I'm not saying what we did was Just or Right, but we conquered the Native Americans. Just like Rome Conquered half the known world etc. etc. And my Great Grandma Came off a Okie reservation. And my Grandma First Husband was a Native American. I told them the same darn thing. They couldn't really say much cause it was truth.
And No Conquered people is ever going to like those who where victories. I don't know how being upfront and saying we simply conquered them and took from them what we wanted is White Washing anything. In fact it's brutally honest. We didn't do it to bring civilization to the savages which was the BS white washing of that time...we did it because we needed land and resources and a lot of money was to be made. And that was pretty much what I was taught in High school and college
And as I said I am 100% for making sure Native Americans are getting what was promised to them through their deals with the Federal and State gov. But not reparations.
First nobody is asking for reparations besides you and your girlfriend with your demand for $100,000 and a mule so first take a long hard look in the mirror before you go projecting onto anybody else....Mine is more about the history of it.
However you want to talk conquered people then well unfortunately many of those enslaved were conquered and enslaved by thier own people and sold to the Portuguese as a form of trade.. So going by what you said and your thought process about conquered people... Sorry you too don't deserve $100,000 wouldn't you say?
Second many Native Americans fought side by side with the colonist because treaties were signed. However later they would then be forced off the land they were given because of those treaties and such, how many times you hear white man speak with forked tongue.....which really is a stretch of the word given...how can you give something to somebody who already owned it? If it wasn't for the native's helping early settlers America might not have even been here, but what did they get for helping?
And yes as for talking white history let's look at thanksgiving....the truth is far from what is taught in the history books today. And that is just one example. The white man in me wants it to be the truth It is how I hoped we would have treated the Native Americans...however the Native American in me who has studied history knows it is white washed...Honestly it is a hard thing for me to think about. So yeah I do understand also why descendants of slaves might also think long and hard about what is taught in our history books...
Many Native Americans are still stuck on reservations...while I am never going to pretend to know what the answer is and that I know it all (like you WINK WINK) I don't know that reparations' is the answer either? I look at myself my grandmother decided to leave the reservation...I don't know what drove her to that decision love family or a desire to better herself.. but because she did I am where I am today not facing the same fate as those of my family who didn't? But I am also not saying they are not happy...Our nation is different than others.
I know we cannot dwell on our past but we also cannot forget it...what that means I don't know....But I do believe to many are stuck in the past be it the way it is taught to the way we honor it...