Nobody said hate/Racism is acceptable or that it is inevitable between divergent groups ,those base instincts can be over come and are being overcome as we speak...and you do realize the Studies are not just about race only ,a whole myriad of differences lead to these responses or lack of responses in the brain maping.Plenty of people have made this argument. I doubt you want your name associated with them. You know what else has occurred since the dawn of time that we now consider unacceptable? Child marriage. In your mind, is that more or less acceptable than the ingrained racism that you mention? Aren’t conservatives the lot that think theorizing critically about race is bunk?
These studies includes the same Races killing each other with ease as well based on a whole host of differences from religion to culture differences to simply being foreigner from another land who has slightly different languages or customs, it is plenty clear that peoples Brains do not showing the same empathy do to the engrained instinct to fear the different as a perceived threat.
A great study that was formulated into a PBS documentary about the Bosnian Genocide dove deeply into this, and how it was on the surface strange to scientist how it was so easy for these people to so easily turn on their neighbors that they had co-existed with for long periods of time with minimal issues and then try to exterminate them...for reasons that logically made no sense and how they showed no remorse or regret and felt justified.
I do find your response Ironic.....because you quickly exhibited the same Traits I'm talking about, devolving into the political tribalism as opposed to actually acknowledging the validity of human evolution and the role it plays on behavior.
You quickly threw out the racist card....and tried to link these behavioral studies to some antiquated Racist notion or to link those who acknowledge the human animal is fraught with violent biological instincts and the capacity for great violence to others who are different for no rational reason outside of the idea they are different.
And while Conservatives are not on board with the Current morphed Version of CRT....which has been hijacked into Whites are Racist....all other Races or Minority Groups are not Racist and are only oppressed by Racist Whites as the creed spewed. See That is the RUB on CRT.
Most of us have no issues with the idea that Nature is a large part of the equation that drives the actions of humans and those actions led to Racist policies and View points, that have permeated all cultures and do now to a lesser degree than in the past, and the work is not done. But the CRT program that is being put forth is not the answer.
The Truth is that all Groups, races, religions, political parties, country of origin etc. have Bigoted tendency's hardwired in. To deny this fact is denying human evolution and in reality Human history.
I don't find Racism or Bigotry acceptable at all. But I do acknowledge everyone has it, it is natural and that every person must be cognizant of this fact, and strive to fight against that emotional response.
The fear of differences isn't taught its engrained...but it can be heightened and weaponized no doubt. And it has been all through out human history. That is what must be rooted out.
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