Meanwhile back to the topic....
It is impossible to have a serious discussion about guns. But I will try...
I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense believes that the government is ever going to take your guns away. The "slippery slope" argument for meaningful legislation is a NRA and gun fanatic scare tactic. I don't own a gun but I am not against gun ownership. I understand Americans like to hunt. All for it! I understand some people wanting a pistol at home for some personal protection. All for that, too! I even get recreational target shooting. Heck, rifle shooting is an Olympic sport!
We already have laws in place for gun ownership - you must register your guns, have a license for concealed carr, you must be a certain age, convicted felons are prohibited from posessing or owning.
So what does "gun control" actually mean? To me, it means further laws to try to control the access of guns by criminals or for criminal activity. No one will ever convince me of the need for military type guns by the general public. No one will ever convince me of the need for semi automatic guns that allow someone to fire countless bullets in a matter of a minute. Or clips that hold 15 rounds and to reload another 15 rounds in a clip in seconds. None of these examples are needed for hunting, self protection, or target practice. There is no reason for any person to be able to get their hands on any gun that can get off a hundred rounds in a minute. Personally, I see no reason for a person to be able to get off more than 4-6 shots under any given circumstances.
Our judicial system should hand down lengthy sentences for violent offenses. If you commit a crime with a gun, starting with a minimum 25 year sentence and up depending on severity of the crime - no plea bargains to lesser offenses, no early parole. More enforcement and rigid sentences for gun possession by minors and convicted criminals. Make these young thugs think twice about even carrying a weapon on the streets by following thru with incarceration. If we need more prisons, so be it. Criminals today are not scared to get caught. They know that even if sentenced to prison, they will be out in no time for the first or second conviction, and if they are a minor, they may not do any time behind bars.
No person under mental health treatment should be allowed to possess a gun - period.
Still, I honestly believe that the percent of the population that wants to take away your deer rifle or pistol locked up in your bed stand is so small to be insignificant, and all the "infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights", "slippery slope", and "the government wants to take my gun away" talk is all nonsense and never going to happen. I can't believe people with common sense actually fall for it. Outlawing private ownership of guns will never happen in America and I know of no one in favor of it. But we do need some common sense laws and regulations regarding who should be allowed to own a gun.