What Lamar is doing right now again is incredible and something as a Lamar fan you should be very proud of, I truly wish it was something Monett could do it, but we just don't have all the pieces in place yet to make that sort of run.
Lamar wins the conference this year then they will have tied the longest streak and me personally I think this will go down as one of the greatest runs in the conference. But again I only said what I did based on the cold hard facts. The Big 8 is not a one team conference "yet" and I hope it never becomes that, because who would want that, is that any fun to see that? Take the COC that conference race was basically over before it ever gets started, so what fun was that. Everybody knows Webb was going to win it, they were just wonder who was going to play them the closes. And to be honest I think the COC race for next several years is over, you look at that conference and Webb is always the clear winner you might have a few surprises but the cold hard facts is every year it is Webb's conference to win, there is no fun in that unless you are a Cardinal fan. Even the Cardinal fans are disappointed if they don't put the running clock on the other teams, it is almost expected each week now.