Most moves to Webb City happen when a couple buys their first home or when kids are starting school. I know a ton of families who did just that. From Joplin, Carthage, CJ, Riverton, Diamond, Seneca, you name it. WC also gets a disproportionate amount of the families new to the area entirely, at least from my observations.
People say there is something in the WC water that just grows athletes but it’s not the water that ensures there is never a class void of quantity and quality of players - it’s the lure of football championships or little league world series that brings in a steady stream of young future athletes with parents that live and breathe their kids sports with ridiculously high rates of participation and buy-in. It’s a result of being good but it’s also a component in staying good.
Various factors can aid the implementation and sustainment of a program….
- Good coach combined with a group of reasonably talented but most importantly - coachable kids.
- Parents that get involved but don’t get in the way.
- Parents and players that seem themselves as a small piece of a big puzzle no matter how good they think they are.
- A community that is willing to support and get excited about something.
- Youth program coaches that support the varsity system rather than trying to do their own thing and make a name for themselves.
- Numbers - more kids on the sidelines translates into better kids on the field and more/better options for backups and next year’s team.
- Geography can also help in some cases - a district in a location that is close to employment but also prime for cheap housing that is attractive to young families.
- Also in some cases I think it can help if a community doesn’t have a whole lot else going on to compete for attention and identity. Think back to WC in the 80s and it wasn’t known for much aside from poverty and toxic waste piles left behind from the mining era.
Lamar's success has always impressed me more than anyone around here. They have been crazy good and unlike Webb, Staley, Kearney, and others - they don't get influx of families moving there for football or other reasons.