We can all pretend that similar things wouldn't come out of the woodwork in our communities if we won a state championship almost every year and developed a following larger than many D2 colleges.
But -this is exactly the type of thing I was talking about in another thread. Whether you do or don't think it's distasteful, it's an indicator to me of a relaxing culture standard there. I am 110% certain Lankford would have shut this down or get it to conform with the districts image of class and respect. Maybe it's a result of a winning season that now spans multiple generations. Maybe it's different administration/generation. Maybe it's a nationwide trend of lacking discipline and respect for others. I think part of it is a culture that has been muddied up by boatloads of people who have moved in from other places to jump on the winning bandwagon.
For the record I think there is a huge difference between mocking the lack of personal and team discipline that I agree seems somewhat problematic at Willard and using a community's horrific tragedies to get a laugh. One is poor judgement and one is poor taste.
Well said.