Looks like if you're going 8 man there should be a limit on how many you can roster and dress out. Good grief.
I used to argue this with one of my best friends (now deceased). He agreed with you. My response was that if there was a limit on roster size, coaches would simply cut kids to get to the limit. The enrollment model works better, I think. Either way, the decision should be left to local communities, not somebody in a Columbia office.
I used to argue this with one of my best friends (now deceased). He agreed with you. My response was that if there was a limit on roster size, coaches would simply cut kids to get to the limit. The enrollment model works better, I think. Either way, the decision should be left to local communities, not somebody in a Columbia office.
I'm sure you're right ... but, I'm also not sure what good it does to have a large roster with 8 man. You're just giving more kids unis and dragging them to games so you can get away with playing down. You can only field 8 at a time. (( psa: I have zero experience with 8 man ... I'm open to being wrong! ))
I'm sure you're right ... but, I'm also not sure what good it does to have a large roster with 8 man. You're just giving more kids unis and dragging them to games so you can get away with playing down. You can only field 8 at a time. (( psa: I have zero experience with 8 man ... I'm open to being wrong! ))
Where it does help is that you only have to find 8 good players. You’re chances of finding 8 players is better with 32 than with 15. Same as any level, the more kids available, the better chance of fielding good players across the board.

When some 8man schools have 32 boys in HS vs some with 32 boys on the team, I see their concern.

I think the enrollment rule is right, but would prefer it see it at 150 instead of 200.
With the new enrollment rules, it should be 150 now.
Osceola already 8-man. Appleton City, Rich Hill and Liberal are going 8 man with invitations to Norhwest, Chilhowee, Norborne and Orrick.
Do not know who they are trying to get 11 man.
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The five that Devin refers to are
Appleton City
Rich Hill

If that happens, I wonder if Greenfield drops back down.

Also, Sacred Heart might field a team again next year.
Where it does help is that you only have to find 8 good players. You’re chances of finding 8 players is better with 32 than with 15. Same as any level, the more kids available, the better chance of fielding good players across the board.

When some 8man schools have 32 boys in HS vs some with 32 boys on the team, I see their concern.

I think the enrollment rule is right, but would prefer it see it at 150 instead of 200.
That's probably a good solution
It needs to be less than 150 maybe 120. There is no excuse for a school of 150 in the new format to not be able to field an 11 man team. Most of the schools dropping are doing so because of wins and losses nothing more. It is an easy way out of a schedule or conference where they might only win one or no games.
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The 8 man hate is beyond stupid. Who cares if a school under 200 wants to play 8 man instead of 11 man. Football is football. It would be nice if even more schools could play 8 man if they won't field a 11 man team.
Oh 8 man football is great.....great if you want to take a good nap!!!
It's lowering the bar so you can brag about high you can jump?!!!
Not everyone who has gone 8-man has been successful. There is still a winner and loser in every game and the average record is .500. You are still competing against schools at a similar level.

When you lower a bar, the average difference between your height and the bar changes. It is a huge difference.
Not everyone who has gone 8-man has been successful. There is still a winner and loser in every game and the average record is .500. You are still competing against schools at a similar level.

When you lower a bar, the average difference between your height and the bar changes. It is a huge difference.
There is for sure an adjustment period. Look at Osceola and Greenfields first years.
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I'm going to ignore the ignorant 8 man hate on this thread, but would like to know when all of this is going to get finalized because it will likely create pretty big scheduling ripples.
I'm going to ignore the ignorant 8 man hate on this thread, but would like to know when all of this is going to get finalized because it will likely create pretty big scheduling ripples.

I hope you didn't read any of my comments as 'hate' for 8Man.

I admit that I am not very knowledgeable in this area and I DO think it's a great option for small programs.
I'm going to ignore the ignorant 8 man hate on this thread, but would like to know when all of this is going to get finalized because it will likely create pretty big scheduling ripples.

I hope you don't take my posts as hating on 8 man! I only think it is weird how schools who would not win any 11 man games with 20 plus kids dressed out go 8 man play for a State Title. If you are 8 man and have been 8 man cool but if you have been traditionally 11 man and all of suddenly you don't want to lose 7 plus games so you make a transition to 8 that is wrong.
I hope you don't take my posts as hating on 8 man! I only think it is weird how schools who would not win any 11 man games with 20 plus kids dressed out go 8 man play for a State Title. If you are 8 man and have been 8 man cool but if you have been traditionally 11 man and all of suddenly you don't want to lose 7 plus games so you make a transition to 8 that is wrong.
Which schools are you talking about? It is Stansberry, North Andrew, Worth County, and Mound City almost every single year. No WEMO schools to my knowledge have transitioned to 8 man and played for a state title.
I have a hard time getting behind 8 man when Stansberry and North Andrew's wins it every year with 25-30 kids on a team. The 8 man champships I've watched both teams had mid 20s in players... I believe If you have those types of numbers you should be forced to play 11 man.. A few years back the team who won state had 32 kids more than most 11 man teams in class 1
FWIW I like Mound City in 8-man this year. This Friday will tell if that could happen............
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I like Mound City to get to the championship game, but they will get beat by whichever GRC team they play there.
I hope you don't take my posts as hating on 8 man! I only think it is weird how schools who would not win any 11 man games with 20 plus kids dressed out go 8 man play for a State Title. If you are 8 man and have been 8 man cool but if you have been traditionally 11 man and all of suddenly you don't want to lose 7 plus games so you make a transition to 8 that is wrong.

I don't see how giving your kids a chance to compete against like sized teams/schools is "wrong," that makes 8 man sound like a lesser game. I don't think there is a single team who has moved to 8 man as a cop out. Furthermore, having 20-30 kids on a roster doesn't mean you have 11 man type of kids. Does it happen at times? Yes. But it's an exception typically. We had 25 on our team this year, but very few were lineman type kids because our enrollment is 78. We have no business playing 11, and a lot of other schools are out there with similar type of rosters to us who are still inexplicably playing 11 man because they think 8 is "different" or "worse." If you look at the last few teams to move: Sacred Heart, North Shelby, Braymer, King City, Greenfield (returned to 11,) Orrick, Osceola, none of them walked into the title game. Sacred Heart got there after a few years, but don't even have a team now....
While I agree a team should not move simply because they are losing, if a team has a roster in the mid 20s or lower consistently and whose best hope annually might be 2 or 3 wins, why would you not give your kids a chance? It's no different than changing conferences for a better fit.
I don't see how giving your kids a chance to compete against like sized teams/schools is "wrong," that makes 8 man sound like a lesser game. I don't think there is a single team who has moved to 8 man as a cop out. Furthermore, having 20-30 kids on a roster doesn't mean you have 11 man type of kids. Does it happen at times? Yes. But it's an exception typically. We had 25 on our team this year, but very few were lineman type kids because our enrollment is 78. We have no business playing 11, and a lot of other schools are out there with similar type of rosters to us who are still inexplicably playing 11 man because they think 8 is "different" or "worse." If you look at the last few teams to move: Sacred Heart, North Shelby, Braymer, King City, Greenfield (returned to 11,) Orrick, Osceola, none of them walked into the title game. Sacred Heart got there after a few years, but don't even have a team now....
While I agree a team should not move simply because they are losing, if a team has a roster in the mid 20s or lower consistently and whose best hope annually might be 2 or 3 wins, why would you not give your kids a chance? It's no different than changing conferences for a better fit.
I agree with there and thought about posting this earlier. What do you do about having 25 kids with 6 legitimate lineman? (Trust me, weightroom is not always the answer to beat genetics) I am not talking about having 6 kids that are 220 lbs plus and 5 others that are 180 to 220. I am talking about having 6 kids that are 165 plus and 19 kids below that mark. 8 man is great for schools that cannot field lineman because they just don't have the size and don't reach over 85 or so boys in the school. No one wins when an un-athletic 5'10, 155 lb kid is blocking for a kid that his 5'11, 160 lbs that is a great athlete. It is not safe and keeps kids from playing the game.
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I agree with there and thought about posting this earlier. What do you do about having 25 kids with 6 legitimate lineman? (Trust me, weightroom is not always the answer to beat genetics) I am not talking about having 6 kids that are 220 lbs plus and 5 others that are 180 to 220. I am talking about having 6 kids that are 165 plus and 19 kids below that mark. 8 man is great for schools that cannot field lineman because they just don't have the size and don't reach over 85 or so boys in the school. No one wins when an un-athletic 5'10, 155 lb kid is blocking for a kid that his 5'11, 160 lbs that is a great athlete. It is not safe and keeps kids from playing the game.
So if I am following you correct then if any school has limitation on personnel whether it be linemen or skill players they should be allowed to go 8 man? That is awesome, so rather than teach players to overcome adversity we just circumnavigate our schedules to accommodate the talent we have. What's next 6 man football for those schools who only have 2 lineman and 25 skill players? Should we just have Class 1 and 2 Athletic Directors make up 11 man schedules the week before each game since apparently the word of many schools does not matter. By the way 165 lb kid who plays his heart out can be one heck of an offensive linemen, welcome to 1A football.
So if I am following you correct then if any school has limitation on personnel whether it be linemen or skill players they should be allowed to go 8 man? That is awesome, so rather than teach players to overcome adversity we just circumnavigate our schedules to accommodate the talent we have. What's next 6 man football for those schools who only have 2 lineman and 25 skill players? Should we just have Class 1 and 2 Athletic Directors make up 11 man schedules the week before each game since apparently the word of many schools does not matter. By the way 165 lb kid who plays his heart out can be one heck of an offensive linemen, welcome to 1A football.

This is the most ignorant post I have read. This is just pure 8 man hate. By your "logic" in this post, we should just lump everyone into one class for football then, because playing football at any smaller level is just circumnavigating our schedules to accommodate talent right? ............And you're right, a 160 lb kid can be a great OL, but a team of 160 lb kids is rarely great, much less competitive in 11 man.
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8 man football is a great option for small schools and it gives kids the opportunity to play this game that otherwise might not be possible.

It has benifited a lot of schools in Northwest Missouri and I feel it will continue to spread to other areas of the state throughout the next decade.

If small schools choose to stay at 11 man, that's great, but if they feel they would be better off going 8 man, and they are eligible to do so, they shouldn't be criticized for that decision.

A lot of the 8 man schools that have large rosters are schools that were struggling to field a team at the end of their 11 man days because they were in a cycle of non success. Now that they are winning at the 8 man level, playing on the team becomes more attractive to finge kids and instead of having 18 out for 11 man they have 30 out for 8 man. That's the nature of the beast. The more you win, the more kids want to participate.

We play 11 man. In the early 2000's we had a string of pretty good teams and routinely had 55-60 kids out every year. The past few years we have been a little below .500 or a little above .500. Playing football isn't the cool thing to do and we've lost those fringe kids. This year we had 38 out and look to have about the same next year. If we would put two or three really good years together we'd be back above 50.

My point is, whether it's 8 man or 11 man, numbers increase with success and schools shouldn't be criticized for being successful and getting more kids involved in the game of football.
So if I am following you correct then if any school has limitation on personnel whether it be linemen or skill players they should be allowed to go 8 man? That is awesome, so rather than teach players to overcome adversity we just circumnavigate our schedules to accommodate the talent we have. What's next 6 man football for those schools who only have 2 lineman and 25 skill players? Should we just have Class 1 and 2 Athletic Directors make up 11 man schedules the week before each game since apparently the word of many schools does not matter. By the way 165 lb kid who plays his heart out can be one heck of an offensive linemen, welcome to 1A football.
Thats kind of like saying, "there is a brick wall in my way, I'll try to run through it!" when the sidewalk goes right around it.

If i'm facing adversity, I find a way to put myself in the best possible position to overcome that adversity.

By your logic, there is no reason to make money, you should just stay poor and overcome that adversity, cause, ya know, life lessons.
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Thats kind of like saying, "there is a brick wall in my way, I'll try to run through it!" when the sidewalk goes right around it.

If i'm facing adversity, I find a way to put myself in the best possible position to overcome that adversity.

By your logic, there is no reason to make money, you should just stay poor and overcome that adversity, cause, ya know, life lessons.
How in the world did you read that into the post? Wow

This is very frustrating I had just been voted the most ignorant post and then you swoop in and take it. You win! ignorance is a valuable weapon in your arsenal and you have me out gunned.
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How in the world did you read that into the post? Wow

This is very frustrating I had just been voted the most ignorant post and then you swoop in and take it. You win! ignorance is a valuable weapon in your arsenal and you have me out gunned.
If you are eligible to play 8man, and it would put you in the best position for success, wouldn't that be putting yourself in the best position to overcome the adversity a struggling program faces?
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8 man football is a great option for small schools and it gives kids the opportunity to play this game that otherwise might not be possible.

It has benifited a lot of schools in Northwest Missouri and I feel it will continue to spread to other areas of the state throughout the next decade.

If small schools choose to stay at 11 man, that's great, but if they feel they would be better off going 8 man, and they are eligible to do so, they shouldn't be criticized for that decision.

A lot of the 8 man schools that have large rosters are schools that were struggling to field a team at the end of their 11 man days because they were in a cycle of non success. Now that they are winning at the 8 man level, playing on the team becomes more attractive to finge kids and instead of having 18 out for 11 man they have 30 out for 8 man. That's the nature of the beast. The more you win, the more kids want to participate.

We play 11 man. In the early 2000's we had a string of pretty good teams and routinely had 55-60 kids out every year. The past few years we have been a little below .500 or a little above .500. Playing football isn't the cool thing to do and we've lost those fringe kids. This year we had 38 out and look to have about the same next year. If we would put two or three really good years together we'd be back above 50.

My point is, whether it's 8 man or 11 man, numbers increase with success and schools shouldn't be criticized for being successful and getting more kids involved in the game of football.

Amen. Well put.
If you are eligible to play 8man, and it would put you in the best position for success, wouldn't that be putting yourself in the best position to overcome the adversity a struggling program faces?

I like 8 man. I’ve only watched it at state games. But it’s enjoyable.
If you are eligible to play 8man, and it would put you in the best position for success, wouldn't that be putting yourself in the best position to overcome the adversity a struggling program faces?
The issue is not schools who have been historically 8 man, especially the Northwest Teams who have been doing it for decades. The problem is when Osceola, Appleton City, Liberal, Drexel, Rich Hill, Northwest-Hughesville, Sacred Heart, and others who make 11 man commitments to play other 1A schools and then back out in the middle of contract years or a month before the season starts leaving everyone holding the bag. Then you see them on film playing 8 man with 24-30 players dressed out.
The issue is not schools who have been historically 8 man, especially the Northwest Teams who have been doing it for decades. The problem is when Osceola, Appleton City, Liberal, Drexel, Rich Hill, Northwest-Hughesville, Sacred Heart, and others who make 11 man commitments to play other 1A schools and then back out in the middle of contract years or a month before the season starts leaving everyone holding the bag. Then you see them on film playing 8 man with 24-30 players dressed out.
I get your frustrations with broken contracts, but that's a problem with MSHSAA switching to 1 year cycles, and it's at all levels because we have lost 8 man games too. That's why I jumped in this thread to begin with so I can see how many games I'm going to lose out of the conference shift. I have seen Osceola, Hughesville, and SH on film the last 2 years and none had 24-30 kids, SH didn't even have a team this year, and were under 20 last year. Can't speak for the others since next year will be their first year of 8.
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I am pretty sure NW was under 20 and I saw Rich Hill in week 9 and if I remember they had 19. Also was told Drexel ended the season .With around d 13.

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