Webb City Podcast

Why you gotta bring me into this...

I was there, Stef got blackballed...Coach owed him that spot

If you never saw our Doc do you want to hear the story of how i knew i got a scholarship to West Virginia? I always wanted to go there.

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What have we learned on this thread?

1) putting down Bullit's beloved cAssville.

Counter them is fighting words!!! Three things

  1. Bullit does not love the cAssville.
  2. Bullit nor his kids drink the water that cAssville provides anymore, fool me once.
  3. That is why the Bullit spells the cAssville like he does, which is not mispelled in anyway.

What have we learned on this thread?

1) 95% of posters are hypocritical blowhards. Criticize these guys for questioning coaching decisions & then run a thread putting down CJ's coach & Bullit's beloved cAssville.

2) The Doc Guys are ridiculous & ruin most serious discussions with their stupid movie references.

3) SW Drill King is a keyboard commando. An anonymous, basement dwelling coward that likes to talk tough but in reality needs his mommy to cut the crust off his sandwich bread. Offers nothing of substance to any conversation.

4) Fordpinto is a fanboy in denial. An annoying chihuahua that yips at Beatwriter's heels & would probably hump his leg if given the chance.

What did we learn about you? Actually read your comment instead of skipping over it like the Doc guys usually.
What have we learned on this thread?

1) 95% of posters are hypocritical blowhards. Criticize these guys for questioning coaching decisions & then run a thread putting down CJ's coach & Bullit's beloved cAssville.

2) The Doc Guys are ridiculous & ruin most serious discussions with their stupid movie references.

3) SW Drill King is a keyboard commando. An anonymous, basement dwelling coward that likes to talk tough but in reality needs his mommy to cut the crust off his sandwich bread. Offers nothing of substance to any conversation.

4) Fordpinto is a fanboy in denial. An annoying chihuahua that yips at Beatwriter's heels & would probably hump his leg if given the chance.

It’s really important that you learned something for a change though. Let me know if you need help with football
I'm not asking for your help. You don't know your ass from your elbow.

You don’t even comment about football. I can’t think of one time you’ve gave analysis on anything other than defending Webb this or defend Webb that or hey they do serve funnell cakes! Your a snowflake just mad after Election Day
OK Joe Buck, what would you like me to analyze for you? All we see from you is coming on here telling people how stupid they are. Insecure much? Came out of nowhere in August spewing your flaming BS, sticking your big nose into every subject. Why are you so angry? Get cut from the cheer team in high school? Did the other guys steal your towel & toss your fat naked butt into the gym during volleyball practice? Did McDonald's lay you off in favor of a self order station?
Counter them is fighting words!!! Three things

  1. Bullit does not love the cAssville.
  2. Bullit nor his kids drink the water that cAssville provides anymore, fool me once.
  3. That is why the Bullit spells the cAssville like he does, which is not mispelled in anyway.


I remember hearing about that. Very gross!
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I'm confused what Drill King has against us Doc Guys. The Mox is a Brown educated lawyer, Bosko ran the Steele Mill for YEARS, STEPH made all the right moves and is now a well respected engineer, and Joe.....well he can put down a 6-pack faster than the average man.
I'm confused what Drill King has against us Doc Guys. The Mox is a Brown educated lawyer, Bosko ran the Steele Mill for YEARS, STEPH made all the right moves and is now a well respected engineer, and Joe.....well he can put down a 6-pack faster than the average man.

I go away for a bit and come back to a fracking mess... Mox

I'm confused what Drill King has against us Doc Guys. The Mox is a Brown educated lawyer, Bosko ran the Steele Mill for YEARS, STEPH made all the right moves and is now a well respected engineer, and Joe.....well he can put down a 6-pack faster than the average man.
This guy or girl (Sorry Jolene) really does have an issue with us Doc Guys! I say Bosko invites him down to the pool hall for a little "chat!" Then, ALL of us Doc Guys will be waiting for him..... Or her.
I'm confused what Drill King has against us Doc Guys. The Mox is a Brown educated lawyer, Bosko ran the Steele Mill for YEARS, STEPH made all the right moves and is now a well respected engineer, and Joe.....well he can put down a 6-pack faster than the average man.

That’s made up Doc cannon. Your burnouts.

Hey Dawson I don’t need lip from a sissy boy that can’t even pull the trigger when the hottest chick in school wears a whipped cream bikini for him. I’m already dealing with Counters terrible trash talk and the inability to back anything up. Your lucky you got on the field sissy girl. If Paul Walker never got hurt you wouldn’t have had to call your lame trick plays that won’t work up here in Missouri. “Boohoo! Kilmers mean to me and Billy Bob”

Also your a terrible example for football players for getting drunk and going to a titty club the night before a big game. Your a loser Mox, even your nerdy girlfriend knows it and is leaving you the first chance she gets in college for a real man.

That one was kinda harsh, I apologize and I’ve heard there’s a great town with a creek to call your own that you can move too to lick your wounds.
This guy or girl (Sorry Jolene) really does have an issue with us Doc Guys! I say Bosko invites him down to the pool hall for a little "chat!" Then, ALL of us Doc Guys will be waiting for him..... Or her.

Nobody even knows your a doc guy. I guess your a little brother so I’ll just say scram little guy. Bosko’s In hiding cuz he doesn’t want to catch these hands after his chat puts him out of breath.
wait i am you not believe Jolene is a girl? or do think Drill king is one?

Don’t drag Jolene into this, she’s respectable unlike you. She’s also got a great chance of being an average sized woman which would put her about 5 inches taller and 30lbs heavier than you squirt so don’t make her or anyone mad with your little man syndrome. If your looking for a fair fight I’ll call my little sister
Nobody even knows your a doc guy. I guess your a little brother so I’ll just say scram little guy. Bosko’s In hiding cuz he doesn’t want to catch these hands after his chat puts him out of breath.
Go ask Calvin on how many people know I am a Doc Guy! Plus, I've been here since 2005, welcome to the forum, NOOB! Its Friday morning. As you probably don't know, Bosko is running the halls at Ampipe, making sure kids are in class. And thats AFTER he gave them a ride to school. You aren't the president of a Booster Club for over 30 years if you don't go above and beyond!
Nobody even knows your a doc guy. I guess your a little brother so I’ll just say scram little guy. Bosko’s In hiding cuz he doesn’t want to catch these hands after his chat puts him out of breath.
Go ask Calvin on how many people know I am a Doc Guy! Plus, I've been here since 2005, welcome to the forum, NOOB! Its Friday morning. As you probably don't know, Bosko is running the halls at Ampipe, making sure kids are in class. And thats AFTER he gave them a ride to school. You aren't the president of a Booster Club for over 30 years if you don't go above and beyond!
You're darn right there Shoot!!! Ive been running this club for over 30 years! You can ask Stef about me always going the extra mile for the students! And I aint afraid of anyone SW Drill!! Shoot has a good idea. Come on down to the Ampipe pool hall! Ive got some words for you!
That’s made up Doc cannon. Your burnouts.

Hey Dawson I don’t need lip from a sissy boy that can’t even pull the trigger when the hottest chick in school wears a whipped cream bikini for him. I’m already dealing with Counters terrible trash talk and the inability to back anything up. Your lucky you got on the field sissy girl. If Paul Walker never got hurt you wouldn’t have had to call your lame trick plays that won’t work up here in Missouri. “Boohoo! Kilmers mean to me and Billy Bob”

Also your a terrible example for football players for getting drunk and going to a titty club the night before a big game. Your a loser Mox, even your nerdy girlfriend knows it and is leaving you the first chance she gets in college for a real man.

That one was kinda harsh, I apologize and I’ve heard there’s a great town with a creek to call your own that you can move too to lick your wounds.
this is actually perfect...
Don’t drag Jolene into this, she’s respectable unlike you. She’s also got a great chance of being an average sized woman which would put her about 5 inches taller and 30lbs heavier than you squirt so don’t make her or anyone mad with your little man syndrome. If your looking for a fair fight I’ll call my little sister

Jolene respectable....her she is at work, you be the judge.


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