Nevada bans employers from refusing to hire those who fail marijuana tests

This is going to bankrupt the state. No one will ever again go to Vegas or Reno. This is so huge. Soooooo huge. This surpasses a soccer player sitting for the anthem in the top 5.

In the mean time Trump admitted today he would likely again use a foreign government to help him win the next election and you have no comment.
I just don't see how all the upstanding, 'conservative' folks on this board can just keep overlooking anything Trump does because of the almighty dollar. Well he has great economy they say. Is there NOTHING more important to you guys than a dollar? He just said he would accept dirt from anybody anywhere on a political opponent and would NOT report it to FBI. He even said the FBI director was wrong to say he should. After 2 years of an investigation that started because of this very thing one might think even Trump wouldn't say that out loud and on tape.
I just don't see how all the upstanding, 'conservative' folks on this board can just keep overlooking anything Trump does because of the almighty dollar. Well he has great economy they say. Is there NOTHING more important to you guys than a dollar? He just said he would accept dirt from anybody anywhere on a political opponent and would NOT report it to FBI. He even said the FBI director was wrong to say he should. After 2 years of an investigation that started because of this very thing one might think even Trump wouldn't say that out loud and on tape.

I agree with platform and policy more than this particular president. I'd still rather have him than Hillary.
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I don’t defend Trump. He makes many unprofessional comments. I agree with policy
Like I said you think he's great if some folks make some more money. The man is destroying this country day by day. We cannot let this behavior become the new normal for our elected officials, especially our president.
I just don't see how all the upstanding, 'conservative' folks on this board can just keep overlooking anything Trump does because of the almighty dollar. Well he has great economy they say. Is there NOTHING more important to you guys than a dollar? He just said he would accept dirt from anybody anywhere on a political opponent and would NOT report it to FBI. He even said the FBI director was wrong to say he should. After 2 years of an investigation that started because of this very thing one might think even Trump wouldn't say that out loud and on tape.
I fail to see how INFORMATION is harmful no matter who it comes from if it is true. If not true, I fail to see that it matters where it came from. Knowledge and truth aren't harmful. If the Steele dossier was accurate, I wouldn't care that Hillary got it from Russians.
Like I said you think he's great if some folks make some more money. The man is destroying this country day by day. We cannot let this behavior become the new normal for our elected officials, especially our president.

Trump thinks he is above the law. Just because he thinks something is ok doesnt make it legal. Mueller people said the only reason junior wasn't charged was because they couldnt prove he knew it was illegal. But the cover up story by Daddy about the adoptions is proof they knew it wasnt ok.

Anyone who thinks collusion with a foreign power to win an election is ok is an unAmerican a-hole.
It is not technically illegal for Trump to Fedex his daily briefing material to Putin or share the nuclear codes with Kim Jong Un.
Until now no one even thought a law would be needed.
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He just said he would accept dirt from anybody anywhere on a political opponent and would NOT report it to FBI. He even said the FBI director was wrong to say he should.
He did say if it was something the FBI needed to know he would report it. If a foreign source said Hillary was seen wearing pant suits would that need to be reported?

Adam Schiff is on tape trying to get dirt from a RUSSIAN on Trump. I have zero problem with this but maybe you should try to get him locked up since you seem to think this is awful.
I fail to see how INFORMATION is harmful no matter who it comes from if it is true. If not true, I fail to see that it matters where it came from. Knowledge and truth aren't harmful. If the Steele dossier was accurate, I wouldn't care that Hillary got it from Russians.
There is this little thing called the constitution that says you can't do it. I realize that means nothing to Trump but I thought you might agree with the law on this one. But then again I'm not surprised, cause Trump said very forcefully that the FBI Director is wrong. o_O
There is this little thing called the constitution that says you can't do it. I realize that means nothing to Trump but I thought you might agree with the law on this one. But then again I'm not surprised, cause Trump said very forcefully that the FBI Director is wrong. o_O

What in the Constitution says you cant get information from a foreign source? I await your answer with baited breath...
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There is this little thing called the constitution that says you can't do it. I realize that means nothing to Trump but I thought you might agree with the law on this one. But then again I'm not surprised, cause Trump said very forcefully that the FBI Director is wrong. o_O

1st of all, where does the Constitution say you can't talk or collaborate with a foreign country?
2nd, IF you are convinced it does, why aren't Hillary and Schiff your targets because they did. It isn't even debatable that they not only did converse with them but they did for the sole purpose of getting info to affect the election.
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1st of all, where does the Constitution say you can't talk or collaborate with a foreign country?
2nd, IF you are convinced it does, why aren't Hillary and Schiff your targets because they did. It isn't even debatable that they not only did converse with them but they did for the sole purpose of getting info to affect the election.
The law says you cannot receive something of value to your campaign from a person or entity in a foreign country. It seems the founding fathers were very adamant about this the they wrote the constitution. What did Clinton or Schiff get from a foreign government, or person, that would be considered an illegal campaign contribution? What Trump is saying he would do is just that. What Jr. did was an attempt to get it and was excited about it but it turned out to be nothing as far as we know.
The law says you cannot receive something of value to your campaign from a person or entity in a foreign country. It seems the founding fathers were very adamant about this the they wrote the constitution.
WHERE does the Constitution say this????
What did Clinton or Schiff get from a foreign government, or person, that would be considered an illegal campaign contribution? What Trump is saying he would do is just that. What Jr. did was an attempt to get it and was excited about it but it turned out to be nothing as far as we know.
Info, dirt, oppo research!
I have no problem with it but YOU seem to so where is the outcry?
There is this little thing called the constitution that says you can't do it. I realize that means nothing to Trump but I thought you might agree with the law on this one. But then again I'm not surprised, cause Trump said very forcefully that the FBI Director is wrong. o_O

Where does the Constitution say you can't get information from foreign sources?
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Info, dirt, oppo research!
I have no problem with it but YOU seem to so where is the outcry?
When did Clinton get oppo research that they didn't pay someone to do. Most campaigns HIRE someone for that stuff but that is NOT a campaign finance violation.
Info, dirt, oppo research!
I have no problem with it but YOU seem to so where is the outcry?
Excuse me! It is the LAW. The conversation I heard was that the founding fathers were very afraid of foreign interference and that's why they made it where you have to be BORN in the United States to be eligible to become president and ran that into the campaign issues. IT IS THE LAW so I don't it doesn't matter where it came from.
Excuse me! It is the LAW. The conversation I heard was that the founding fathers were very afraid of foreign interference and that's why they made it where you have to be BORN in the United States to be eligible to become president and ran that into the campaign issues. IT IS THE LAW so I don't it doesn't matter where it came from.

What law? Where in the Constitution does it say you cant gather intelligence from a foreign source? You keep making the claim but I've seen NOTHING even resembling an answer that supports your statement.

This is the show me state, either prove it or shut up.
Excuse me! It is the LAW. The conversation I heard was that the founding fathers were very afraid of foreign interference and that's why they made it where you have to be BORN in the United States to be eligible to become president and ran that into the campaign issues. IT IS THE LAW so I don't it doesn't matter where it came from.

The head of the Federal Election Commission sent out a timely warning to politicians on Thursday, reminding them that it’s illegal to accept information from a foreign national linked to an election in the U.S.

The notice, posted by FEC Chair Ellen Weintraub, comes one day after President Donald Trump told ABC News that he would accept dirt on his opponents in the 2020 election from another country, such as Russia or China.

Weintraub’s warning was direct: “Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”

“This is not a novel concept,” she added

In her memo on Thursday, Weintraub said that “electoral intervention from foreign governments” has been unacceptable for as long as the United States has been a country. Quoting a 1787 letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, Weintraub said the Founding Fathers had already “sounded the alarm about ‘foreign Interference, Intrigue and Influence.’”
When the newly minted Constitution was awaiting ratification by the states, some of its advocates produced a series of written arguments for it that were published as The Federalist.

No. 68 in this series (usually attributed to the prolific Alexander Hamilton) said, "The desire [of] foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our counsels" was a source of corruption and "one of the most deadly adversaries of republican government."

In other words, determined effort would be necessary on the part of the U.S. government to forestall the intrusions from these self-interested outsiders.
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Under the campaign finance laws, what's illegal is accepting a thing of value without declaring it. So, in the allegations around the president, it's a little bit in the gray area, because it's not that they actually gave money to him or offered to give money, but, rather, it's just information. Is that of value? Undoubtedly, but either put a price tag on it or go away.

Receiving information in and of itself is not illegal in any capacity.
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When did Clinton get oppo research that they didn't pay someone to do. Most campaigns HIRE someone for that stuff but that is NOT a campaign finance violation.
So, your argument is that it's ok to pay for dirt but not to get it for free! Wow, just wow.
Excuse me! It is the LAW. The conversation I heard was that the founding fathers were very afraid of foreign interference and that's why they made it where you have to be BORN in the United States to be eligible to become president and ran that into the campaign issues. IT IS THE LAW so I don't it doesn't matter where it came from.
SHOW me this law you keep citing!
Conversations you "heard" don't count!
What law? Where in the Constitution does it say you cant gather intelligence from a foreign source? You keep making the claim but I've seen NOTHING even resembling an answer that supports your statement.

This is the show me state, either prove it or shut up.
But some never Trumper on CNN said it was the law!
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When the newly minted Constitution was awaiting ratification by the states, some of its advocates produced a series of written arguments for it that were published as The Federalist.

No. 68 in this series (usually attributed to the prolific Alexander Hamilton) said, "The desire [of] foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our counsels" was a source of corruption and "one of the most deadly adversaries of republican government."

In other words, determined effort would be necessary on the part of the U.S. government to forestall the intrusions from these self-interested outsiders.
I see no laws here!
SHOW me this law you keep citing!
Conversations you "heard" don't count!
YOU look it up genius it is campaign finance law it surely won't be that tough for smart guys ;tie you. Maybe just back up and read what Duck posted and has been all over TV the last several days. You can't be this thick headed.
YOU look it up genius it is campaign finance law it surely won't be that tough for smart guys ;tie you. Maybe just back up and read what Duck posted and has been all over TV the last several days. You can't be this thick headed.

Under the campaign finance laws, what's illegal is accepting a thing of value without declaring it. So, in the allegations around the president, it's a little bit in the gray area, because it's not that they actually gave money to him or offered to give money, but, rather, it's just information. Is that of value? Undoubtedly, but either put a price tag on it or go away.

Receiving information in and of itself is not illegal in any capacity.

Swing and a miss, try again.
YOU look it up genius it is campaign finance law it surely won't be that tough for smart guys ;tie you. Maybe just back up and read what Duck posted and has been all over TV the last several days. You can't be this thick headed.
YOU are the one saying there are laws! "Smart guys like me" say it doesn't exist!
What Duck has posted cites no LAWS, try again. The burden of proof of what you claim falls on you not me.
Thick headed? That would be accurate of one of us.
When did Clinton get oppo research that they didn't pay someone to do. Most campaigns HIRE someone for that stuff but that is NOT a campaign finance violation.
Trump said "if he was approached" and Hillary approached them. I guess in your world someone soliciting you is worse than you soliciting them?
YOU look it up genius it is campaign finance law it surely won't be that tough for smart guys ;tie you. Maybe just back up and read what Duck posted and has been all over TV the last several days. You can't be this thick headed.

My ignored clowns are all about standing for the anthem and saluting the flag but they ignore the constitution and the rule of law.
Unpatriotic POS.
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