NEW MSHSAA RULE?-school sharing a sport?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2004
I seen on the MSHSAA website where they passed a rule that will/could allow a kid whose school doesn't offer a sport to go and play for a neighboring school that does? It has certain guidlines that I'm still confused on who this might effect. Can/does anyone know anymore about this and can fill me in?
Yes students from neighboring districts can join with a school that offers a sport. Small schools can join with another to offer a sport. It is limited to 1a,2a,3a schools.
So if my school is 3a in Cross Country, then kids from a neighboring school can come and be on our team. But if we are considered 4a in football, then they couldn't in that sport. Am I correct? Would that athlete be considered as part of our team? An independent? And finally when could/would this take effect? The reason I'm interested...I lost a runner to a neighboring school that is 5 miles away this year and they don't offer cross country...we are both 3a or below in this sport..can she still run for me??
the two schools would need to set up a contract for that sport, i don't know if this will go into effect next year since some sport districts are set for next year, football can't until after next year
It won't happen very many places because even if only 1 student-athlete comes to your school to play, your school has to add his/her schools entire enrollment with yours for classification purposes.
and on top of all of that, both schools must agree on every single detail. The coach, transportation, cost, etc....

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