Trump Organization Tax Case


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
Interesting case - when do perks become so numerous and luxurious that they become compensation??

Weisselberg's ex daughter in law handed over some damning records - 2 sets of books, one legit, one not, straight out of "Casino". Supposedly the records link other TO execs to the same practice of perks for compensation. Can they link The Kids???Prosecutors are having the first look inside the tax records of the Trump Empire - the eternally audited Trump tax records many Americans have been waiting for 5 years.

Weisselberg's perks totaled $1.8M over 15 years = $120,000 per yr. Prosecutors claim he avoided $900,000 in taxes and undeserved tax refunds. What!!! This guy gets a tax refund?? Prosecutors also claim that although he is a long time resident of Long Island and claims it as his residence, he actually spends more time at his company paid apartment in the city, thus avoiding NYC taxes.

And it may all be perfectly legal !! And no doubt it goes on to some degree many places . This case is all about whats wrong with our entire loophole tax system designed for the wealthy. Tax lawyers can figure out how to save the already wealthy corporations and individuals from paying their fair share of taxes, and in actuality accumulate more wealth.

This case in a nutshell is my biggest problem with the Republican Party. The tax breaks and loopholes, and a tax system designed to take advantage of both by the wealthy, are all fine and dandy with them as long as the money keeps rolling in for the wealthiest.

What did the recent news story say? The 25 wealthiest individuals in the US pay little or no personal income tax? That infuriates me to no end.
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I find it strange that you point out the Rep. party....when the Wealthiest Counties and regions vote Democrat.

I wonder who Bill Gates voted for, Warren Buffet, George Soro's,Larry Page,Sergi Brin,Mike Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Howard Shultz, Jeff Bezos.....

I have not seen either party really try and overhaul the tax system to any degree and both parties could of done so at one time or another. It's not like all the tax loopholes are a Republican thing or that only Republicans benefit from the loopholes. But clearly the Dem's do a Much Much better job of bamboozling their followers into believing that.

And again all those wealthy people on that list ...a lot of them Dem's can check the box and pay money into the coffers if they wish, it's on the Form. They don't cause they work to design the system to benefit them just like their conservative brethren.

Maybe Biden and the Dem's will extend Trumps tax plan that has benefited the Middle class....but I doubt it they already want to junk it and go back to the old plan.
Maybe the billionaires you mentioned voted for BIden because they realized Trump is a lying sack of dodo. They majority of the wealthy are Repubs.
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Really I just posted the fact/Link that the Wealthiest Counties Voted Democrat...they did so in 2020 as well....and have done so for awhile.

I will say this The Dem's have figured it out, they have intertwined themselves into BIG BUSINESS via Gov. control. For years the Dem's pretended like they was the Voice and Party of the Little guy working class and that the Rep's. where the evil Big Business shills......and a lot of the non-geometric thinkers have lapped it up like free Candy. The working class Dem never has figured out that a Poor Person has never ever gave anyone a job, benefits or Health insurance. And for a long time the Dem. party fought with Big Corp. and attacked them and tried to undercut their Profits and their ability to pass on their earned wealth to their employee's.

And with times being good a lot of the Working class drifted away from the Dem's and the Dem's knew they needed money and support and that it was slipping away so they began to make alliances with Big Corps. as well even more so than the Rep. as they use their power to intertwine Big GOV and BIG CORPORATIONS. Which as greatly benefited and monopolized many a industry. The Big Corps unholy Cabal with Big Gov. is a Dem. making. Not a Rep. making.

That is why you so many of the Wealthy now being Dem's and So many of the working Class being Rep.

Just read this it explains it better....


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