
Every now and then I feel the need to post the below:
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Hey Coach Clemons hows the off season going so far, not so good?

question. What were you thinking? Oak Park?

You should try to get admitted into the Doc guys. They are real people pretending to by made up high school coaches. You are are real high school coach pretending to be a made up person.

You should have read your "article" before hitting the post button, you made it too easy for Joey Northland. He's on this board hours a day, he was going to figure you out.

Just delete your account and start over. thats what Joey did.
When you three get together tell Mowest to be on the lookout for the alt - right on C Highway. One of them lives in the Roosterville filling station and drives the "Mater" wrecker parked near LN. bahahaha.

Good ol' BlizzardX, AKA FisOh, or whatever name you wanna call youself. Mom's basement still comfy?
Hey Coach Clemons hows the off season going so far, not so good?

question. What were you thinking? Oak Park?

You should try to get admitted into the Doc guys. They are real people pretending to by made up high school coaches. You are are real high school coach pretending to be a made up person.

You should have read your "article" before hitting the post button, you made it too easy for Joey Northland. He's on this board hours a day, he was going to figure you out.

Just delete your account and start over. thats what Joey did.

So true...bahaha
Hey Coach Clemons hows the offseason going so far, not so good?

question. What were you thinking? Oak Park?

You should try to get admitted into the Doc guys. They are real people pretending to by made up high school coaches. You are are real high school coach pretending to be a made up person.

You should have read your "article" before hitting the post button, you made it too easy for Joey Northland. He's on this board hours a day, he was going to figure you out.

Just delete your account and start over. thats what Joey did.
Comrad Judas AKA Joey, you're anti-fist acting like a antifist. Refer to my antifa list.
Comrad Judas AKA Joey, you're anti-fist acting like a antifist. Refer to my antifa list.
Hey Coach Clemons hows the off season going so far, not so good?

question. What were you thinking? Oak Park?

You should try to get admitted into the Doc guys. They are real people pretending to by made up high school coaches. You are are real high school coach pretending to be a made up person.

You should have read your "article" before hitting the post button, you made it too easy for Joey Northland. He's on this board hours a day, he was going to figure you out.

Just delete your account and start over. thats what Joey did.

The artist formally known as JoeyNorthlando was blocked by the powers that be, without a hearing, after whining Webbies lost their sh*t losing to Kearney the last time.
The artist formally known as JoeyNorthlando was blocked by the powers that be, without a hearing, after whining Webbies lost their sh*t losing to Kearney the last time.
Comrade Judas, wheres that Al Davis pick?
"Women get possessive and cranky if they try to cruise with the Tooz." John Matuszak
Every staff needs a slappy to set up drills for the frosh, you might want to look somewhere in Iowa. That's my favorite part about you Judas, bringing the water bottles to my varsity defense guys while we're working.
Al Davis - Three Super Bowl rings
Chiefs - 1

Remind you of the comparison between Jones and Clemens?

No the real issue is how I shook you out of the dark web into the light. I like the narrative Comrade, but it's fake news. Nice try. Next

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