Just step down fat man

Yes I was aware the we along with Britain supported a overthrow in the 50s. What we must remember is if we did not do this Russia moves in. I’m all for a good debate but geez you guys seem more worried about Iran than us.

supported? We planned and engineered it.
You got me but the bigger point is if we don’t do the the Russians move in.
Do they? So then they get the head ache of dealing with it?

Who has iran invaded in the 20th and 21st century?
Now how about us?

You can figure this out.
I think paying debt is a part of morality.

You shouldn't just believe whatever your gubmint masters say about who the 'bad guys' are. And you most certainly should not base your morality on what gumbmint says.

Do the best you can
Love all
Take care of you and yours

Pretty simple but not always easy

2 out of 3....the middle one is pure Fantasy.