I don't see how giving your kids a chance to compete against like sized teams/schools is "wrong," that makes 8 man sound like a lesser game. I don't think there is a single team who has moved to 8 man as a cop out. Furthermore, having 20-30 kids on a roster doesn't mean you have 11 man type of kids. Does it happen at times? Yes. But it's an exception typically. We had 25 on our team this year, but very few were lineman type kids because our enrollment is 78. We have no business playing 11, and a lot of other schools are out there with similar type of rosters to us who are still inexplicably playing 11 man because they think 8 is "different" or "worse." If you look at the last few teams to move: Sacred Heart, North Shelby, Braymer, King City, Greenfield (returned to 11,) Orrick, Osceola, none of them walked into the title game. Sacred Heart got there after a few years, but don't even have a team now....
While I agree a team should not move simply because they are losing, if a team has a roster in the mid 20s or lower consistently and whose best hope annually might be 2 or 3 wins, why would you not give your kids a chance? It's no different than changing conferences for a better fit.