KC is the baseball town StL thinks it is

BUSCH cost 365million. Kaufman is 42 years old (6th oldst) and they did a 250 ml renovation..
Fact checked
I guess you glossed over the 90% private (read ownership) financing on Busch III, and the largely public financing for Kauffman.

I'd also say getting a whole brand new stadium for only 115 mm more is the more frugal way to go, but I could be way off.
I guess you glossed over the 90% private (read ownership) financing on Busch III, and the largely public financing for Kauffman.

I'd also say getting a whole brand new stadium for only 115 mm more is the more frugal way to go, but I could be way off.

Frugal isnt in my vocabulary. I try but somehow trying to save always costs me more...I think I will put that on my New Years Resolution list...
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I guess you glossed over the 90% private (read ownership) financing on Busch III, and the largely public financing for Kauffman.

I'd also say getting a whole brand new stadium for only 115 mm more is the more frugal way to go, but I could be way off.
They are all publicly financed- it's just that whenever St.L needs a new stadium in their dump of a downtown, they get money from the Missouri General Assembly. The taxpayers of Jackson County, MO have funded their own stadiums, without taking money from all Missourians.
The main thing no one is talking about is that the Cards were the odds on favorite to win the whole thing and they are no where to be seen. FWIW I am a Cards fan except for when they are playing the Royals. All the bickering is a waste of time. The Cards have a much more glorious history, and it's a whole lot easier to be a Cards fan.
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Let the Cardinals go 20 years

without a winning record- their attendance would be as crappy as anybody else that does that, KC included. There is nothing different or "special" about Cardinals fans, contrary to popular belief in St.Louis. There's also nothing special about the Italian food in StL, or "St. Louis-style" pizza, which are other local "we are something special" myths.
The point is they don't go 20 years without a winning record! In fact have they had more than back to back losing seasons in the entire time the Royals have been a franchise? The problem isn't the fans in either town it's the horrendous ownership and management in KC during that time period. 29 years without a playoff appearance proves that.
As far as food goes I think you can put KC barbecue up against anything so KC has that going for them.[/QUOTE]

KC BBQ....good stuff
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Back (for a moment) to the original post on this thread...the media is a "what have you done for us lately" mentality. The Royals were in the last two world series, and won this year. St Louis was not in the world series the last two years. That's probably why the article was written with the aforementioned headline.
We now return to the never ending enjoyment of KC vs St Louis arguments. :)

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