Andrew Cuomo is a hero, Gretchen Witmer is a hero. Ron Desantis bad. Ron DeSantis went out of his way to not admit Florida seniors that tested positive for Covid19 and Cuomo went out of his way to admit them in New York. According to his analysis of data and science, his strategy was correct. Florida protected nursing homes.
According to FreeOpp. Under 25, the flu is 17 times more deadly. Once you reach the age of 25 COVID becomes more deadly than the flu. According to statistics, it is 2 times more deadly than the flu if you under 34.
3x as deadly for people aged 34 to 44, 3.6 times more deadly between 35 and 54. 4.5 more times deadly than the flu for people between the ages 55 and 64, 3.5 between 65 and 74, and 2.6 times more between the ages of 75 and 84. If you're over 85 the death rate for COVID is 1.5 more deadly than the flu.
No spike in Georgia even though they've been relatively more open, despite the predicted doom and gloom of overwhelming the HC system.
So long story short the Obama media lies.
Good to know.
The new CDC guidance principles say the spread of the disease on surfaces is incredibly lower than first suspected. So if you get a package from the mail it is highly unlikely it has the Covid19 virus.
Schools should re-open. The data is clear.
According to FreeOpp. Under 25, the flu is 17 times more deadly. Once you reach the age of 25 COVID becomes more deadly than the flu. According to statistics, it is 2 times more deadly than the flu if you under 34.
3x as deadly for people aged 34 to 44, 3.6 times more deadly between 35 and 54. 4.5 more times deadly than the flu for people between the ages 55 and 64, 3.5 between 65 and 74, and 2.6 times more between the ages of 75 and 84. If you're over 85 the death rate for COVID is 1.5 more deadly than the flu.
No spike in Georgia even though they've been relatively more open, despite the predicted doom and gloom of overwhelming the HC system.
So long story short the Obama media lies.
Good to know.
The new CDC guidance principles say the spread of the disease on surfaces is incredibly lower than first suspected. So if you get a package from the mail it is highly unlikely it has the Covid19 virus.
Schools should re-open. The data is clear.