Union members for Trump


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
They must be the uneducated voters he talks about because this guy has been anti union his entire life. But since he SAYS he is pro-worker, the cult falls for it.

He has always been nothing more than a bag of wind. His appointees to the NLRB and the SCOTUS have made ruling after ruling against unions.

Trump promised he would impose steep tariffs on vehicles coming from Mexico, a promise he is making again now on the campaign trail. But his 2020 update of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which has long been deeply unpopular with many blue collar workers, imposed no such tariffs on vehicles coming from Mexico, and has done little to change the flow of vehicles across US borders.

Trump was famous for making promises that he would stop businesses from moving operations out of the country or shutting them down. Among his most vocal promises was that he would stop GM from closing the massive assembly plant in Lordstown, Ohio.

In a 2017 speech in nearby Youngstown, he promised residents that manufacturing jobs would be returning to the region, telling the crowd: “Don’t move. Don’t sell your house.”

But shortly thereafter GM closed the plant, despite Trump’s calls to GM CEO Mary Barraand attacks on the company’s closure plans.

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And now a message from Ron DeSantis:

“Donald Trump owes it to you to defend his record where they added 7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now”
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Did y'all catch this?

Did y'all catch this?

Someone still has to build the cars no matter what their power source is.
Union workers, Hispanics, the black vote, lots of democrats, etc, etc. It's not hard wondering how they could vote for Trump. Because of the debacle you people put in charge of our country. He is such a failure that everyone can see. While you spend time going after Trump, you should spend that time trying to figure out what caused you to give our country to an idiot that has irreparably damaged it like no other administration has. If you think I'm a fanatic Trumpy that is deceived by FoxNews, look at the polls. EVERYONE'S eyes are coming open. Oh and also, have you apologized to us for doing it??
Union workers, Hispanics, the black vote, lots of democrats, etc, etc. It's not hard wondering how they could vote for Trump. Because of the debacle you people put in charge of our country. He is such a failure that everyone can see. While you spend time going after Trump, you should spend that time trying to figure out what caused you to give our country to an idiot that has irreparably damaged it like no other administration has. If you think I'm a fanatic Trumpy that is deceived by FoxNews, look at the polls. EVERYONE'S eyes are coming open. Oh and also, have you apologized to us for doing it??
And you think Trump didn't damage our country guess? He tried to over throw a freakin election and will try to become our "King" if he gets in again. The far right folks have a plan to undo pretty much everything that could stop him from doing anything he wants if he gets in the WH again. They fully intend to do away with ANY checks and balances on the President.
Union workers, Hispanics, the black vote, lots of democrats, etc, etc. It's not hard wondering how they could vote for Trump. Because of the debacle you people put in charge of our country. He is such a failure that everyone can see. While you spend time going after Trump, you should spend that time trying to figure out what caused you to give our country to an idiot that has irreparably damaged it like no other administration has. If you think I'm a fanatic Trumpy that is deceived by FoxNews, look at the polls. EVERYONE'S eyes are coming open. Oh and also, have you apologized to us for doing it??
Up your's Pete ! You are one deluded soul..!
Union workers, Hispanics, the black vote, lots of democrats, etc, etc. It's not hard wondering how they could vote for Trump. Because of the debacle you people put in charge of our country. He is such a failure that everyone can see. While you spend time going after Trump, you should spend that time trying to figure out what caused you to give our country to an idiot that has irreparably damaged it like no other administration has. If you think I'm a fanatic Trumpy that is deceived by FoxNews, look at the polls. EVERYONE'S eyes are coming open. Oh and also, have you apologized to us for doing it??
Hey Pete, what exactly has been so irreparable damaged by Biden?? I keep hearing from the right how terrible things are in the US. Everyone in my world is doing just fine - nice homes and cars, spending money on entertainment and restaurants, taking vacations, everyone working that wants to work.

When will you apologize for Trump? Tax cut for middle class due to expire in '25 while the tax cut for wealthy has no expiration date, the failed China trade war costing thousands of small farms to fold, the downplaying of covid, the rise of white supremacy, thousands of lies including the Big Lie, and last but not least Jan 6!!!
Hey Pete, what exactly has been so irreparable damaged by Biden?? I keep hearing from the right how terrible things are in the US. Everyone in my world is doing just fine - nice homes and cars, spending money on entertainment and restaurants, taking vacations, everyone working that wants to work.

When will you apologize for Trump? Tax cut for middle class due to expire in '25 while the tax cut for wealthy has no expiration date, the failed China trade war costing thousands of small farms to fold, the downplaying of covid, the rise of white supremacy, thousands of lies including the Big Lie, and last but not least Jan 6!!!
Why is it they can never show one way Biden has ruined the country? They just say he has ruined the country and then attack everyone else. I'm going to piggyback off of the comment about workers. I take 44 to work every day in Phelps County. They aren't just covering holes or cutting out 10-foot sections to fill in holes. They are tearing it down and rebuilding it, widening the shoulder, and probably going to make it 3 lanes before long. 70 is going to have 3 lanes soon.
Seems like Infrastructure Week finally happened. All of those workers are getting paid prevailing wages.
Inflation is slowing, prices are mostly stable.
The job reports are all good.
The only thing I think they can complain about is the debt and the border, and even that he is lowering the deficit spending, but not enough. At the border, he is trying to get more workers to be able to approve or decline visas, but they have their go-to there.
Biden isn't the one who put a clown like Kavanaugh on the court.
Things Biden got wrong:
1. Vaccine Mandates for health care and service members have left both industries struggling to find help. This has a ripple down effect that is still being felt by the country that we still don’t know the final toll.

2. DOJ choosing who they want to go after a not prosecuting people on both sides equally. They are going hard at the Jan 6 crew but let people riot in other cities without fear of repercussions. (Anyone still think a mostly no -violent group walking through a capital building was going to change or overthrow anything is comical at this point. How were those people going to overcome the US Army? Even Biden says that military weapons are useless against our army so why do we need them. Nobody on Jan 6 had assault weapons and they did less damage than the riots in cities across America. There’s plenty of other examples but they could be easily looked up.

3. The boarder situation that even the most progressive people are starting to see is a major issue and we won’t know the damage (or good) of having open boarder for a decade at least. Allowing the free flow of drugs and human trafficking at levels we haven’t seen.

4. Using Ukraine to fight a war against Putin instead of pushing for peace and then taking billions of dollars that would be better used in America to fund a war. Won’t know the damage of that for a long time either.

I don’t like trump and would like to be reminded of what he did that was terrible as well?
Trump is an immoral person. He does not respect our armed services. He doesn’t honor them via words or actions. He referred to them as suckers and losers. He has ridiculed more than one gold star family.

He doesn’t want injured soldiers shown in public. He blasts generals who have devoted their lives to protecting our nation. He was nearly begging for someone to execute General Milley just last week. John Kelly verifies all of this. Voting for this man to be the commander in chief is a tragedy of epic proportions.
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Trump is an immoral person. He does not respect our armed services. He doesn’t honor them via words or actions. He referred to them as suckers and losers. He has ridiculed more than one gold star family.

He doesn’t want injured soldiers shown in public. He blasts generals who have devoted their lives to protecting our nation. He was nearly begging for someone to execute General Milley just last week. John Kelly verifies all of this. Voting for this man to be the commander in chief is a tragedy of epic proportions.
So he said some bad things, anything with substance? We know you don’t like him but there is still a first amendment right to say what he wants just like you. He says dumb things we all agree. He didn’t even try to put Hilary in jail. Biden the great uniter has only continued to divide the country.
Things Biden got wrong:
1. Vaccine Mandates for health care and service members have left both industries struggling to find help. This has a ripple down effect that is still being felt by the country that we still don’t know the final toll.

2. DOJ choosing who they want to go after a not prosecuting people on both sides equally. They are going hard at the Jan 6 crew but let people riot in other cities without fear of repercussions. (Anyone still think a mostly no -violent group walking through a capital building was going to change or overthrow anything is comical at this point. How were those people going to overcome the US Army? Even Biden says that military weapons are useless against our army so why do we need them. Nobody on Jan 6 had assault weapons and they did less damage than the riots in cities across America. There’s plenty of other examples but they could be easily looked up.

3. The boarder situation that even the most progressive people are starting to see is a major issue and we won’t know the damage (or good) of having open boarder for a decade at least. Allowing the free flow of drugs and human trafficking at levels we haven’t seen.

4. Using Ukraine to fight a war against Putin instead of pushing for peace and then taking billions of dollars that would be better used in America to fund a war. Won’t know the damage of that for a long time either.

I don’t like trump and would like to be reminded of what he did that was terrible as well?
apparently he's committed multiple felonies.

He was sleeping with a nasty porn queen while his wife was home with a newborn babe. He cheated on all his wives

he messed up trade so badly we were paying farmers more welfare than they made from their product.

he gave us 6 trillion in gimmedats in December after he lost the election. He knew this would cause rampant inflation.

He divided us.
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Things Biden got wrong:
1. Vaccine Mandates for health care and service members have left both industries struggling to find help. This has a ripple down effect that is still being felt by the country that we still don’t know the final toll.

2. DOJ choosing who they want to go after a not prosecuting people on both sides equally. They are going hard at the Jan 6 crew but let people riot in other cities without fear of repercussions. (Anyone still think a mostly no -violent group walking through a capital building was going to change or overthrow anything is comical at this point. How were those people going to overcome the US Army? Even Biden says that military weapons are useless against our army so why do we need them. Nobody on Jan 6 had assault weapons and they did less damage than the riots in cities across America. There’s plenty of other examples but they could be easily looked up.

3. The boarder situation that even the most progressive people are starting to see is a major issue and we won’t know the damage (or good) of having open boarder for a decade at least. Allowing the free flow of drugs and human trafficking at levels we haven’t seen.

4. Using Ukraine to fight a war against Putin instead of pushing for peace and then taking billions of dollars that would be better used in America to fund a war. Won’t know the damage of that for a long time either.

I don’t like trump and would like to be reminded of what he did that was terrible as well?
1. Don't know enough about the shortage in both of the fields, so I did a quick look over several websites about both shortages and vaccines don't show up in the long list of reasons both are struggling with numbers.

2. Just not factual, but definitely a talking point that gets the right to believe they are being singled out.

3. So Biden has been president for the last decade? You say that this is because of the damage caused by a decade of open borders, yet 4 of the 10 years were Trump, but I am sure that the Republicans were great on this and not just crying about it when convenient.

4. Come on. Almost all of them during the Republican debates are saying how we have to do this because if Russia takes over Ukraine, they will go after a NATO country and we will HAVE to go to war then. Putin isn't looking for a peaceful end. He wants Ukraine at whatever cost.
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Things Biden got wrong:
1. Vaccine Mandates for health care and service members have left both industries struggling to find help. This has a ripple down effect that is still being felt by the country that we still don’t know the final toll.

2. DOJ choosing who they want to go after a not prosecuting people on both sides equally. They are going hard at the Jan 6 crew but let people riot in other cities without fear of repercussions. (Anyone still think a mostly no -violent group walking through a capital building was going to change or overthrow anything is comical at this point. How were those people going to overcome the US Army? Even Biden says that military weapons are useless against our army so why do we need them. Nobody on Jan 6 had assault weapons and they did less damage than the riots in cities across America. There’s plenty of other examples but they could be easily looked up.

3. The boarder situation that even the most progressive people are starting to see is a major issue and we won’t know the damage (or good) of having open boarder for a decade at least. Allowing the free flow of drugs and human trafficking at levels we haven’t seen.

4. Using Ukraine to fight a war against Putin instead of pushing for peace and then taking billions of dollars that would be better used in America to fund a war. Won’t know the damage of that for a long time either.

I don’t like trump and would like to be reminded of what he did that was terrible as well?
1. The vaccine still hasn't killed anyone. Other vaccines have been mandated to even join the military. Both industries were struggling to find help before covid. Biden dealt with covid better the Con Man.

2. A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.
a mostly no -violent group walking through a capital building - Now that's funny!!!

3. Dems are 100% wrong on immigration. I'll give you that one.

4. Putin is not interested in peace negotiations. It takes 2 sides to negotiate. Would you rather we send troops into Ukraine or fund Ukraine to defend their land. Putin fully intends to expand the Russian empire. However, I do have a problem with other NATO countries not paying their fair share, and don't trust Ukraine known for corrupt government and military that our aid will end up as we intend.
First I have seen no defense of Biden’s issues so I assume you agree he dropped the ball majorly in all cases. Sleeping with pornstars isn’t illegal nor is cheating on his wife. I don’t condone it but he’s a free man. All of his crimes are alleged and regardless of how much he is hated, I will wait for it all to play out in court and predict he will be convicted initially but there will be appeals and at the end of it all there will be no jail time and most likely it all goes away. Trump will deserve whatever convictions he receives if it plays out that way and I have no problem with that. “He messed up trade” - Biden claimed “He has caused the deficit with China to go up” but a CNN fact check says it was $310 Billion at the end of 2016, it went up after the first two years but fell to 308 billion in 2019 the lowest since 2013. His trade war has also hurt China’s economy and shifted good being produced in other countries helping to separate us from China. Let’s also not act like our trade deficits and issues started in 2016. It’s been on a bad course since NAFTA. Both Biden and Trump hurt our economy with freebies and seem to remember a bipartisan vote for Trumps handouts so it’s hard to blame him specifically when both parties were happy to run up the debt. I want more Trump like I want more Biden but we can’t just say things we feel without some data.
1. Don't know enough about the shortage in both of the fields, so I did a quick look over several websites about both shortages and vaccines don't show up in the long list of reasons both are struggling with numbers.

2. Just not factual, but definitely a talking point that gets the right to believe they are being singled out.

3. So Biden has been president for the last decade? You say that this is because of the damage caused by a decade of open borders, yet 4 of the 10 years were Trump, but I am sure that the Republicans were great on this and not just crying about it when convenient.

4. Come on. Almost all of them during the Republican debates are saying how we have to do this because if Russia takes over Ukraine, they will go after a NATO country and we will HAVE to go to war then. Putin isn't looking for a peaceful end. He wants Ukraine at whatever cost.
I said we won’t know the extent of the damage for a decade.

I like how you know what Putin thinks. You must be a mind reader.

I wouldn’t source the Washington Post for anything newsworthy.
1. The vaccine still hasn't killed anyone. Other vaccines have been mandated to even join the military. Both industries were struggling to find help before covid. Biden dealt with covid better the Con Man.

2. A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.

3. Dems are 100% wrong on immigration. I'll give you that one.

4. Putin is not interested in peace negotiations. It takes 2 sides to negotiate. Would you rather we send troops into Ukraine or fund Ukraine to defend their land. Putin fully intends to expand the Russian empire. However, I do have a problem with other NATO countries not paying their fair share, and don't trust Ukraine known for corrupt government and military that our aid will end up as we intend.
The vaccine still hasn’t killed anyone? People died during the trials and that information has come out and was suppressed until recently.
Trump added 8 trillion to the debt.

Trump had the house and senate his first two years and didn’t do ANY of the things he promised except cut taxes by 1.5 trillion on people who were already doing great.

No infrastructure. No healthcare. Nothing.
Destroying the EPA, CDC, CIA, DOJ, and FBI do not count as accomplishments.

He has turned an entire political party in favor of Putin. Unbelievable
Biden accomplished more in his first 18 months than Trump did in 4 years.

My mom can afford insulin. That alone is bigger for my family than anything mango Mussolini did.
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I said we won’t know the extent of the damage for a decade.

I like how you know what Putin thinks. You must be a mind reader.

I wouldn’t source the Washington Post for anything newsworthy.
I said vaccines are not remotely the problem for finding either medical personnel or the military.
I said he was not the only person in charge during the decade that the "crisis" has been going on just saying he isn't the only one to blame so he can't be the only problem.
I don't know which you were talking about damage for a decade so I just defended both.
Didn't say I knew what he was thinking, just saying that the normal Republicans believe it to be an issue. Why would we let Russia have anything?
I didn't source WAPO I sourced the AP.

Keep hating trump and buying what they are selling. You guys have trump derangement syndrome so bad you will buy whatever the other side says. I don’t disagree with you on many of the bad things trump has done. Try not to let that affect every decision. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

And somebodies got to break up y’all’s circle jerk…

Keep hating trump and buying what they are selling. You guys have trump derangement syndrome so bad you will buy whatever the other side says. I don’t disagree with you on many of the bad things trump has done. Try not to let that affect every decision. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

And somebodies got to break up y’all’s circle jerk…
So who do you support big guy ? You rip on Biden while you say you don't support Trump but..? Are we talking out of both sides of our mouth ?
So who do you support big guy ? You rip on Biden while you say you don't support Trump but..? Are we talking out of both sides of our mouth ?
I am unaffiliated but if I were to back someone right now it would be Kennedy. He is being smeared by his own party, the right and the media. This tells me they all probably have something to fear and he is doing something right. If you look at his so called conspiracy statements they are taken either out of context or are from statement in the past that he has now changed his mind on. The democrats are trying to treat him like Bernie years ago. Still can’t believe people forgot what the left did to Bernie and then think they would allow the people to decide anything. Calling out both sides for their shortcomings and making people support arguments isn’t talking out of both sides. I would call it having healthy skepticism of a system that doesn’t have the people’s best interest at heart. Trump and Biden have both done good things but I’d say both outweighed their good with the problems each has created.
A rundown of both Trump and Biden’s insulin policy. Clearly shows trump capped it at $35 then Biden paused it and did his own version.
In May 2020, Trump announced the creation of a program in which some Medicare Part D prescription drug and Medicare Advantage plans agreed to voluntarily cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 for a month's supply.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Biden signed into law in August 2022, requires all Medicare Part D plans and certain Medicare Advantage plans to eliminate the deductible for "covered insulin" and cap the co-payment at $35 per month. The measures went into effect on January 1.

From your link
All versus some.
In May 2020, Trump announced the creation of a program in which some Medicare Part D prescription drug and Medicare Advantage plans agreed to voluntarily cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 for a month's supply.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Biden signed into law in August 2022, requires all Medicare Part D plans and certain Medicare Advantage plans to eliminate the deductible for "covered insulin" and cap the co-payment at $35 per month. The measures went into effect on January 1.

From your link
All versus some.
Does it ever blow you away when cult members say you have TDS because you are completely against a thuggish, impeached, incompetent crime boss?

Just today, a week after saying Milley deserved to be executed, he posted a picture and Instagram account of the judge’s clerk to sick his followers on her. He is a gangster. But it is US who have an issue. Not his supporters.
I am unaffiliated but if I were to back someone right now it would be Kennedy. He is being smeared by his own party, the right and the media. This tells me they all probably have something to fear and he is doing something right. If you look at his so called conspiracy statements they are taken either out of context or are from statement in the past that he has now changed his mind on. The democrats are trying to treat him like Bernie years ago. Still can’t believe people forgot what the left did to Bernie and then think they would allow the people to decide anything. Calling out both sides for their shortcomings and making people support arguments isn’t talking out of both sides. I would call it having healthy skepticism of a system that doesn’t have the people’s best interest at heart. Trump and Biden have both done good things but I’d say both outweighed their good with the problems each has created.
What did Trump do to help the American people? Biden got some things done with the slimmest of margins.

With the *exact same margin* that Republicans currently have, Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure package, gun safety law, PACT Act, CHIPS Act, and reauthorized VAWA.

Republicans can't even choose a Speaker.
Does it ever blow you away when cult members say you have TDS because you are completely against a thuggish, impeached, incompetent crime boss?

Just today, a week after saying Milley deserved to be executed, he posted a picture and Instagram account of the judge’s clerk to sick his followers on her. He is a gangster. But it is US who have an issue. Not his supporters.
Their go-to is he isn't president anymore.
Do they think Matt Gaetz is leading the house into a first-time-ever disaster on his own and not taking orders from Trump?
They don't want to listen to facts that disprove what they want to be happening.
"We don't know for 10 years the effects of vaccines on the military and medical fields."
No one is saying that.
Barely 25% of high school graduates meet the physical and mental requirements necessary to enter the military.
It won't be because we are raising a bunch of soft young people.
For them, something bad is happening so it's Biden's fault.
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Does it ever blow you away when cult members say you have TDS because you are completely against a thuggish, impeached, incompetent crime boss?

Just today, a week after saying Milley deserved to be executed, he posted a picture and Instagram account of the judge’s clerk to sick his followers on her. He is a gangster. But it is US who have an issue. Not his supporters.
Trump doing it just for some meant Biden had to one up him to look better so he did all. Sounds like the two of them in that case were both trying to reduce costs. That doesn’t mean that some people on certain plans still didn’t get cheap insulin. Trump still got a certain percentage cheaper insulin, Biden just expanded it. Maybe no people have the plan that saved them money but some people had the plan that reduced costs. Trump still did that even though it wasn’t for every Medicare recipient. You act like he did nothing that is something.
What did Trump do to help the American people? Biden got some things done with the slimmest of margins.

With the *exact same margin* that Republicans currently have, Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure package, gun safety law, PACT Act, CHIPS Act, and reauthorized VAWA.

Republicans can't even choose a Speaker.
Much like hit pieces on social media or the main stream news sites, you can continue to try and associate me with Trump(who I do not support) so that I am lumped in with all your favorite MAGA folk but I am not phased and will continue to call you guys out and then get teamed up on with mainstream media talking points or Toots taking screenshots of HughJasphan on X.

CHIPS Act should be a good thing if the money is used as it should and brings the jobs and manufacturing back.
Passing the other legislation was par for the course and did not reduce inflation until rates were jacked up. It also continued the out of control spending of trump Obama and any president since 911 occurred and we last had a balanced budget in 2001. Gun safety laws are a preference and it’s debatable if they help or hurt and we can do that on another thread. The PACT act sounds good but was riddled with flaws and typically has just led to private companies being contracted out for the cause and leading to inefficient programs where veterans are still waiting for benefits or the money can’t be traced like it should. The American rescue plan only continues to pay people to be non contributing members of society and acted as income only driving up inflation more. Trump dropped the ball when he had his majorities and should have got more done. I would be the first to say it but he was more focused on appointing all the judges Obama neglected to appoint (not the Supreme Court ones) and that could be argued is more powerful than an bill that can be repealed very easily with executive order.

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