For all those who have said on this board that hitting a woman is no worse than hitting a man...

Mitsurugi san

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
...I wonder, do you also think (in the name of equality) that we should no longer separate men's and women's sports? Honest question!

(Remember, this is directed to all those who have said on this board that it's no worse for a man to hit a woman than it is for a man to hit a man, and to suggest otherwise is sexist...)
...I wonder, do you also think (in the name of equality) that we should no longer separate men's and women's sports? Honest question!

(Remember, this is directed to all those who have said on this board that it's no worse for a man to hit a woman than it is for a man to hit a man, and to suggest otherwise is sexist...)

Has anyone actually said that?
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That's my question as well. What I've read, is if a woman hits and man and gets hit in return...well, don't hit a man. So in that same vein, if girls want to try to play boys sports...Why not let them try?
That is what was said, Mits just refused to let his head wrap around that concept.
I remember Lats doing this once......Good thing the girls dad was a huge booster! Roids are Bad!!!

Starting defense! Place at the table!

Love the new boards...

Here are some highlights (attributing the quotes would take too long; just click the link above if you want to know who said what):

"If she didnt learn to keep her cool And to keep her hands to herself Shes putting her health on the line.. If you don't want to be hit don't hit period."

"And i know some women who can scrap.. You're missing the whole point Its not right to HIT ANYONE." (Remember how I said this was to the people who have said it's no worse for a man to to hit a woman than for a man to hit a man?... right there^^^)

(This next one was in response to me saying "Have never heard the expression "women and children first"?"):
"That's another sexist phrase, just like "You should never hit a woman.""

(In response to me saying "Agree to disagree I guess. If a man ever hits my daughter I will beat his ass; if my son ever hits a lady, I will beat his ass too. Call me old-fashioned"):
"That's called sexist, and sadly, that isn't as old-fashioned as it should be. You should have the identical response if a woman hits your daughter or if your son hits a man."

(And while not related to hitting a lady, the crown jewel that finally had my realizing that I can no longer relate to people on the internet):
"I have a good chuckle every time someone uses the phrase "greatest generation" ... you know, the one that wouldn't let black people attend schools with whites, vote, or even drink from the same water fountain. Not to mention their treatment of women and other minorities"

Time for some people to picket to have men's and women's sports combined (don't want to be sexist).
I still don't get where your statement in the thread title is true. If anything, you're completely misleading with it for the purpose of trying to start an argument that really isn't there. None of the statements you referenced support your title in this thread.
So you're saying that nothing anyone said in that thread is akin to saying hitting a woman is no worse than hitting a man???

BTW, the point was just to get the opinions of some of those people on this notion of doing away with gender segregation in sports (I was legit curious...)
So you're saying that nothing anyone said in that thread is akin to saying hitting a woman is no worse than hitting a man???

If your talking to me... I like Kenny and I'm reasonably sure others are simply saying give it a rest. You were already down this road once before in a previous thread .
If your talking to me... I like Kenny and I'm reasonably sure others are simply saying give it a rest. You were already down this road once before in a previous thread .
Not talking to you, but you're right (sincerely); I guess I'm done :(
I remember Lats doing this once......Good thing the girls dad was a huge booster! Roids are Bad!!!
So is alcohol Kane....can make a Heisman candidate go off the deep end, and lay in the middle of the road (I enjoyed your deleted scene in your doc). Next time you're my way I know a good club we can visit until the wee hours of the morning.
I'm sorry gentleman, that was just a little Brown U. inside two take my "typo" as a mistake, when really its wasn't....but I wouldn't expect either of you to understand.
Whoa...easy there Mox. You dont want to pick a fight with Bosko. You saw what he did to Stef and Coach Nickerson. Remember, he has an army of Ampipe boosters behind him.
I like you Bosko....I don't care what that no-good-PI-getting STEPH says about you!
You know what, I like you too Mox! You also got a coach ran out of town and thats something I can relate to. Helluva ball player too!!
Bosko, the only moron that would run a future NCAA National Champion, and NFL coach out of town !
If you watch our documentary, you will quickly see why he was ran out of town. He blew the biggest game of the season!!! Coach Nickerson was no champion when he was ran out of town.....
You know what, I like you too Mox! You also got a coach ran out of town and thats something I can relate to. Helluva ball player too!!

If you watch our documentary, you will quickly see why he was ran out of town. He blew the biggest game of the season!!! Coach Nickerson was no champion when he was ran out of town.....

What is this "OUR DOCUMENTARY" stuff about. Shoot90 told you were a minuscule
(that means small) part of the best football documentary of all time!

I think we need to let Bosko and Mox get a room. They probably would like to talk more about their pubics.
What is this "OUR DOCUMENTARY" stuff about. Shoot90 told you were a minuscule
(that means small) part of the best football documentary of all time!

I think we need to let Bosko and Mox get a room. They probably would like to talk more about their pubics.
Why wouldnt I say OUR documentary? How do we do things in Ampipe? TOGETHER! We made the film TOGETHER! Just like we ran Coach Nickerson out of town...we did that TOGETHER!
Good point Bosko....looks like STEPH forgot about that together thing. You and I can remind him of that....TOGETHER!
Please shut up...

Things I hate about J. MOX
1) Too scared to close the deal with whip cream clad Darcy!
2) Too scared to get into the police car with Tweeter with the naked girls
3) He refers to himself in the 3rd person
4) He likes Bosko and talks dirty with him on MoSports

i am guessing the first two and the last one have a little bit to do with each other...
Things I hate about J. MOX
1) Too scared to close the deal with whip cream clad Darcy! Jonathan Moxon is a good guy.
2) Too scared to get into the police car with Tweeter with the naked girls. Jonathan Mox is a good guy.
3) He refers to himself in the 3rd person. Jonathan Mox is just one man. I'm just one man.
4) He likes Bosko and talks dirty with him on MoSports. Jonathan Moxon is a good guy.

Haters will hate STEPH. The Mox can't help that people like you STEPH are going to hate on him for taking the moral high ground. I know its hard for you to understand while you are throwing trash in someones yard, but some of us out there still believe in treating people with respect.....even Bosko! But I'll give your post a TEN!!!

Please shut up...

Things I hate about J. MOX
1) Too scared to close the deal with whip cream clad Darcy!
2) Too scared to get into the police car with Tweeter with the naked girls
3) He refers to himself in the 3rd person
4) He likes Bosko and talks dirty with him on MoSports

i am guessing the first two and the last one have a little bit to do with each other...
I havent laughed this hard at a post in a very long time!!! But I dont think its like that. Bosko and Mox just have some stuff in common. They both ran a racist, no good coach out of town and are both currently involved in the boosters club. I think I saw Mox talk about that on another thread.
Things I hate about J. MOX
1) Too scared to close the deal with whip cream clad Darcy! Jonathan Moxon is a good guy.
2) Too scared to get into the police car with Tweeter with the naked girls. Jonathan Mox is a good guy.
3) He refers to himself in the 3rd person. Jonathan Mox is just one man. I'm just one man.
4) He likes Bosko and talks dirty with him on MoSports. Jonathan Moxon is a good guy.

Haters will hate STEPH. The Mox can't help that people like you STEPH are going to hate on him for taking the moral high ground. I know its hard for you to understand while you are throwing trash in someones yard, but some of us out there still believe in treating people with respect.....even Bosko! But I'll give your post a TEN!!!

Thanks Moxy! Youre a good guy. Lets not forget what Stef went through. He almost missed out on playing college ball! I would have loved it, if he had stayed and worked the steel mills with me though!

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