Webb City Podcast


LOL.Thats one sweet mustache! I want to party with this guy!!
If You are a Webb City person, you probably enjoy it. One of the guys on the Podcast said he was an assistant coach. He said something like " They are not called Willard. They are Willar, because we all know they don't have a D in Willard." To me that sounds like putting down the players and coaches. Perhaps I am wrong. I don't think I would want a coach in my town saying those type of things on an internet podcast. I know this is made by Webb people for Webb people. However, it doesn't sound like the kind of thing that needs to be broadcast to the world.
Don’t listen, dial up a different podcast
He isn't a coach. He consults a little bit but in general he is too busy being a prominent doctor. He played d1 football so he most generally knows what hes talking about but he isn't a coach by any means . ...if he has free time ...he makes it to a practice sometimes...mostly he's just the team Dr...and he's good at that
I used to listen to hear the COC talk, nothing more. Cant listen anymore. I can see why Webb folks enjoy it, but as an outsider its not listenable anymore. The Ride the Ducks joke was the breaking point for me
Satire, jokes,and reality are a hurdle for Snowflakes! Solution; (Don’t Listen)! The pod cast is intended for Webbies, produced by Webbies, featuring Webbies, sponsored by Webbies, catering to an audience of, you guessed Webbies!!
He has little filter ... probably bc he is so successful personally. He's a good dude just isn't PC and he's right more often than not but he doesn't talk coach speak so it's hard to take at times if you are an opposing team . He won't make McCounty sond like the best team Webb has played like Roderique will....he will say they suck . I don't care for his commentary but it is what it is and he doesn't hold back
Why does he need a filter? What’s wrong with 3 guys sitting around talking football. Why do need to be to be politically correct, if you are offended sorry, again don’t listen!
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