Kenny we are friends on facebook don't even go there and tell me you cannot afford this or that I see how you live.
You are totally right it is not realistic for every family to adopt and that is my point how are you going to come up with all the extra resources for these extra kids that are going to be dumped into an already broken system? It is okay to have an opinion but an opinion and offering an actual solution to your opinion is another. I don't post here very often because alot of these guys I feel are smarter and better informed than me on several subjects this is just close to my heart. Just like gun control opinions not only are they against it and have an opinion but they are trying to offer solutions not just yelling ban guns. Sure stopping abortions is a noble idea but what is the solution to all the unwanted children once you do it and all those unwanted children start flooding the foster system and those that will need care for life!! Who pays for those high risk pregnancy that can cost over $100,000 dollars?
I too had my own kids and when I was called upon I did it and never look backed again we are friends on facebook you can see my kids. I had an opinion and I am offering a small very very small drop in the bucket what I can do solution to what I see as a problem. You only live once so make your mark while you can on as many lives as possible.
You say that but you know the state of Missouri has several times tried to cut funding to the current foster system that is currently under funded now!! Write you congress man and ask them to please increase funding for all those children in the system now that is a start if you want to help!!