Getting worse


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
It almost like they are multiplying when we hit ignore... also starting to spread to the basketball board... No answers to emails so far... This is almost as bad as Bosko claiming his wife didnt leave him and take his Booster Club Presidency away.....
It almost like they are multiplying when we hit ignore... also starting to spread to the basketball board... No answers to emails so far... This is almost as bad as Bosko claiming his wife didnt leave him and take his Booster Club Presidency away.....
Today its definitely taken a turn for the worse. Most of this week the attacks only come at night. Like I said on another thread, I wont be fighting these drug dealers on the weekend. Come Monday, if this is still happening, we should migrate to another board until this has run its course.
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Today its definitely taken a turn for the worse. Most of this week the attacks only come at night. Like I said on another thread, I wont be fighting these drug dealers on the weekend. Come Monday, if this is still happening, we should migrate to another board until this has run its course.
I completely agree. Absolutely sickening anyone would resort to this.
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Today its definitely taken a turn for the worse. Most of this week the attacks only come at night. Like I said on another thread, I wont be fighting these drug dealers on the weekend. Come Monday, if this is still happening, we should migrate to another board until this has run its course.
Make a thread for any returning posters where we went. I'll try to keep that thread bumped so anyone just coming into this knows where to go
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Scooby Doo Party GIF by MOODMAN
I saw someone post about Bill Gunn's website failing. That was years back, though. Another major anomaly I pointed out earlier is why is this site's second most popular board (Pol Crap) being barely touched by this?
OH WOW I just got followed by one of the new bots called Marckodose with its header being the Mosconi Cup which is POOL's International Tourney. COINCIDENCE plus how the heck does a bot follow you? Have any of the rest of you been followed by one of these????????
Holy cow this just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Took the prior down just don't want to start accusing anyone then it turns out to be something else altogether just such a weird coincidence.

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