt you. As well as you saying (and it's been reposted by others so don't bother trying to edit it) that being transgendered or gay is wrong. That IS by definition bigoted.[/QUOTE]
That is a lie and you are a liar. Is that plain enough? You have repeated that same lie for so long you don't even remember the truth. I have never said slaves had it better under slavery, and I corrected you on that lie once before, but you keep repeating it. I do not believe that and never suggested such an absurd thing. The only discussion I have had about slavery was about why they counted slaves as counting as 3/5ths of a person and also why the founders agreed to continue with slavery while trying to get all the states to agree in forming this nation.
I really am tired so saying the same thing over and over, but I am going to do it one last time.
My comment was that the founders knew they would never get the southern states to agree to form this republic if they pushed the slavery issue. It simply wasn't the time to fight that fight. They insisted on the 3/5ths language so that the southern states would not get to inflate population numbers for representation. I further said that if the founders had not handled things this way it could have been much longer before slavery was eventually dealt with. Without a revolution who knows how long slavery could have continued.
That is exactly what I argued initially....and several times since then when you have repeated that lie.
I refuse to apologize for saying a gay lifestyle is an abomination to God. The same goes with that sick transgender issue. You go ahead and support that all you want. It fits right in with the rest of your beliefs. God made men and women exactly the way he wanted them to be. If you choose to belief the God of this universe is capable of making mistakes then I guess that shouldn't shock anyone. Once again it fits the mold perfectly.
Save your pity for yourself. You will need it. If you want to continue being a liar I suppose that will be par for the course. Perhaps the first time some sicko goes on a restroom with your wife or daughter you will get it.Keep repeating your revisionist lie and maybe someone will believe you. Too bad there is no record of you saying it, but everyone knows what you said.
I feel sorry for you. So hateful and bigoted. Toward people who don't affect you in any way.
God told Nehemiah to build a wall.
On lives taken by one party, hands down, it's Democrat.
On taking the life of an African American baby, Democrat, hands down.
I don't remember reading the bible where it says name calling is a good thing. Must have missed that part.Ultimately you are a hypocrite and a liar (and probably a racist). The point of this thead remains the same, no matter how much you want to turn it into a name calling match, you CANNOT be a good Christian and vote for Donald Trump.
I don't remember reading the bible where it says name calling is a good thing. Must have missed that part.
I care more about his position on SC nominees but his current position on abortion is much better than Hillarys.What exactly is Trump’s stance on abortion? It seems to change with the wind...
I care more about his position on SC nominees but his current position on abortion is much better than Hillarys.
Do you ever read your own posts. So bitter and angry not the traits you would think such a strong Christian would have. I'm sure Jesus looks down on you and thinks now that's what I call a good Christian and soon he will enter my kingdom.You don't have a clue what you are talking about, but that isn't a new revelation. You clearly have no spiritual foundation, but you want to pretend like you do. All you have done is expose yourself as one warped person.
The only bigot on this board is you. You are just like Obama, you are a one trick pony who can only call someone racist or a bigot. I have never injected race into any argument on this board. My objection is policy based, but instead of debating that you throw out race. Up you game man or just shut the heck up.
I feel sorry for people like you who get all puffed up because they have a degree. That piece of paper is absolutely meaningless when your life values are as warped as yours are. The object of education isn't to help you make a great living, but to help you to live a meaningful life. How sad you have apparently wasted that.
I care more about his position on SC nominees but his current position on abortion is much better than Hillarys.
Jesus did call the Pharisees a brood of vipers amongst other things. It's not name calling if it's true.
So throw the PC out the widows boys!!! Let's talk israel, government and control of media. GO!
Yeah, just like he wants to ban ALL Muslims.Is it? Which position? It changes daily.
Do you ever read your own posts. So bitter and angry not the traits you would think such a strong Christian would have. I'm sure Jesus looks down on you and thinks now that's what I call a good Christian and soon he will enter my kingdom.![]()
There are more than a few people on this board who have some warped views on what "they think" a Christian should be. I shouldn't be surprised since those are the same people who mock Christianity whenever they can.
You guys throw out words like bitter, angry, racist, or bigot to anyone who disagrees with you on just about any issue. You really need to find a new gimmick.
This one is worn out.